The authors carried out a prophylactic examination of 1274 workers of industrial enterprises by skilled specialists. It was established that 69.2% of the examined could not name any risk factor of chronic non-infectious diseases, 53% required medical treatment. The diagnosis made by shop physicians did not coincide with the diagnosis made during the prophylactic examination in 33% of patients. It is necessary to increase the level of hygienic knowledge of workers as well as the quality of shop physicians.
A study is presented of the activity of superoxidedismutase and catalase in the brain and liver in the dynamics of mild head injury in experiments on rabbits. It was established that the activity of catalase in the brain show a three-times reduction within 15 minutes after the injury. The catalase activity in the liver remains practically unchanged. The activity of superoxidedismutase in the liver in the posttraumatic period does not differ from control values. In the brain superoxidedismutase activity reduces by 38% only on the 7 and 14 days after injury.
With the purpose of preventing the development of acute clinical ischemic lesions of the myocardium, and their further progression, regression of coronary atherosclerosis the authors followed up for more than one year 250 patients with unstable stenocardia and singled out two groups of these patients, each group having important differences as to coronary reserve, functional state of the myocardium, lipid spectrum, dynamics of vasoactive substances, immunological reactivity, thrombocytic activity. Early detection of groups with an unfavourable course of IHD in patients with unstable stenocardia will allow to optimize treatment and avoid development of acute coronary catastrophies.
An analysis was made of some immunological indices in patients with podagra. It was established that women showed a more pronounced reduction of T-lymphocytes in the peripheral blood and their functional activity in tests with phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin as well as a deficit of B-lymphocytes, hyperproduction of C-immunoglobulin and antibodies to DNA in the blood serum. Males showed an increased level of B-lymphocytes. M-immunoglobulin and antirenal antibody titers. The concentration of circulating immune complexes in the blood rose equally independent of age.