Biomechanical and orthopaedic studies frequently encounter complex datasets that encompass both circular and linear variables. In most cases (i) the circular and linear variables are considered in isolation with dependency between variables neglected and (ii) the cyclicity of the circular variables is disregarded resulting in erroneous decision making. Given the inherent characteristics of circular variables, it is imperative to adopt methods that integrate directional statistics to achieve precise modelling. This paper is motivated by the modelling of biomechanical data, that is, the fracture displacements, that is used as a measure in external fixator comparisons. We focus on a dataset, based on an Ilizarov ring fixator, comprising of six variables. A modelling framework applicable to the six-dimensional joint distribution of circular-linear data based on vine copulas is proposed. The pair-copula decomposition concept of vine copulas represents the dependence structure as a combination of circular-linear, circular-circular and linear-linear pairs modelled by their respective copulas. This framework allows us to assess the dependencies in the joint distribution as well as account for the cyclicity of the circular variables. Thus, a new approach for accurate modelling of mechanical behaviour for Ilizarov ring fixators and other data of this nature is imparted.
measures of biomarker accuracy that employ the receiver operating characteristic surface have been proposed for biomarkers that classify patients into one of three groups: healthy, benign, or aggressive disease. The volume under the receiver operating characteristic surface summarizes the overall discriminatory ability of a biomarker in such configurations, but includes cutoffs associated with clinically irrelevant true classification rates. Due to the lethal nature of pancreatic cancer, cutoffs associated with a low true classification rate for identifying patients with pancreatic cancer may be undesirable and not appropriate for use in a clinical setting. In this project, we study the properties of a more focused criterion, the partial volume under the receiver operating characteristic surface, that summarizes the diagnostic accuracy of a marker in the three-class setting for regions restricted to only those of clinical interest. We propose methods for estimation and inference on the partial volume under the receiver operating characteristic surface under parametric and non-parametric frameworks and apply these methods to the evaluation of potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Multivariate disease mapping is important for public health research, as it provides insights into spatial patterns of health outcomes. Geostatistical methods that are widely used for mapping spatially correlated health data encounter challenges when dealing with spatial count data. These include heterogeneity, zero-inflated distributions and unreliable estimation, and lead to difficulties when estimating spatial dependence and poor predictions. Variability in population sizes further complicates risk estimation from the counts. This study introduces multivariate Poisson cokriging for predicting and filtering out disease risk. Pairwise correlations between the target variable and multiple ancillary variables are included. By means of a simulation experiment and an application to human immunodeficiency virus incidence and sexually transmitted diseases data in Pennsylvania, we demonstrate accurate disease risk estimation that captures fine-scale variation. This method is compared with ordinary Poisson kriging in prediction and smoothing. Results of the simulation study show a reduction in the mean square prediction error when utilizing auxiliary correlated variables, with mean square prediction error values decreasing by up to 50%. This gain is further evident in the real data analysis, where Poisson cokriging yields a 74% drop in mean square prediction error relative to Poisson kriging, underscoring the value of incorporating secondary information. The findings of this work stress on the potential of Poisson cokriging in disease mapping and surveillance, offering richer risk predictions, better representation of spatial interdependencies, and identification of high-risk and low-risk areas.
The closure principle is a powerful approach to constructing efficient testing procedures controlling the familywise error rate in the strong sense. For small numbers of hypotheses and the setting of independent elementary -values we consider closed tests where each intersection hypothesis is tested with a -value combination test. Examples of such combination tests are the Fisher combination test, the Stouffer test, the Omnibus test, the truncated test, or the Wilson test. Some of these tests, such as the Fisher combination, the Stouffer, or the Omnibus test, are not consonant and rejection of the global null hypothesis does not always lead to rejection of at least one elementary null hypothesis. We develop a general principle to uniformly improve closed tests based on -value combination tests by modifying the rejection regions such that the new procedure becomes consonant. For the Fisher combination test and the Stouffer test, we show by simulations that this improvement can lead to a substantial increase in power.
The case-cohort design is a commonly used cost-effective sampling strategy for large cohort studies, where some covariates are expensive to measure or obtain. In this paper, we consider regression analysis under a case-cohort study with interval-censored failure time data, where the failure time is only known to fall within an interval instead of being exactly observed. A common approach to analyzing data from a case-cohort study is the inverse probability weighting approach, where only subjects in the case-cohort sample are used in estimation, and the subjects are weighted based on the probability of inclusion into the case-cohort sample. This approach, though consistent, is generally inefficient as it does not incorporate information outside the case-cohort sample. To improve efficiency, we first develop a sieve maximum weighted likelihood estimator under the Cox model based on the case-cohort sample and then propose a procedure to update this estimator by using information in the full cohort. We show that the update estimator is consistent, asymptotically normal, and at least as efficient as the original estimator. The proposed method can flexibly incorporate auxiliary variables to improve estimation efficiency. A weighted bootstrap procedure is employed for variance estimation. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method works well in practical situations. An application to a Phase 3 HIV vaccine efficacy trial is provided for illustration.
It is not uncommon for a substantial proportion of patients to be cured (or survive long-term) in clinical trials with time-to-event endpoints, such as the endometrial cancer trial. When designing a clinical trial, a mixture cure model should be used to fully consider the cure fraction. Previously, mixture cure model sample size calculations were based on the proportional hazards assumption of latency distribution between groups, and the log-rank test was used for deriving sample size formulas. In real studies, the latency distributions of the two groups often do not satisfy the proportional hazards assumptions. This article has derived a sample size calculation formula for a mixture cure model with restricted mean survival time as the primary endpoint, and did simulation and example studies. The restricted mean survival time test is not subject to proportional hazards assumptions, and the difference in treatment effect obtained can be quantified as the number of years (or months) increased or decreased in survival time, making it very convenient for clinical patient-physician communication. The simulation results showed that the sample sizes estimated by the restricted mean survival time test for the mixture cure model were accurate regardless of whether the proportional hazards assumptions were satisfied and were smaller than the sample sizes estimated by the log-rank test in most cases for the scenarios in which the proportional hazards assumptions were violated.
Regression to the mean occurs when an unusual observation is followed by a more typical outcome closer to the population mean. In pre- and post-intervention studies, treatment is administered to subjects with initial measurements located in the tail of a distribution, and a paired sample -test can be utilized to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. The observed change in the pre-post means is the sum of regression to the mean and treatment effects, and ignoring regression to the mean could lead to erroneous conclusions about the effectiveness of the treatment effect. In this study, formulae for regression to the mean are derived, and maximum likelihood estimation is employed to numerically estimate the regression to the mean effect when the test statistic follows the bivariate -distribution based on a baseline criterion or a cut-off point. The pre-post degrees of freedom could be equal but also unequal such as when there is missing data. Additionally, we illustrate how regression to the mean is influenced by cut-off points, mixing angles which are related to correlation, and degrees of freedom. A simulation study is conducted to assess the statistical properties of unbiasedness, consistency, and asymptotic normality of the regression to the mean estimator. Moreover, the proposed methods are compared with an existing one assuming bivariate normality. The -values are compared when regression to the mean is either ignored or accounted for to gauge the statistical significance of the paired -test. The proposed method is applied to real data concerning schizophrenia patients, and the observed conditional mean difference called the total effect is decomposed into the regression to the mean and treatment effects.
The restricted mean survival time (RMST) is often of direct interest in clinical studies involving censored survival outcomes. It describes the area under the survival curve from time zero to a specified time point. When data are subject to length-biased sampling, as is frequently encountered in observational cohort studies, existing methods cannot estimate the RMST for various restriction times through a single model. In this article, we model the RMST as a continuous function of the restriction time under the setting of length-biased sampling. Two approaches based on estimating equations are proposed to estimate the time-varying effects of covariates. Finally, we establish the asymptotic properties for the proposed estimators. Simulation studies are performed to demonstrate the finite sample performance. Two real-data examples are analyzed by our procedures.