Objectives: We aimed to determine whether inflammatory indexes (II), including the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), the C-reactive protein (CRP) to albumin ratio (CAR), the CRP-lymphocyte ratio (CLR), and the systemic immune-inflammation index (SIII) can be diagnostic for common bile duct stones (CBDSs) excretion before endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).
Backgrounds: Because of the spontaneous clearance, it is mandatory to ascertain the presence of CBDSs before ERCP.
Methods: Retrospectively, we evaluated two groups. Group A included 96 records in which CBDSs existed in magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and ERCP. Group B included 36 records in which CBDSs existed in MRCP but not ERCP. IIs were calculated on presentation and before ERCP.
Results: Stone detection in ERCP had a 3.992-fold (95% 1.769-9.007) higher probability with a stone larger than 3.25 mm in MRCP. Before ERCP, CAR, and CLR values were higher in group A than in group B (3.88 [1.25-14.14] and 1.24 [0.50-9.66], p = 0.027 versus 8.79 [2.19-35] and 2.67 [1.02-20.05], p = 0.029, respectively). Higher CRP, CAR, and CLR values were considered significant for detecting a stone in ERCP (AUC: 0.627 [0.519-0.739], 0.625 [0.513-0.737], and 0.624 [0.514-0.734], respectively).
Conclusion: Low CRP, CAR, and CLR values might associate with the spontaneous migration of CBDS.