Abstract: This job payment information system is designed to improve the document creation system and payment archive management in the finance department of the public works and spatial planning department of the Aru Regency which still does not have a soft archive or E-Archive. This application processes data related to capital expenditures such as 3rd party data, official work packages, while the output is several payment documents, namely Payment Orders (SPM), Payment Payment Certificates (SPP), payment receipts and monthly payment realization reports. The method used in the design is the waterfall method,
Keywords: Information System, Contract Payment, PUPR Service, Spm
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to improve the Learning Achievement of Photo and Video Composition (Type of Shot) students of class XI Production and Broadcast Television Program (PSPT) SMK Negeri 1 Bangil, peer tutoring learning methods and assisted by YouTube as a learning medium with 32 students as the
subject. .
This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles with the stages (1) initial design, (2) observation, (3) reflection, and (4) revised design. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that there is an increase in learning achievement of the Composition of Photos and Videos (Type of Shot) with peer tutoring and assisted by YouTube as a learning medium, namely in cycle I with an average of 68.91 and students. 22 students (68.76%) experienced mastery learning with a value> 70. Whereas in cycle II with an average of 82.97 and students who complete learning as many as 28 students (87.50%), thus the peer tutoring method and assisted by YouTube as a learning medium can improve the learning achievement of Photo and Video Composition ( Type of Shot) students of class XI Production and Broadcast Television Program (PSPT) SMK Negeri 1 Bangil and can be used in other schools on different subjects.
Keywords: Youtube, Peer Tutoring, Photo and Video Composition ( Type of Shot)