This study determined the spectrum of deaths due to acute agrochemical poisoning in Turkey. Data was obtained from all autopsy reports performed between 1997 and 2001, compiled by the Institute of Forensic Medicine (which is a department of the Ministry of Justice), and evaluated retrospectively. There were 3990 deaths by intoxication of one form or another. Acute agrochemical/pesticide poisoning caused 843 deaths. Almost half were under 30 yo; 55% were female and 45% were male. Of 205 deaths whose manner of death was determined, 153 (75%) were suicide; the most common substance used was insecticide followed by sulfur, rodenticides, and herbicides. The pattern appeared consistent from 1997 to 2001 with no decline in the number of cases, despite the government having taken measures to educate the public and reduce pesticide use by offering alternates to control pests and insects.
A spontaneous outbreak of neurological disease in swine caused by the ingestion of Aeschynomene indica seeds and reproduction of the disease in the same specie are reported. In the natural outbreak the morbidity, mortality and lethality rates were respectively 25%-40%, 8.5%-20%, and 25%-66%. Clinical signs were variable degrees of incoordination of gait, falls, sternal recumbency with wide base stance of the hind limbs, lateral recumbency and death. For experimental reproduction of the intoxication, 5 (A-E) pigs were fed a ration containing 10% (PigA), 15% (Pig B) and 20% (Pigs C-E) of A. indica seeds. Pigs A and B were euthanatized and Pigs C-E died of acute disease respectively 16, 21 and 24 hours after the start of the experiment. Clinical signs were similar to those observed in pigs from the spontaneous outbreak. Histopathological findings in the brain of pigs fed rations with 20% A. indica seeds (C-E) were congestion, edema and hemorrhage and swollen capillary endothelia in nuclei and in the telencephalic cortex. Pigs fed 10% and 15% A. indica had histopathological changes in the brain of discrete focal symmetrical areas of malacia. These findings indicate that one or more toxic principles in A. indica seeds are responsible for this neurological condition and that clinical outcome and pathological changes are dose-dependent. The symmetrical malacic foci from the ingestion of A. indica seeds in pigs affected vestibular and cerebellar nuclei, putamen, and the mesencephalic substantia nigra, oculomotor, and red nucleus; thus, focal symmetrical encephalomalacia is suggested as a better name for the disease.
Lead poisoning is described in a herd of 120 Nelore cows of which 35 were affected. All affected cows died after a clinical course of 2-7 d with clinical signs related to cortical neurological disturbances. The source of Pb was fumes from a car battery recycling plant which has had a failure in its filtering system. Lead concentrations in liver and kidneys of 2 cows, in soil; and in grass where the cows were held were respectively 39 to 431 ppm, 147 to 431 ppm, and 245 ppm. No significant gross changes were observed. Histopathology revealed of neuronal necrosis, vacuolation of the neuropil and hypertrophy of the vascular endothelium in the cerebral cortices, degeneration of the epithelial cells of renal proximal tubules, and hemosiderosis of kidney, spleen and liver.
We investigated a cluster of canine poisonings around the 4th of July weekend in 2003 in dogs that visited a local park. Medical records review and personal interviews were performed on 17 suspect cases; 14 dogs met the case definition criteria. The 13/14 dogs were allowed off-leash at some point during their visit to the park; 7 owners noted their dog had either eaten something at the park or vomited up meat-like material within 1 h after their walk. Eleven of the 14 dogs died or were euthanized. Urine samples from 4 dogs were positive for trace amounts of paraquat and 1 vomitus sample tested positive. Tachypnea was a significant risk factor for death of the dogs. Oral or gastrointestinal ulcers were significantly correlated with recovery.
Ingestion of foods containing the sweetener xylitol by dogs results in a significant, and often sustained, insulin-mediated hypoglycemic crisis. The efficacy of activated charcoal for gastrointestinal decontamination following xylitol ingestion is unknown. This screening study examined the effect of pH and incubation time on the in vitro binding of xylitol to activated charcoal. The mean percentage activated charcoal binding ranged between 8 and 23%. Mean percentage binding of xylitol at pH 3 was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the binding of xylitol at pH 1 or pH 5 following 40 or 60 min of incubation with an aQueous 200 g/L activated charcoal slurry. These results suggest binding of xylitol to activated charcoal is relatively low; however, activated charcoal administration may still be beneficial in some canine acute oral xylitol exposures.
Solid sodium hydroxide compounds are used to unclog drains. In Turkey, these agents are easily available and commonly used by housewives. They are sold in weak bags and usually stored within these bags. We present the case of an elderly woman with dementia who developed severe alkaline tongue burn and edema after unintentional short contact with solid sodium hydroxide drain cleaner. Official legislation for safety packing in Turkey will lead to reduction in the incidence of accidental caustic injuries.
Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is widey used as a sexual enhancement drug, a euphoriant, muscle building agent, a sleep aid, a weight loss agent, and as a date rapeagent. Precursor ingredients such as gammabutyrolactone (GBL) and GHB recipes are available, especially via the Internet. This is a report of an organic inkjet cleaner containing a GHB precursor 1,4-butanediol and butylenegycol. A 26-y-o male fell unconscious during work being unresponsive, with constricted pupils, and convulsing, he did not respond to naloxone. A bottle labeled "Hurricane" was found in his pocket. Five h later the patient awoke and was subsequently discharged with all vitals normal. The patient had recently purchased "Hurricane" as a sleep aid and to treat his panic attacks. It is an organic product with active ingredients similar to ink jet cleaner, the key ingredient being 1,4butanediol, which is metabolized to GHB. In spite of legislative changes restricting GHB, the precursors remain available and continue a public health threat.