In this work, the Theory of Plastic Mechanism Control (TPMC) is combined with a probabilistic method to account for the influence of random material variability. Reference is made to steel Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) equipped with FREEDAM connections. FREEDAM connections are beam-to-column connections equipped with friction dampers to dissipate the seismic input energy. TPMC is used to guarantee that in case of destructive seismic events the structural members such as beams and columns remain undamaged. To this scope, the structure is designed to assure a collapse mechanism characterized by the activation of all the friction dampers of the beam ends and the formation of plastic hinges at the base of the first storey columns only. From the probabilistic point of view, the random uncertainties are given by the static friction coefficient of the contact surfaces and the preloading of the bolts of the friction dampers as well as the yielding resistance of the steel members. The failure domain is related to all the possible failure events, where the term “failure” concerns the development of an undesired mechanism different from the global one. Generally, the design conditions to prevent undesired collapse mechanisms are stochastic events within the framework of the kinematic theorem of plastic collapse. The limit state function corresponding to each event can be represented by a hyperplane in the space of random variables. Consequently, the failure domain is a surface resulting from the intersection of the hyperplanes corresponding to the limit states of each single failure event. Since dissipative zones (member ends or friction dampers) in the frame members are common to many different mechanisms, the single limit state functions are correlated. Therefore, the probability of failure can be evaluated by means of the Bimodal or Ditlevsen bounds by assuming that the failure events are located in series. The output of the work is a simple relationship which provides the overstrength factor of FREEDAM connections to be considered in the column design phase to account for random material variability thus assuring a given level of reliability in the application of TPMC.