Background: There has been a rise in the popularity of ChatGPT and other chat-based artificial intelligence (AI) apps in medical education. Despite data being available from other parts of the world, there is a significant lack of information on this topic in medical education and research, particularly in Saudi Arabia.
Objective: The primary objective of the study was to examine the familiarity, usage patterns, and attitudes of Alfaisal University medical students toward ChatGPT and other chat-based AI apps in medical education.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted from October 8, 2023, through November 22, 2023. A questionnaire was distributed through social media channels to medical students at Alfaisal University who were 18 years or older. Current Alfaisal University medical students in years 1 through 6, of both genders, were exclusively targeted by the questionnaire. The study was approved by Alfaisal University Institutional Review Board. A χ2 test was conducted to assess the relationships between gender, year of study, familiarity, and reasons for usage.
Results: A total of 293 responses were received, of which 95 (32.4%) were from men and 198 (67.6%) were from women. There were 236 (80.5%) responses from preclinical students and 57 (19.5%) from clinical students, respectively. Overall, males (n=93, 97.9%) showed more familiarity with ChatGPT compared to females (n=180, 90.09%; P=.03). Additionally, males also used Google Bard and Microsoft Bing ChatGPT more than females (P<.001). Clinical-year students used ChatGPT significantly more for general writing purposes compared to preclinical students (P=.005). Additionally, 136 (46.4%) students believed that using ChatGPT and other chat-based AI apps for coursework was ethical, 86 (29.4%) were neutral, and 71 (24.2%) considered it unethical (all Ps>.05).
Conclusions: Familiarity with and usage of ChatGPT and other chat-based AI apps were common among the students of Alfaisal University. The usage patterns of these apps differ between males and females and between preclinical and clinical-year students.
Background: Concept maps are a suitable method for teaching clinical reasoning (CR). For example, in a concept map, findings, tests, differential diagnoses, and treatment options can be documented and connected to each other. When combined with virtual patients, automated feedback can be provided to the students' concept maps. However, as CR is a nonlinear process, feedback concept maps that are created together by several individuals might address this issue and cover perspectives from different health professionals.
Objective: In this study, we aimed to develop a collaborative process for creating feedback concept maps in virtual patient-based CR education.
Methods: Health professionals of different specialties, nationalities, and levels of experience in education individually created concept maps and afterward reached a consensus on them in structured workshops. Then, medical students discussed the health professionals' concept maps in focus groups. We performed a qualitative content analysis of the transcribed audio records and field notes and a descriptive comparison of the produced concept maps.
Results: A total of 14 health professionals participated in 4 workshops, each with 3-4 participants. In each workshop, they reached a consensus on 1 concept map, after discussing content and presentation, as well as rationales, and next steps. Overall, the structure of the workshops was well-received. The comparison of the produced concept maps showed that they varied widely in their scope and content. Consensus concept maps tended to contain more nodes and connections than individual ones. A total of 9 medical students participated in 2 focus groups of 4 and 5 participants. Their opinions on the concept maps' features varied widely, balancing between the wish for an in-depth explanation and the flexibility of CR.
Conclusions: Although the number of participating health professionals and students was relatively low, we were able to show that consensus workshops are a constructive method to create feedback concept maps that include different perspectives of health professionals with content that is useful to and accepted by students. Further research is needed to determine which features of feedback concept maps are most likely to improve learner outcomes and how to facilitate their construction in collaborative consensus workshops.
Intro: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a critical tool in the care of severe cardiorespiratory dysfunction. Simulation training for ECMO has become standard practice. Therefore, Keck Medicine of the University of California (USC) holds simulation-training sessions to reinforce and improve providers knowledge.
Objective: This study aimed to understand the impact of simulation training approaches on interprofessional collaboration. We believed simulation-based ECMO training would improve interprofessional collaboration through increased communication and enhance teamwork.
Methods: This was a single-center, mixed methods study of the Cardiac and Vascular Institute Intensive Care Unit at Keck Medicine of USC conducted from September 2021 to April 2023. Simulation training was offered for 1 hour monthly to the clinical team focused on the collaboration and decision-making needed to evaluate the initiation of ECMO therapy. Electronic surveys were distributed before, after, and 3 months post training. The survey evaluated teamwork and the effectiveness of training, and focus groups were held to understand social environment factors. Additionally, trainee and peer evaluation focus groups were held to understand socioenvironmental factors.
Results: In total, 37 trainees attended the training simulation from August 2021 to August 2022. Using 27 records for exploratory factor analysis, the standardized Cronbach α was 0.717. The survey results descriptively demonstrated a positive shift in teamwork ability. Qualitative themes identified improved confidence and decision-making.
Conclusions: The study design was flawed, indicating improvement opportunities for future research on simulation training in the clinical setting. The paper outlines what to avoid when designing and implementing studies that assess an educational intervention in a complex clinical setting. The hypothesis deserves further exploration and is supported by the results of this study.
Background: Despite the high prevalence of mental health problems among medical students and physicians, help-seeking remains low. Digital mental health approaches offer beneficial opportunities to increase well-being, for example, via mobile apps.
Objective: This study aimed to assess the acceptance, and its underlying predictors, of tailored e-mental health apps among medical students by focusing on stress management and the promotion of personal skills.
Methods: From November 2022 to July 2023, a cross-sectional study was conducted with 245 medical students at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Sociodemographic, mental health, and eHealth-related data were assessed. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was applied. Differences in acceptance were examined and a multiple hierarchical regression analysis was conducted.
Results: The general acceptance of tailored e-mental health apps among medical students was high (mean 3.72, SD 0.92). Students with a job besides medical school reported higher acceptance (t107.3=-2.16; P=.03; Padj=.027; Cohen d=4.13) as well as students with higher loads of anxiety symptoms (t92.4=2.36; P=.02; Padj=.03; Cohen d=0.35). The t values were estimated using a 2-tailed t test. Regression analysis revealed that acceptance was significantly predicted by anxiety symptoms (β=.11; P=.045), depressive symptoms (β=-.11; P=.05), internet anxiety (β=-.12; P=.01), digital overload (β=.1; P=.03), and the 3 UTAUT core predictors-performance expectancy (β=.24; P<.001), effort expectancy (β=.26; P<.001), and social influence (β=.43; P<.001).
Conclusions: The high acceptance of e-mental health apps among medical students and its predictors lay a valuable basis for the development and implementation of tailored e-mental health apps within medical education to foster their mental health. More research using validated measures is needed to replicate our findings and to further investigate medical students' specific needs and demands regarding the framework of tailored e-mental health apps.
Background: Although technology is rapidly advancing in immersive virtual reality (VR) simulation, there is a paucity of literature to guide its implementation into health professions education, and there are no described best practices for the development of this evolving technology.
Objective: We conducted a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with early adopters of immersive VR simulation technology to investigate utilization and motivations behind employing this technology in educational practice, and to identify the educational needs that this technology can address.
Methods: We conducted 16 interviews with VR early adopters. Data were analyzed via Directed Content Analysis through the lens of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT).
Results: The main themes that emerged included Focus on Cognitive Skills, Access to Education, Resource Investment, and Balancing Immersion. These findings help to clarify the intended role of VR simulation in health professions education. Based on our data, we synthesize a set of research questions that may help define best practices for future VR development and implementation.
Conclusions: Immersive VR simulation technology primarily serves to teach cognitive skills, to expand access to educational experiences, to act as a collaborative repository of widely relevant and diverse simulation scenarios, and to foster learning through deep immersion. By applying the UTAUT theoretical framework to the context of VR simulation, we not only collected validation evidence for this established theory, but also proposed several modifications to better explain use behavior in this specific setting.
Background: Mentoring, advising, and coaching are essential components of resident education and professional development. Despite their importance, there is limited literature exploring how anesthesiology faculty perceive these practices and their role in supporting residents.
Objective: This study aims to investigate anesthesiology faculty perspectives on the significance, implantation strategies, and challenges associated with mentorship, advising, and coaching in resident education.
Methods: A comprehensive survey was administrated to 93 anesthesiology faculty members at Washington University School of Medicine. The survey incorporated quantitative Likert-scale questions and qualitative short-answer responses to assess faculty perceptions of the value, preferred formats, essential skills, and capacity for fulfilling multiple roles in these support practices. Additional areas of focus included the impact of staffing shortages, training requirements, and the potential of these practices to enhance faculty recruitment and retention.
Results: The response rate was 44% (n=41). Mentoring was identified as the most important aspect, with 88% (n=36) of faculty respondents indicating its significance, followed by coaching, which was highlighted by 78% (n=32) of respondents. The majority felt 1 faculty member can effectively hold multiple roles for a given trainee. The respondents desired additional training for roles and found roles to be rewarding. All roles were seen as facilitating recruitment and retention. Barriers included faculty burnout; confusion between roles; time constraints; and desire for specialized training, especially in coaching skills.
Conclusions: Implementing structured mentoring, advising, and coaching can profoundly impact resident education but requires role clarity, protected time, culture change, leadership buy-in, and faculty development. Targeted training and operational investments could enable programs to actualize immense benefits from high-quality resident support modalities. Respondents emphasized that resident needs evolve over time, necessitating flexibility in appropriate faculty guidance. While coaching demands unique skills, advising hinges on expertise and mentoring depends on relationship-building. Systematic frameworks of coaching, mentoring, and advising programs could unlock immense potential. However, realizing this vision demands surmounting barriers such as burnout, productivity pressures, confusion about logistics, and culture change. Ultimately, prioritizing resident support through high-quality personalized guidance can recenter graduate medical education.
Background: Patients in the United States have recently gained federally mandated, free, and ready electronic access to clinicians' computerized notes in their medical records ("open notes"). This change from longstanding practice can benefit patients in clinically important ways, but studies show some patients feel judged or stigmatized by words or phrases embedded in their records. Therefore, it is imperative that clinicians adopt documentation techniques that help both to empower patients and minimize potential harms.
Objective: At a time when open and transparent communication among patients, families, and clinicians can spread more easily throughout medical practice, this inquiry aims to develop informed guidelines for documentation in medical records.
Methods: Through a series of focus groups, preliminary guidelines for documentation language in medical records were developed by health professionals and patients. Using a structured focus group decision guide, we conducted 4 group meetings with different sets of 27 participants: physicians experienced with writing open notes (n=5), patients accustomed to reviewing their notes (n=8), medical student educators (n=7), and resident physicians (n=7). To generate themes, we used an iterative coding process. First-order codes were grouped into second-order themes based on the commonality of meanings.
Results: The participants identified 10 important guidelines as a preliminary framework for developing notes sensitive to patients' needs.
Conclusions: The process identified 10 discrete themes that can help clinicians use and spread patient-centered documentation.