A 2.5-year-old female Valais black-nosed sheep was referred to the University Clinic for Ruminants at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, with a history of sudden lameness after shearing. The sheep showed a moderate mixed lameness of the right hind limb, the hip joint area was painful on palpation; the pelvic limb was presented as stretched as possible. After the clinical examination, the suspected diagnosis of a right-sided hip joint dislocation was made, which was subsequently confirmed radiologically (luxatio ossis femoris dextra to caudoventral and medial). An open, manual reposition was performed under general anesthesia. A toggle pin was used as a prosthetic ligament replacement for the femoral head ligament, further stabilization was achieved by means of an iliofemoral loop fixation within the fascia of the gluteal muscles.The movement possibilities of the sheep during the postoperative healing phase were severely restricted and 8 weeks of stall rest were ensured. The healing process was uncomplicated. Telephone enquiry 6 months following the surgical intervention revealed that the sheep was free of lameness, kept up with the herd, and displayed a normal general condition.The success of surgery and the use of the procedure in livestock practice is limited by the necessity of rapid intervention after the trauma has occurred, the willingness of the animal owner to bear the costs associated with the operation under general anesthesia as well as to ensure the long post-operative follow-up care with controlled restriction of movement.
Monitoring caprine neonates is of great importance to minimize losses of valuable offspring potential. In addition to experience and ethological knowledge, it requires clinically relevant basic values for vitality assessment. Therefore, the aim of the study was to register appropriate basic parameters in healthy caprine lambs.
Material and methods: Included in the study were 46 healthy, vital born lambs from 28 dams of the breeds White German Edel goat (WGE, n=15), Boer goat (n=7); Toggenburg goat (n=6). The three groups of subjects included 26 WGE, 9 Boer goat and 11 Toggenburg goat lambs. From birth, they were under intensive veterinary control. Vital signs respiratory rate, heart rate, and rectal temperature were measured immediately p.n.; 3rd, 12th, 24th h p.n.; 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 14th, 21st, and 28th d p.n. Furthermore, crown-rump length (CRL), birth weight, and weight development until 28th d p.n. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using BMDP/Dynamic Release 7.0 and two-factorial analysis of variance.
Results: Vital signs showed a typical course in the first 4 weeks p.n. with a significant decrease in values from the 5th d. p.n. Time as well as breed had significant influence on the development of the respective profiles (covariance analysis; p<0.001). There was a linear correlation for SSL and birth weight (y=0.0037 ×28969; r value 0.7805). Daily weight gain was independent of race and diet type. In contrast, there was a significant dependence between birth type (singleton or multiple birth) and weight gain with p<0.01 and between birth weight and sex (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The presented typical, breed-dependent postnatal changes of vital parameters in goat lambs in the period 0-28 days p.n. allow a more specific differentiation between clinically healthy and abnormal individuals in herd management using the physiological value tables. The age-correlated weight gain serves as a further evaluation parameter.
This case report describes indurative mastitis in a herd of sheep caused by Maedi Visna virus (MVV) infection. Reduced udder formation after delivery, small, indurated udders and increased losses of lambs were observed in a herd of Dorper sheep. Examination of the mammary gland and milk did not reveal findings characteristic of chronic bacterial mastitis. The protein supply was insufficient which may have contributed to reduced milk yield, but was considered unlikely as cause for the induration of the mammary gland. Nineteen of the 21 mothers were positive for MVV by serology. Mammary gland and supramammary lymph nodes were collected in a sheep with indurated udder at the time of slaughter. Meat inspection did not reveal lesions in any other organs. One part of the mammary gland showed a mild to moderate multifocal lymphohistiocytic mastitis, the other exhibited a severe diffuse lymphohistiocytic mastitis with atrophy of the glandular acini, vasculopathy, fibrosis and calcification. MVV antigen was visualized by immunohistochemistry in macrophages, dendritic cells, epithelial cells and endothelial cells in the mammary gland, and macrophages and dendritic cells in the supramammary lymph nodes. A large amount of MVV provirus was detected in the supramammary lymph nodes and the severely indurated part of the mammary gland by PCR. In conclusion, indurative mastitis as a result of a systemic infection may occur independently of the commonly known manifestations of Maedi Visna in the lung and central nervous system. MVV should be considered as differential diagnosis in mastitis of sheep. The MVV status of the herd can be tested by serological detection of specific antibodies. Additionally, characteristic histological lesions are present in the mammary gland. MVV antigen can also be detected by immunohistochemistry and MVV provirus by PCR in the altered mammary gland and regional lymph nodes.