Introduction: After the successful eradication of the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in cattle in Austria, the risk of infections with the border disease virus (BDV) remains. Both viruses belong to the pestivirus genus. BDV infections lead to false-positive results in BVDV surveillance. This can be attributed to the contact to small ruminant populations. In particular, keeping cattle together with sheep or goats on a farm or alpine pasture are significant risk factors. Between 2015 and 2022, BDV type 3 was detected in 15 cattles in Austria. These animals were almost exclusively persistently infected calves. However, a positive antibody result for pestiviruses can lead to an extremely time-consuming and costly, and not always successful search for the source of the infection if no active virus excretor is found. This study documents how small ruminants can be integrated into pestivirus monitoring with a manageable amount of work and costs. 23 406 sheep and goat samples from two brucellosis surveillance programs in small ruminants were analyzed retrospectively. Blood samples were examined using pestivirus real-time pool RT-PCR (qPCR). Direct virus detection of BDV-3 was achieved in 40 sheep from five different federal states. Over the entire investigation period a further 37 detections of BDV-3 were found in cattle, sheep and goats outside of this study throughout Austria. This study accounts for 52 % of all border disease detections from 2015 to 2022. By including small ruminants in pestivirus monitoring, the disruptive factor BDV and the risk of its introduction into cattle herds can be significantly minimized in the future.
Introduction: Choanal atresia is a rare congenital anomaly in humans and animals, characterized by the absence of communication of one or both nasal cavities with the nasopharynx. The severity of clinical signs depends on the presence of unilateral versus bilateral stenosis as well as comorbidities. With bilateral atresia, respiration may be severely compromised particularly during sleep, as airflow can only occur when breathing through the open mouth. Various therapeutic modalities have been described in people and adopted for animals. All treatments may be associated with complications, the most important being post-therapeutic scar formation with re-stenosis. This report describes a 10-month-old British Shorthair cat with chronic unilateral serosal nasal discharge that changed to mucopurulent discharge. When acute neurological signs developed, the cat was presented to the veterinary hospital. A diagnosis of primary, membranous right sided choanal atresia was achieved via computed tomography (CT) and nasopharyngeal (posterior) rhinoscopy. Secondary changes included destructive rhinitis with progression to the CNS with a subdural empyema and meningoencephalitis. Retinal changes and aspiration bronchopneumonia were suspected additional complications. After recovery from the secondary infections, the membranous obstruction was perforated and dilated using a valvuloplasty balloon by an orthograde transnasal approach under endoscopic guidance from a retroflexed nasopharyngeal view. To prevent re-stenosis, a foley catheter was placed as a transient stent for 6 days. The cat recovered uneventfully and was asymptomatic after the stent removal. Endoscopic re-examination after 5 months confirmed a persistent opening and patency of the generated right choanal passage. The cat remains asymptomatic 10 months after the procedure. Transnasal endoscopic balloon dilation and transient stenting of choanal atresia is a minimally invasive and relatively simple procedure with potentially sustained success.
Introduction: Diseases of the digits often occur in cattle on larger cattle mountain pastures. In the late spring 2020, at the time of the ascent of 1554 cattle to 11 high altitude alpine pastures in the Lower Engadine region, lesions in the area of the digits were clinically assessed and documented. 254 cattle were of non-cantonal and 1300 of local origin (Lower Engadine; postal code CH-75XX). Skin lesions in the area of the digits, identified as digital dermatitis (DD; Mortellaro's disease), were further classified according to the DD scoring system. Nonspecific skin lesions with clinical evidence of granulation tissue formation were termed chronic penetrating skin lesions (CPSL). At the end of the alpine pasturing season, in the early fall (descent of cattle from the alpine pastures), the procedure was repeated, and biopsies were taken from randomly selected cattle with CPSL. Digital dermatitis lesions were found in 34 of 1551 cattle at ascent, but no case of CPSL was found at that time. At descent, 19 of 1529 cattle had DD lesions and 88 cattle had CPSL. The clinical appearance of the CPSL was consistent with chronic skin lesions caused by penetrating skin lacerations. Histologically, the majority of the CPSL were classified as chronic hyperplastic dermatitis with granulation tissue formation. In all CPSL biopsies examined by PCR, Fusobacterium necrophorum and Porphyromonas levii, but neither Dichelobacter nodosus nor the tested Treponema species were detected. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed a negative result for Treponema species in all biopsies. In the regression analysis, cattle in the age group of 365 to 730 days had an increased risk for the presence of CPSL compared to the age group of 160 to 365 days (odds ratio (OR) = 4,95; confidence interval (CI) = 1,97-12,43). Holstein cattle had an increased risk of developing CPSL compared to Brown cattle (OR = 2,92; CI = 1,46-5,86) and cattle of non-cantonal origin showed a massively higher risk compared to local cattle (OR = 10,59; CI = 5,79 - 19,37). The statistically significant associations found in the present study can be taken into account in the selection of animals for summer pasturing on high altitudes in the future in order to reduce the prevalence of CPSL and consequently reduce the antimicrobial use. Spread of DD during the alpine pasturing season within the cattle groups examined was not found.
Introduction: A large variety of pet feeds is commercially available for pet herbivores; these feeds may differ in nutrient composition from the natural diet, and may trigger different feeding behaviours than observed in natural habitats. Here, we surveyed literature on the natural diet and activity budget of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus), chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) and degus (Octodon degus), as well as 260 compound feeds commercially available for these species between 1982 and 2020. The species are classified as herbivores, with available data on natural diets suggesting a crude fibre (CF) level of approximately 250 g/kg dry matter (DM), natural feeding activity at a magnitude of 4-7 h per day, with distinctively shorter feeding when fed on compound pet feeds. Only for a minority of feeds did the first 5 listed ingredients not include a starchy ingredient, or only ingredients not considered suitable for human consumption. The percentage of feeds whose CF level was less than 150 g/kg DM was 22 % for production rabbits, 18 % for pet rabbits, 26 % for guinea pigs, 18 % for chinchillas and 14 % for degus; in other words, a majority of currently marketed products have CF levels in accord with published recommendations, even if that means a discrepancy to natural diets. Screening the producers' feeding instructions suggests they should generally not be followed uncritically. No temporal trends in the CF levels of these diets was evident. There is no consensus whether only products resembling natural diet items should be included in pet feeds, or whether vegetable byproducts not edible by humans should also be included. The observed practice of pet feed composition largely did not follow either concept, questioning the general rationale of pet feed composition. Whole forage like hay is recommended as the main diet component for these species, and 76 % of pet feed products noted that hay should be fed in the feeding instructions.
Introduction: SCC (squamous cell carinomas) are among the most common eye neoplasms in horses. In recent studies Haflinger horses with a homozygous genotype for a missense variant in the DDB2 gene (damage specific DNA binding protein 2) had a significant increased risk of developing ocular SCC. The aims of this study were to determine the frequency of the SCC-associated risk allele in the DDB2 gene in Swiss and Austrian Haflinger populations and to validate the previously described phenotypic correlation. For this purpose, Haflingers presented at various horse clinics in Switzerland (n = 21, including 11 SCC cases), privately kept Haflingers (n = 52, including 1 SCC case), and Haflingers from a stud farm in the Austrian Tyrol (n = 53) were recruited. The individual DDB2 genotype of the animals was determined using a polymerase chain ceaction (PCR) test using hair follicle or whole blood samples. Of the 12 horses suffering from SCC, nine had ocular SCC and three had non-ocular SCC. Six of the nine Haflingers with ocular SCC and one of the three Haflingers with non-ocular SCC were homozygous for the DDB2 variant. Of the 113 clinically normal animals, 7/113 were homozygous (6 %) and 42/113 were heterozygous (37 %), which corresponds to an allele frequency of 24,8 % in the control cohort. The risk of ocular SCC occurring in Haflingers is significantly increased with the homozygous DDB2 genotype. However, not all animals with SCC carry this gene variant and not all DDB2 homozygous animals develop SCC, which can be explained by the multifactorial genesis of the disease. Due to the high frequency of the undesirable allele, we recommend taking the individual DDB2 genotype of breeding animals into account in order to avoid homozygous offspring with a greatly increased SCC risk by excluding high-risk matings.
Introduction: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of parentage verification in Arabian and Thoroughbred horses in Türkiye using microsatellite markers. A total of 813 Arabian and 959 Thoroughbred horses were genotyped using a total of 17 microsatellite markers. The mean effective number of alleles was 3,34 and the mean number of alleles was 7,41 in Arabian horses. It was calculated that the mean He and Ho values in Arabian horses were 0,677 and 0,680, respectively. The mean effective number of alleles was 3,55 and the mean number of alleles was 6,59 in Thoroughbred horses. It was calculated that the mean Ho and He values in Thoroughbred horses were 0,697 and 0,684, respectively. When the studied Arabian and Thoroughbred horse populations are considered as a single population, the mean FIT, FST and FIS values were found to be 0,063, 0,074 and, - 0,011, respectively. Also, 4 loci in Arabian horses and 3 loci in Thoroughbred horses significantly deviated from HWE. The mean PIC value was 0,63 in Arabian horses and 0,64 in Thoroughbred horses. As a result; the microsatellites including the most informative 15 and 9 loci had a total value of > 0,9999 (11 and 7 loci > 0,999) in each population for PE - 1 and PE - 3, respectively. It has been concluded that parentage verification and genetic identification can be made successfully in the Arabian and Thoroughbred horse populations by using the microsatellite markers panel.