Context: Concussions are the most common type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and can often occur in athletes. These injuries have many deleterious acute symptoms and can lead to the development of postconcussive syndrome (PCS). Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) is a treatment option that may benefit patients with concussions and PCS.
Objectives: The objective of this review is to determine whether OMT can improve symptoms associated with concussions and PCS in athletes.
Methods: A comprehensive literature review was conducted between August 2021 and March 2022 by two authors (Z.K.L. and K.D.T.) who searched the literature utilizing PubMed, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Library. Articles reviewed included case reports, case studies, randomized control trials, meta-analyses, and peer-reviewed journal articles. Search terms included concussion, postconcussive symptoms, osteopathic manipulative medicine, and manipulation. To be included into this study, articles must have included OMT from an osteopathic physician or manipulative techniques by nonosteopathic providers for patients with a concussion or PCS, and the insulting injury must have occurred in an athletic setting. No disagreements occurred between authors about what studies to include. However, we were prepared to come to a unanimous decision through discussion among the authors. A narrative synthesis was performed. No other data analyses were conducted in this study.
Results: Included in this review were nine articles including randomized control trials, retrospective review, case series, longitudinal, retrospective studies, and case reports. The literature shows the positive effects of OMT and manipulative techniques on symptom resolution after a concussion. However, most of the literature is qualitative rather than quantitative in nature, lacking in randomized control trials.
Conclusions: There is a scarcity of high-quality studies evaluating the effectiveness of OMT on concussions and PCS. More research is needed to understand the degree of benefit for this treatment option.
Context: The acquisition of clinical skills is an essential part of the osteopathic medical school curriculum. Preclinical medical students, especially at osteopathic medical schools, have limited exposure to abnormal physical examination (PE) findings that are not typically seen in a student's peers or in a standardized patient (SP). The early exposure of first-year medical students (MS1s) to normal and abnormal findings in the simulation settings better equips them to identify abnormalities when they encounter them in a clinical setting.
Objectives: The aim of this project was to develop and implement the introductory course on learning abnormal PE signs and pathophysiology of abnormal clinical findings to address the educational needs of MS1s.
Methods: The didactic part of the course consisted of PowerPoint presentations and lecture on the topics related to the simulation. The practical skill session was 60 min, during which time students first practiced PE signs and then were assessed on their ability to accurately identify abnormal PE signs on a high-fidelity (HF) mannequin. Faculty instructors guided students through clinical cases and challenged them with probing questions in clinically relevant content. Before- and after-simulation evaluations were created to assess students' skills and confidence. Student satisfaction levels after the training course were also assessed.
Results: This study demonstrated significant improvements in five PE skills (p<0.0001) after the introductory course of abnormal PE clinical signs. The average score for five clinical skills increased from 63.1 to 88.74% (before to after simulation). The confidence of students in performing clinical skills and their understanding of the pathophysiology of abnormal clinical findings also increased significantly (p<0.0001) after simulation activity and educational instruction. The average confidence score increased from 3.3 to 4.5% (before to after simulation) on a 5-point Likert scale. Survey results demonstrated high satisfaction with the course among learners with mean satisfaction score 4.7 ± 0.4 on 5-point Likert scale. The introductory course was well received by MS1s and they left positive feedback.
Conclusions: This introductory course offered MS1s with novice PE skills the ability to learn a variety of abnormal PE signs, including heart murmurs and rhythms, lung sounds, measurement of blood pressure (BP), and palpation of the femoral pulse. This course also allowed abnormal PE findings to be taught in a time-efficient and faculty-resource-efficient manner.
Context: In recent years, patient-centered healthcare has become a primary concern for researchers and healthcare professionals. When included in randomized controlled trials (RCTs), patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures serve a critical role in supplementing efficacy outcomes with a patient perspective.
Objectives: The goals of this study are to evaluate the reporting completeness of PROs within literature concerning carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) utilizing the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials Patient-Reported Outcomes (CONSORT-PRO) extension.
Methods: We searched MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) for published RCTs relating to CTS with at least one PRO measure from 2006 to 2020. Two investigators screened all RCTs for inclusion utilizing Rayyan (, a systematic review screening platform. In an independent, masked fashion, investigators then evaluated all RCTs utilizing the CONSORT-PRO adaptation and Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias (RoB) 2.0 tool. Bivariate regression analyses were utilized to assess relationships between trial characteristics and completeness of reporting.
Results: Our search returned 374 publications, yet only 31 unique RCTs met the inclusion criteria. The mean overall percent of adherence for CONSORT-PRO was 41%. Our secondary outcome-assessing study characteristics-indicated significantly higher completeness of reporting in the absence of a conflict of interest statement (p<0.05), 'some concerns' for bias (p<0.005), and when journals required the use of the CONSORT statement (p<0.005). The RoB assessment determined overall suspicion for bias among included RCTs, with 35% (n=11/31) being labeled as 'high,' 58% (n=18/31) as 'some concerns,' and 7% (n=2/31) as 'low.'
Conclusions: Our study indicated that the completeness of CONSORT-PRO reporting was deficient within CTS trials. Because of the importance placed on PROs in clinical practice, we recommend adherence to CONSORT-PRO prior to publication of RCTs to increase the understanding of various interventions on patients' quality of life (QoL).
Context: Some racial and ethnic groups are underrepresented in the medical field because they face unique barriers to admission to medical school. One admission requirement that can present a barrier for applicants is the physician letter of recommendation (PLOR). Undergraduate students report confusion with the application process and lack of mentorship to be two of their biggest challenges to becoming a doctor. It is especially challenging to those who already have limited access to practicing physicians. Therefore, we hypothesized that in the presence of a PLOR requirement, the diversity of students who apply and matriculate into medical school will be decreased.
Objectives: This study aims to determine if a relationship exists between a PLOR requirement for the medical school application and the proportion of underrepresented in medicine (URM) students applying and matriculating to that school.
Methods: A retrospective study was conducted utilizing data published by the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Services (AACOMAS) on the race and ethnicity of applicants and matriculants to osteopathic medical schools during the years 2009-2019. In total, 35 osteopathic schools with 44 campuses were included in the study. Schools were grouped based on whether they required a PLOR. For each group of schools, descriptive statistics were performed for the following variables: number of total applicants, class size, application rate per ethnicity, matriculation rate per ethnicity, number of applicants per ethnicity, number of matriculants per ethnicity, and percentage of student body per ethnicity. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test was utilized to detect differences between the two groups. Statistical significance was assessed at the α=0.05 level.
Results: Schools that required a PLOR showed decreases in the number of applicants across all races and ethnicities. Black students showed the greatest difference between groups and were the only ethnicity to show significant reductions across all outcomes in the presence of a PLOR requirement. On average, schools that required a PLOR have 37.3% (185 vs. 295; p<0.0001) fewer Black applicants and 51.2% (4 vs. 8.2; p<0.0001) fewer Black matriculants.
Conclusions: This study strongly suggests a relationship between requiring a PLOR's and decreasing racial and ethnic diversity in medical school matriculants, specifically the Black applicants. Based on this result, it is recommended that the requirement of a PLOR be discontinued for osteopathic medical schools.
Context: Colorectal cancer (CRC) has a high mortality rate and a large financial burden. Therefore, it is imperative to screen appropriately for this disease. By evaluating trends in different CRC screening methods and evaluating screening methods based on sex and race, improvements in screening can be made.
Objectives: By analyzing data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), our primary objective was to evaluate trends in CRC screening methods from 2018 through 2020. Our secondary objectives were to investigate deviations in screening rates by sex and race/ethnicity.
Methods: A cross-sectional design was utilized to analyze trends in CRC screening methods utilizing data from the BRFSS for the years 2018 through 2020. Sex and race were also analyzed to evaluate for deviations in screening rates.
Results: All race/ethnicity groups most often completed colonoscopies, with all but individuals identifying as Hispanic having higher than 56% completion rates. Individuals reporting as Hispanic received more blood stool tests than other races at 23.4%. Average CRC screening among all methods showed that 89.7% of individuals who reported as being White completed screening, with 91.3% of individuals reporting as Black, and 81.9% with race not listed, completed screening. Individuals identifying as Asian (74.4%), American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN [79.2%]) and Hispanic (78.1%) had lower rates of screening overall.
Conclusions: Our study found that trends in CRC screening were similar across years for individuals who reported as being White or Black. We also found that those identifying as Asian, AI/AN, Hispanic, and those whose identifying race was not listed deviated across years. These latter groups were also less likely to have received colonoscopies, the gold standard of screening. Because CRC is oftentimes a preventable disease, the importance of appropriate screening cannot be emphasized enough.