Learn more about ASCP's 2023 incoming president Deborah Milito in this interview containing her background and interests as well as her leadership plan and priorities.
Learn more about ASCP's 2023 incoming president Deborah Milito in this interview containing her background and interests as well as her leadership plan and priorities.
Objective Identify and address potential obstacles to initiation of older population-related research within the NF/SG VHS through the provision of a concise flowchart. Setting North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System (NF/SG VHS). Practice Description The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Research Service with connection to the University of Florida facilitates research that contributes to improving the delivery of inpatient/outpatient care to veterans and their families. Practice Innovation A compendium of a senior care pharmacist's experiences will be compiled and reviewed by other specialists within the field while attempting to submit research protocols for publication within the VHS through the use of data platforms such as VINCI (VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure) and the Corporate Data Warehouse. Main Outcome Measurements Impact of navigating research websites affiliated with and directly pertaining to the NF/SG VHS upon clinicians attempting to begin research processes within the institution. Results It was determined that for the most expeditious publication experience to result the following six steps had to be pursued sequentially: VA Institutional Review Board (IRB) Net documentation/ submission, local myIRB submission, Data Access Request Tracker/VINCI access request, setup of VINCI workspace, drafting of VINCI cohort specification, data analysis and tracking, statistical methods, abstract, and manuscript production. Conclusion This study outlines a consistent/clear method from first-hand experiences on how to navigate, more efficiently, complex research processes to produce successful future impacts on patient care.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is often diagnosed with other comorbid conditions. This can complicate therapy overall by contributing to adverse events leading to poor outcomes to not only COPD, but other comorbid conditions. This manuscript will discuss common comorbid conditions often seen with COPD, update vaccination recommendations for COPD patients, and provide information regarding smoking cessation in COPD. The senior care pharmacist has an important role where they can recommend medication adjustments to potentially avoid these adverse events, immunize their patients appropriately, and provide assistance with smoking cessation to improve not only COPD outcomes but outcomes associated with other comorbid conditions.
Although artificial intelligence (AI) has been around since the 1950s, it has become a phenomenon within the past couple of years, peaking in online search results in early 2023, following the release of OpenAI's ChatGPT. Inevitably, concerns began to surface over the impact that AI would have on jobs in an advanced economy like the United States.
Although the concept of telehealth has been in development for many years, the global pandemic galvanized its growth and utility. In general, people adopt technological advancements at different velocities that, when plotted in a chart, resemble a bell-shaped curve. People who are quick to adopt new technologies are designated innovators, while those who are the very last to adopt new technologies are dubbed laggards. Often, older people fall into the laggard category for several reasons including physical, mental, and emotional barriers. In some cases, they lack the technology or experience with various programs that would make such programs accessible. Regardless, telehealth has proven its worth as a way to deliver care in areas distant to the health care provider when physical examination is unnecessary. It can reduce the likelihood of exposure to contagious disease. Telehealth also has the potential to reduce unnecessary emergency department visits, and long-term care facilities that have used telehealth have demonstrated cost savings. Little study has been conducted to determine how pharmacists are using telehealth, but after examining available research on telehealth, pharmacists can identify pitfalls and implement steps that reduce barriers for older people.