Background: Patients who undergo treatment for hematologic malignancies may experience a decline in sexual health, alterations in sexual functioning, and reproductive capacity during survivorship.
Aim: This study investigated the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and factors influencing sexual activity and functioning in patients with hematologic malignancies, to identify potential targets for interventions in clinical practice.
Methods: This nationwide cross-sectional study included adult patients diagnosed with a hematologic malignant disease in Denmark in the period from January 20, 2013, to August 20, 2022. Eligible participants received electronic questionnaires through their officially assigned digital mailbox.
Outcomes: Outcomes included the Female Sexual Function Index, International Index of Erectile Function, Female Sexual Distress Scale-Revised, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Sexual Health, and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire.
Results: A total of 362 patients, on average 5.7 ± 3.4 years postdiagnosis, completed the questionnaires. Of these, 52.5% women and 73.2% men reported sexual dysfunction, with more women (40.9%) than men (34.1%) being sexually inactive. Across gender, this was significantly more prevalent in patients >65 years of age and in those with a low quality of life. In addition, for women a significant association with fatigue and sleep difficulties was observed. In total, 40.3% reported sexual-related personal distress, with the highest proportion among patients 40 to 65 years of age. Most patients (98.7%) with sexual dysfunction had not discussed sexual issues with their healthcare professional.
Clinical implications: It is hoped that knowledge from this study will help healthcare professionals in clinical practice and encourage them to proactively address and discuss sexual health issues with their patients, irrespective of age.
Strengths and limitations: Sexually inactive participants may reduce the overall score of sexual function in the scoring of both the Female Sexual Function Index and International Index of Erectile Function. We therefore analyzed sexual function in a subgroup analysis in only those being sexually active to emphasize that level of dysfunction persists in sexually active participants.
Conclusion: Patients report a high prevalence of sexual dysfunction, sexual distress, and gender-specific sexual symptoms following diagnosis and treatment of a malignant hematologic disease, impacting their quality of life.Sexual Health in Patients With Hematologic Malignancies; NCT05222282;
Introduction: Despite direct access to clinicians through the electronic health record, patients are increasingly turning to the internet for information related to their health, especially with sensitive urologic conditions such as Peyronie's disease (PD). Large language model (LLM) chatbots are a form of artificial intelligence that rely on user prompts to mimic conversation, and they have shown remarkable capabilities. The conversational nature of these chatbots has the potential to answer patient questions related to PD; however, the accuracy, comprehensiveness, and readability of these LLMs related to PD remain unknown.
Aims: To assess the quality and readability of information generated from 4 LLMs with searches related to PD; to see if users could improve responses; and to assess the accuracy, completeness, and readability of responses to artificial preoperative patient questions sent through the electronic health record prior to undergoing PD surgery.
Methods: The National Institutes of Health's frequently asked questions related to PD were entered into 4 LLMs, unprompted and prompted. The responses were evaluated for overall quality by the previously validated DISCERN questionnaire. Accuracy and completeness of LLM responses to 11 presurgical patient messages were evaluated with previously accepted Likert scales. All evaluations were performed by 3 independent reviewers in October 2023, and all reviews were repeated in April 2024. Descriptive statistics and analysis were performed.
Results: Without prompting, the quality of information was moderate across all LLMs but improved to high quality with prompting. LLMs were accurate and complete, with an average score of 5.5 of 6.0 (SD, 0.8) and 2.8 of 3.0 (SD, 0.4), respectively. The average Flesch-Kincaid reading level was grade 12.9 (SD, 2.1). Chatbots were unable to communicate at a grade 8 reading level when prompted, and their citations were appropriate only 42.5% of the time.
Conclusion: LLMs may become a valuable tool for patient education for PD, but they currently rely on clinical context and appropriate prompting by humans to be useful. Unfortunately, their prerequisite reading level remains higher than that of the average patient, and their citations cannot be trusted. However, given their increasing uptake and accessibility, patients and physicians should be educated on how to interact with these LLMs to elicit the most appropriate responses. In the future, LLMs may reduce burnout by helping physicians respond to patient messages.
Background: Research indicates an inconsistent relationship between age and the prevalence of premature ejaculation (PE), with studies reporting an increase, decrease, or no change with age.
Aim: To reexamine the possible relationship between age and PE prevalence, implementing methodological improvements that enhance the likelihood of detecting real effects.
Methods: From a sample of 2772 men, we analyzed a subset of 418 classified as having probable or definite PE based on the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool. We not only analyzed men with lifelong PE (LPE; n = 316) and acquired PE (APE; n = 102) separately but assessed prevalence differences across age groups using an omnibus measure to establish PE status and specific PE diagnostic criteria, individually and in multifactorial combination.
Outcome: Prevalence of PE in younger vs older men.
Results: LPE, but not APE, showed age-related differences in prevalence, with LPE being lower in the higher age group. This pattern was most discernible when a multifactorial approach was used to establish PE status.
Clinical translation: Older men may be less distressed about their dysfunction or may benefit from diminishing ejaculatory function with age.
Strengths and limitations: This cross-sectional study used an improved methodology to detect age-related differences in PE prevalence. Future studies would benefit from a larger sample size that enables a breakdown of prevalence using a greater number of age categories.
Conclusion: According to an improved methodology, men with LPE showed a decline in prevalence with aging. A methodology aimed at exploring this relationship should-at the very least-not only distinguish between LPE and APE subtypes but also consider using a multifactorial method of determining PE status that includes a measure of bother/distress.
Background: Premature ejaculation (PE) is linked with abnormal brain activity that is modifiable by electroacupuncture (EA).
Aim: In this study we aimed to explore the central pathological mechanism underlying EA in treating PE.
Methods: Six-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into a PE group (n = 8) and a control group (n = 8) according to ejaculatory frequency during copulatory behavior. All rats underwent EA at the Zusanli acupoint (ST-36) for 4 weeks. Magnetic resonance imaging data were collected before and after EA.
Outcomes: The behavioral parameters, plasma norepinephrine levels, fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuation (fALFF), and regional homogeneity (ReHo) were evaluated.
Results: The PE group ejaculated more times with shorter latency compared with controls. After EA, the ejaculation frequency of the PE group decreased, and the ejaculation latency period increased, with no changes observed in the control group. Norepinephrine levels were higher in the PE group than in the controls and were positively correlated with ejaculation frequency and negatively correlated with ejaculation latency. The PE group showed lower fALFF in the right striatum and higher ReHo in the brainstem compared with controls. After EA, controls showed decreased fALFF in the right striatum, left olfactory bulb, and dorsal fornix and increased ReHo in the right interpeduncular nucleus, as well as decreased ReHo in the left striatum, prelimbic system, right basal forebrain region, septal region, and olfactory bulb, while the model group exhibited increased fALFF in the right hypothalamic region, decreased fALFF in the left globus pallidum and right basal forebrain region and increased ReHo in the right interpeduncular nucleus, as well as decreased ReHo in the left striatum, olfactory bulb, basal forebrain region, dentate gyrus, right dysgranular insular cortex, and striatum. Compared with the controls after EA, the model group showed increased ReHo of the right hypothalamic region and decreased ReHo of the right dysgranular insular cortex.
Clinical implications: These findings might enhance the understanding of PE and contribute to new, targeted therapies for PE.
Strengths and limitations: The therapeutic effects might be achieved by EA inhibiting the activity in brain regions involved in ejaculatory behavior. However, the curative effect of acupuncture might be underestimated due to some curative effects of sham acupuncture used in the control group.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the ejaculatory frequency of rats may be reduced and ejaculation latency could be extended by EA at ST-36, which might be achieved by the effects of this treatment on brain activity.
Background: Gender-affirming bilateral orchiectomy (GABO) may be completed as either a standalone procedure (sGABO) or at the same time as gender-affirming vaginoplasty (vGABO). GABO is postulated to decrease gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) dosages and reduce gender dysphoria, but these phenomena are not empirically described in the medical literature.
Aim: The primary aim of this study was to describe changes in GAHT dosages after sGABO and vGABO. A secondary aim was to assess sGABO patients' preoperative decision-making priorities and postoperative satisfaction.
Methods: A retrospective chart review identified 204 patients who completed GABO as either a standalone procedure (64% of patients) or at the same time as vaginoplasty (36%). Patient demographic data, surgical outcomes, and pre- and postoperative GAHT dosage data were recorded. Patients completed an opinion questionnaire to assessed decision-making priorities, as well as postoperative satisfaction and changes in quality-of-life measures.
Outcomes: Primary outcomes included pre- and postoperative dosages of estradiol, progesterone, and spironolactone. Secondary outcomes included sGABO patient priorities, satisfaction with sGABO, changes in quality-of-life measures between sGABO and vGABO patients, and sGABO recommendations to future patients.
Results: The sGABO and vGABO patients experienced a statistically significant dosage reduction in all three GAHT assessed: estradiol, progesterone, and spironolactone (P < .05). All patients discontinued spironolactone postoperatively. Zero complications related to GABO were recorded for patients in either group. The patient questionnaire revealed that sGABO patients prioritize decreasing endogenous testosterone and reducing their GAHT as most important in their decision to undergo sGABO prior to vaginoplasty. A majority of sGABO patients reported improvement in all nine quality-of-life indices. None of the sGABO patients would recommend against sGABO to a friend who is waiting for vaginoplasty.
Clinical implications: For patients who are interested in vaginoplasty, sGABO may serve as a more immediate, low-risk, intermediary step that comes with the benefits of GABO, including significant GAHT medication reduction and gender dysphoria relief.
Strengths and limitations: This study offers a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of GABO on patients, combining empirical data with subjective patient feedback. Limitations include the retrospective design and the use of unvalidated survey questions.
Conclusion: Prevaginoplasty GABO is a viable option to more immediately alleviate gender dysphoria and reduce GAHT medications for patients who are interested in gender-affirming vaginoplasty.