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Western Australia July to December 2023 西澳大利亚州 2023 年 7 月至 12 月
IF 0.6 4区 社会学 Q1 HISTORY Pub Date : 2024-06-26 DOI: 10.1111/ajph.13005
John Phillimore, Martin Drum

For much of the second half of 2023, Western Australian (WA) state politics adjusted to the new reality that the towering figure of Mark McGowan had departed. This departure immediately led many participants and observers to predict a return to more conventional political battles, and a much more even state election in 2025.

After taking office on 8 June, the new Premier of WA, Roger Cook did not enjoy much of a political honeymoon. Widespread criticism over new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage laws led to a humiliating government backflip, while the juvenile justice system witnessed tragedy and turmoil. Nevertheless, the government achieved some major legislative milestones, while a new electoral distribution for the 2025 state election renewed tensions between the Nationals and Liberals.

The first major electoral test for the Cook Government came on 29 July, in McGowan's old seat of Rockingham. Unsurprisingly, McGowan had been incredibly popular in Rockingham, achieving a primary vote of 82.75% in the 2021 election, representing a two-party preferred margin of 88-12 against the Liberals. In a drive for renewal, the Labor party selected 28-year-old Magenta Marshall, a former campaign strategist and electorate officer. For their part, the Liberal party selected resources recruitment consultant Peter Hudson, who was just 21. Hayley Edwards, Deputy Mayor for the City of Rockingham, failed to win Labor preselection, and then stood as an independent candidate. Whilst local issues featured prominently in the campaign, broader statewide issues such as the rising costs of living, Labor's contentious cultural heritage laws and the state of the public health system were all under the microscope.

Labor's performance in Rockingham under McGowan was unsustainable and the by-election did see a massive swing of 33% swing away from the Government. They still achieved a primary vote of 49% however, and the eventual two party preferred margin was 65-35 against the Liberals. Much of the swing from Labor did not go to the Liberals, but rather to a swag of other candidates; Edwards picked up 16%, just behind the Liberals, and finished second after preferences, while the Legalise Cannabis party achieved 7%, outpolling the Greens. The result indicated that the next state election in 2025 would be closer, but it was unclear how many people were ready to support the Liberals again.

The latter half of 2023 saw the official redistribution of the WA State Electoral Boundaries, for the 2025 election. The redistribution had to take into account population growth in Perth, and a decline in the population in regional WA, particularly in agricultural areas. Broadly speaking, the principal change was the merging of two regional seats both held by the National party, the seats of Moore and North West Central. Accompanying this was the creation of a new seat in Perth's southeastern suburbs called Oakford. Whilst the new boundaries delivered one additional no

由于他被判定的罪行会导致 5 年以上的监禁,因此他已经被自动取消了议员资格。据信这是仅有的第二次根据该法解除议员资格的情况,第一次是在 1910 年。金斯顿女士的当选使国民党在立法委员会的代表人数恢复到三人,金斯顿女士成为气候行动、地区城市和旅游部影子部长。9 月,政府开始了第二批选举改革,此次改革的重点是政治捐赠和竞选资金。2023 年选举修正案(财务及其他事项)法案》包含一系列新条款,旨在提高政治捐款性质的透明度,并增加政党获得的公共资金数额。由总检察长约翰-奎格利(John Quigley)提出的该法案条款包含以下措施:将披露门槛降至 1000 美元,在 7 天内披露所有超过该金额的捐赠,在正式竞选活动期间的 24 小时内披露捐赠,以及防止政党使用联邦系统(该系统的门槛为 16300 美元)申报捐赠。外国捐款被禁止,政党和第三方竞选者可花费的资金也有上限。另一方面,获得 4% 以上初选选票的政党每张初选选票可获得 4.40 美元,而不是目前的 2.26 美元。虽然新数额几乎是目前数额的两倍,但西澳大利亚州仍是澳大利亚各州和地区政党公共资助水平最低的州。在与反对党的谈判过程中,披露门槛仍维持在目前的 2600 澳元水平,但其他条款已于 11 月获得通过,并将于 2024 年 7 月生效。该法案是针对力拓公司于 2020 年根据 1972 年《原住民遗产法》的规定破坏皮尔巴拉地区有 4 万年历史的朱坎峡谷岩洞而通过的。罗杰-库克(Roger Cook)总理后来将此称为 "全球的耻辱"。尽管咨询权得到了加强,但许多原住民团体批评新立法未能允许他们对在其土地上进行的采矿活动行使否决权(参见之前的《AJPH 纪事》)。从该法案通过到 2023 年 7 月 1 日生效,中间间隔了一年多的时间,以便为法案的实施进行磋商和准备。然而,这段时间似乎并没有好好利用。利益集团--尤其是农民和矿业勘探公司--强烈抗议新立法缺乏细节和确定性,并对围栏、小型土方工程和种植等常见活动可能受到影响表示担忧。这些法律适用于面积超过 1100 平方米的所有地块,包括基于活动和审批分级系统的评估、咨询和检查要求。据报道,相关部门与大批农民和勘探者举行的信息通报会对该系统在实践中如何运作造成了困惑和不安。农民们尤其担心,如果他们在自己的土地上进行了相对较小的工程或改建,而这些工程或改建后来被认为具有文化意义,那么他们可能会无意中触犯法律。要求土地所有者参与的地方土著文化遗产服务机构(LACHS)在某些地区尚未建立,或者在某些情况下被认为专业知识有限。起初,以库克总理和原住民事务部长托尼-布蒂(Tony Buti)为首的政府立场坚定,批评反对者 "站在历史错误的一边 "和 "吹狗哨"。然而,批评的程度促使政府承诺,在法律实施的前 12 个月里,将以教育为主,不会采取强硬手段。8 月 8 日,罗杰-库克(Roger Cook)在就任总理仅 8 周后就宣布,政府不仅要改革该法,还要将其彻底废除。相反,政府将恢复 1972 年的《原住民遗产法》,同时进行修订,以加强保护并防止发生另一起朱坎峡谷事件。将不再要求土地所有者自行进行遗产调查,拟议中的 LACHS 将不再继续,并将取代提议者向原住民文化遗产委员会提交管理计划的成本计算模式。 10 月 19 日,16 岁的克利夫兰-多德(Cleveland Dodd)在被发现吊死在安全级别最高的卡苏阿里纳成人监狱(Casuarina Prison for adults)内第 18 单元青少年拘留区的牢房中一周后死亡。这是该州青少年拘留系统中第一起有记录的死亡事件。几个月前,位于班克夏山(Banksia Hill)的该州唯一一所专门的青少年拘留中心发生骚乱并遭到破坏,随后,几名青少年被转移到第 18 监区。尽管惩教服务部部长保罗-帕帕利亚(Paul Papalia)起初对媒体表示,克利夫兰上吊自杀当晚的狱警工作 "非常出色",但后来发现,从克利夫兰第一次打电话给狱警说他要自杀,到他被发现,中间只用了 16 分钟。另据透露,克利夫兰的律师曾在两周前致函司法部,对他的健康状况表示担忧,并要求将他调回班克夏山。司法部和犯罪与腐败委员会很快展开了调查,并将由监察员进行死因调查。这场悲剧发生在 2023 年 5 月班克夏山暴乱之后,当时的总理马克-麦高恩(Mark McGowan)将被拘留者的行为称为 "恐怖主义形式"。在麦高恩发表强硬言论之前,儿童法庭庭长海尔顿-奎尔(Hylton Quail)、菲奥娜-斯坦利(Fiona Stanley)教授等专家和倡导者以及儿童事务专员也对政府的少年司法和青少年拘留政策提出了严厉批评。2023 年 7 月,最高法院注意到一个更广泛的 "系统性失误",即三名年轻的被拘留者经常被单独监禁。法院裁定他们被长期非法关在牢房里。随后,司法部发生了严重动荡。惩教事务专员迈克-雷诺兹(Mike Reynolds)在克利夫兰-多德(Cleveland Dodd)死后不到一周就被撤职。负责青少年事务的副专员一职被分拆,设立了一个专门负责青少年司法事务的副专员职位。12 月初,该部门的总干事(负责人)亚当-托米森(Adam Tomison)宣布,他将在任职 7 年后于下个月辞职。新的堕胎法于 9 月获得通过,这是自 1998 年以来的首次此类改革,西澳大利亚州引入了其他州议会最近通过的政策设置。新法律于 2024 年 3 月生效,除 "无资质 "人员实施或协助堕胎外,《刑法典》中不再提及堕胎,从而使堕胎合法化。这些法律取消了强制咨询的要求,取消了晚期堕胎须经部长批准的要求,并允许执业护士和经认可的助产士开具堕胎药物处方。法律仍然允许医疗从业人员出于良心反对堕胎,但要求他们将病人转诊给其他从业人员。1998 年,西澳大利亚州的堕胎法进行了最后一次修改,当时公众和议会进行了激烈的辩论,辩论内容往往十分难听。为了使立法获得通过,需要做出一些妥协。2023 年,虽然立法委员会的辩论仍历时 9 天,工党的凯特-杜斯特(Kate Doust)和自由党的尼克-戈兰(Nick Goiran)主导了辩论,但公众争议相对较少。该法案是国家内阁增加住房供应计划的后续法案,涉及通过进一步巩固专家发展评估小组的作用和减少地方政府在规划中的决策作用来简化规划审批。将开发提案提交给开发评估小组的门槛已从 2000 万美元(珀斯市)和 1000 万美元(州内其他地区)降至仅 200 万美元,同时开发评估小组的数量也从五个减至三个。现在,单栋房屋的审批将主要由地方议会首席执行官和行政长官而非民选议员负责,同时,西澳大利亚规划委员会内部将设立一个 "新的永久性重大开发途径",绕过地方政府,处理更为复杂的提案。后一项改革巩固了在 COVID-19 期间首次提出的倡议,并强调了工党政府支持发展的性质。除了前自由党领袖大卫-霍尼(David Honey)之外,这项立法得到了两党的支持,因为霍尼所在的科特斯洛(Cottesloe)选区经常反对提高住房密度和建设海滨高层开发项目。
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引用次数: 0
Commonwealth of Australia July to December 2023 澳大利亚联邦:2023 年 7 月至 12 月
IF 0.6 4区 社会学 Q1 HISTORY Pub Date : 2024-06-05 DOI: 10.1111/ajph.13004
John Wanna

As the year 2023 unfolded the Albanese government initially seemed buoyed after the by-election win in the Victorian seat of Aston, improving their majority to five seats in the lower house, and the seeming inability of the Coalition parties under opposition leader Peter Dutton to become a formidable opponent or offer alternative policy agendas. The May Budget, with some modest cost of living relief of $14.6 billion to welfare recipients, had largely sank like a stone by the time parliament returned on 31st July after the winter break. Rising community concern was caused by rising inflation still trending over 4 per cent in December 2023, and a recent spate of cash rate increases by the Reserve Bank (12 increases of 0.25 per cent over 13 months in 2022–23; only one under the Coalition, and 11 under Labor) which had seen mortgage rates accelerate rising to between 5 and 7 per cent depending on loan terms and type of borrowing (interest only or standard). Inflation was spurred principally by a variety of factors, including home mortgages and rents, meat and groceries, insurance increases, petrol and electricity costs, medical and health costs, and transport.

Australia was also witnessing a slowing of economic growth with GDP falling to 1.4 per cent by December, unemployment rose to 3.9 per cent and job vacancies declined, business investment was modest, while household savings were at a historically low 3.2 per cent. There was considerable media commentary prediction a looming recession, and only increased government spending prevented one from actually occurring. The PM and Treasurer attempted to put a brave face on these austere developments while pre-occupied, and some would argue distracted, by the political priority of holding a referendum on Indigenous recognition. As politics took centre-stage on the government's agenda, the government was accused of neglecting its primary responsibilities of sound economic management and protecting national security.

Anthony Albanese was increasingly accused of breaking a long list of election promises, including reversing Labor's full commitment given innumerable times to the Stage 3 tax cuts, adverse changes to superannuation “nest-egg” entitlements purely to raise taxation, the much heralded election commitment to lower electricity prices when prices were sky-rocketing, reversing many labour market reforms to reinstate union influence and the near-abolition of casual work and the gig economy, pursuing anti-productivity agendas, the absence of any coherent water management plan for the Murray-Darling Basin. Labor was also criticised for either poor policy development or mismanagement in a range of portfolios, including inertia in defence, confused energy policy, inadequate aged care management and a pharmacists revolt over scripts, a poor inquiry into the COVID responses and lockdowns, uncontrolled migration, including unauthorised entries, and the reckless proliferation in international st

一位对全民公决进行定期调查的民调机构报告称,每当赞成票的主要发言人之一玛西娅-兰顿(Marcia Langton)教授在媒体上发表讲话时,赞成票就会下降几个百分点,而反对票则会上升。从政治角度看,工党政府中的许多成员显然并不像阿尔巴内斯或其土著事务部长琳达-伯尼(Linda Burney)和总检察长马克-德雷福斯(Mark Dreyfus)那样热衷于公投。在 10 月 14 日举行的全民公投中,澳大利亚的某些精英、商界名流和一些土著团体表现出了极大的热情,但全国各地许多选民的反对声浪却在不断高涨,并表现出了某种困惑。06% 的选民投了反对票,39.94% 的选民投了赞成票,但有趣的是,尽管公投表面上具有强制性,但仍有约 200 万选民选择不投票(投票总数为 17,671,784 人,投票率为 89.95%,其中 15,895,231 人投了反对票,155,545 人投了非正式票)。昆士兰州的反对票比例最高,为 68.21 票;其次是南澳大利亚州,为 64.17 票;然后是西澳大利亚州,为 63.27 票;北部地区为 60.30 票;新南威尔士州为 58.96 票;维多利亚州为 54.15 票。只有澳大利亚首都地区的赞成票占多数,赞成率为 61.29%,反对率为 33.71%。全民公决的结果立即被认为是和解的倒退和政府原住民政策议程的停滞,而原住民领袖们则呼吁 "沉默一周"。阿尔巴内斯也没有从历史中吸取教训,认识到成功举行全民公决需要双重多数(民众选票和至少四个州)的困难。人们还应该记得,2023 年关于在宪法中承认土著居民的公投是第二次类似的惨败提案,1999 年约翰-霍华德总理试图在宪法中加入承认土著居民血统的序言,但未能赢得任何一个州的支持,61.06% 的全国选票反对将土著居民纳入宪法,这一结果与阿尔巴内斯的尝试几乎相同。澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)的帕蒂西亚-卡尔维拉斯(Particia Karvelas)报道称,投票前澳大利亚地区论坛的反馈表明,许多受众对提案持敌视态度,许多人认为土著居民已经拥有了这么好的条件,如果投票成功,他们还想得到更多,而且 "还能得到免费的汽车和房子",而其他澳大利亚人却没有。这种观点反映在偏远、地区和大都市外围地区的反对票多于 "觉醒 "的内城选区。由于前就业部长斯图尔特-罗伯特(Stuart Robert)辞职,昆士兰新进步党在安全的法登(Fadden)选区以 10.2% 的健康优势在 7 月份举行了补选,人们越来越担心继 2023 年阿斯顿补选失利之后,联盟党会再次失利。新南威尔士自由党的卡梅伦-考德威尔(Cameron Caldwell)成功地将自己的优势扩大到了13.35%,超过了工党的常年候选人莱蒂西亚-德尔-法布罗(Letitia Del Fabbro)。随后,新南威尔士州自由党参议员玛丽斯-佩恩(Marise Payne)于9月辞去议会职务。她曾担任人类服务、国防和外交等部长职务,随后立即由前下院议员戴夫-夏尔马(Dave Sharma)接替。在短短两年内,工党有三名女议员在任期间去世:参议员金伯利-基钦(Kimberley Kitching)(见上一篇联邦纪事)、参议员佩塔-墨菲(Peta Murphy)(12 月)和参议员琳达-怀特(Linda White)(2024 年 2 月)。值得注意的是,墨菲通过议会委员会几乎以一己之力倡导了一项广泛限制赌博广告的提案,该提案涉及多种媒介和场所,但后来在很大程度上被忽视了。12 月,参议员帕特-多德森(Pat Dodson)宣布他也将因健康状况不佳辞去议员职务。这位由反对党领袖比尔-肖顿(Bill Shorten)于 2016 年钦点的土著领袖曾被寄予厚望,但这位参议员在工党的八年议会生涯中并未获得任何重要职位,尽管阿尔巴内塞早前曾许诺让他担任澳大利亚土著事务部长一职,并提名他担任 "和解特使"。据悉,他将由工党大律师瓦伦-戈什(Varun Ghosh)接替。 尽管我们承诺支持乌克兰对俄罗斯入侵的持久抵抗,但实际提供的后勤支持相对较少。我们已经派出了少量澳大利亚生产的 Bushmaster 装甲车,7 月份又批准了向基辅运送 30 辆装甲车,根据政府的成本计算,我们的总承诺达到了约 10 亿美元。但是,政府拒绝运送霍基直升机或任何战斗机等其他装备,在老旧的大班直升机即将退役时,政府又拒绝同意向乌克兰运送 45 架飞机,坚持要将其拆卸并埋入地下!这是一个令人困惑的决定,乌克兰人对此非常恼火,他们的借口是这些直升机可能证明是不可靠和不能使用的。当然,国防部并不急于移交任何主要装备,主要是因为它被告知,移交的任何物品都不会从预算资金中得到补偿,而且我们也没有什么可以经常使用的装备。值得注意的是,去年 12 月,政府同样拒绝了美国的攻击请求。今年 3 月,政府宣布将向德国出售在这里生产的 123 辆拳击手重型武器运输车,这让政府高兴了许多。7 月,政府证实菲利普-洛威(Philip Lowe)不会继续担任澳大利亚央行行长,而常务副行长米歇尔-布洛克(Michele Bullock)将接替他,她是首位担任该职务的女性。自 11 月起,她与丹尼尔-伍德(Danielle Wood)一起担任生产力委员会主席,成为政府高级经济顾问之一。前基础设施部部长 Mike Mrdak 于 10 月被任命为国家宽带网络总监。凯瑟琳-坎贝尔(Kathryn Campbell)曾先后担任过人力资源部、社会服务部和外交部部长,在皇家委员会的报告认定她玩忽职守且 "未采取行动 "后,她于7月因Robodebt丑闻被 "秘书委员会 "停职并最终被解雇。APS 秘书委员会决定将 Campbell 女士解职,作为一项集体领导决定,以强调诚信和公共服务行为准则的重要性。Robodebt 事件引发了这样一个问题:如果高级公务员认为政府部长的行为是非法或不当的,他们该怎么办?高等法院在 11 月下旬做出了一个决定,即 "无限期拘留 "希望在澳大利亚生活并拒绝返回本国或其他第三方国家的非法移民突然违反了宪法!实际上,法院表示,政府无限期监禁非法移民和经济过客是非法的,只有司法部门而不是部长或部门才能做出惩罚性决定。该判决的依据是行政部门和司法部门之间的 "三权分立"(与美国不同的是,美国宪法中并没有提及三权分立)。在 140 名 "非法 "被拘留者中,许多人被拘留的原因是他们是危险的罪犯,曾犯下谋杀、强奸、殴打和恋童癖(其中一人是臭名昭著的马来西亚 "杀手"),但高等法院的法官们似乎对此并不担心。有关的两位主要部长,克莱尔-奥尼尔(内政部长)和安德鲁-贾尔斯(移民部长),就像惊呆了的小鹿,无法解释政府的政策,显得无能无力,无法对判决做出回应,尽管司法部门的成员已经给了他们一些警告。事实证明,吉尔斯除了重申政府必须接受法院的裁决之外,无法对议会的提问做出任何实质性的回答。因此,140 名被拘留者被释放回社区,这引起了社会的强烈愤慨,公众担心这些人会在他们的社区(但很可能不是司法人员选择居住的地方)重新犯罪、在特立独行的国会议员鲍勃-卡特(Bob Katter)向阿尔巴内塞发问:"是你还是高等法院管理这个地方?"的同时,政府也在努力向议会提交立法
{"title":"Commonwealth of Australia July to December 2023","authors":"John Wanna","doi":"10.1111/ajph.13004","DOIUrl":"10.1111/ajph.13004","url":null,"abstract":"<p>As the year 2023 unfolded the Albanese government initially seemed buoyed after the by-election win in the Victorian seat of Aston, improving their majority to five seats in the lower house, and the seeming inability of the Coalition parties under opposition leader Peter Dutton to become a formidable opponent or offer alternative policy agendas. The May Budget, with some modest cost of living relief of $14.6 billion to welfare recipients, had largely sank like a stone by the time parliament returned on 31st July after the winter break. Rising community concern was caused by rising inflation still trending over 4 per cent in December 2023, and a recent spate of cash rate increases by the Reserve Bank (12 increases of 0.25 per cent over 13 months in 2022–23; only one under the Coalition, and 11 under Labor) which had seen mortgage rates accelerate rising to between 5 and 7 per cent depending on loan terms and type of borrowing (interest only or standard). Inflation was spurred principally by a variety of factors, including home mortgages and rents, meat and groceries, insurance increases, petrol and electricity costs, medical and health costs, and transport.</p><p>Australia was also witnessing a slowing of economic growth with GDP falling to 1.4 per cent by December, unemployment rose to 3.9 per cent and job vacancies declined, business investment was modest, while household savings were at a historically low 3.2 per cent. There was considerable media commentary prediction a looming recession, and only increased government spending prevented one from actually occurring. The PM and Treasurer attempted to put a brave face on these austere developments while pre-occupied, and some would argue distracted, by the political priority of holding a referendum on Indigenous recognition. As politics took centre-stage on the government's agenda, the government was accused of neglecting its primary responsibilities of sound economic management and protecting national security.</p><p>Anthony Albanese was increasingly accused of breaking a long list of election promises, including reversing Labor's full commitment given innumerable times to the Stage 3 tax cuts, adverse changes to superannuation “nest-egg” entitlements purely to raise taxation, the much heralded election commitment to lower electricity prices when prices were sky-rocketing, reversing many labour market reforms to reinstate union influence and the near-abolition of casual work and the gig economy, pursuing anti-productivity agendas, the absence of any coherent water management plan for the Murray-Darling Basin. Labor was also criticised for either poor policy development or mismanagement in a range of portfolios, including inertia in defence, confused energy policy, inadequate aged care management and a pharmacists revolt over scripts, a poor inquiry into the COVID responses and lockdowns, uncontrolled migration, including unauthorised entries, and the reckless proliferation in international st","PeriodicalId":45431,"journal":{"name":"Australian Journal of Politics and History","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.6,"publicationDate":"2024-06-05","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ajph.13004","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141381620","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Issues in Australian Foreign Policy July to December 2023 澳大利亚外交政策问题 2023 年 7 月至 12 月
IF 0.6 4区 社会学 Q1 HISTORY Pub Date : 2024-05-29 DOI: 10.1111/ajph.12998
Tom Conley

Australia continued to commit to US strategy in the Indo-Pacific and the rest of the world. While foreign policy has clearly shifted under the Albanese government, it appears that Australia has no real appetite for developing “a middle path for a middle power”.2 Australia has long been trying to ‘balance’ its major security and economic partners, whilst knowing full well that security relationships ultimately matter most. Harking back to the China choice debate, it's now clearer than ever that Australia will ‘choose’ the United States if conflict were to occur between the United States and China, if it were ever in doubt! Still, Australia does not want to make an exclusive choice unless it must. Clearly, good relations with China are beneficial for the Australian economy and the period under review saw marked improvements in the relationship, which was a win for those exporters previously shut out of the Chinese market.

The Hamas attack on Israel and the subsequent Israeli military response was the dominant international news story of the six-month period. The Israel/Palestine issue fits uncomfortably into the US-centric Australian security framework, with the government concerned not to differ too much from the US position of unequivocal support for Israel. This is despite Albanese's previous support for the Palestinian cause and his status as a founding member of the Parliamentary Friends of Palestine group.3 While the United States eventually made some efforts to temper the intensity of the Israeli response and provide support for the people of Gaza, there were huge casualties - including many children – and the widescale destruction of buildings and infrastructure. In the final days of the year, the Israeli military response led South Africa to institute proceedings against Israel in the International Court of Justice. Israel/Palestine comes and goes as a significant issue for Australian foreign policy, inserting itself into the policy sphere in reaction to events on the ground in the Middle East. It is the possibility of a wider Middle Eastern conflict that will perhaps dominate coming periods of review.

Another clear theme of the period was a continuation of the Albanese government's efforts to engage with the Indo-Pacific, with Ministers connected to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade making regular visits and engaging with the Pacific Island Countries (PICs), Southeast Asia and India.4

Wong attended the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Suva in mid-September, meeting with Fijian Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Sitiveni Rabuka to “discuss enhancing our Partnership, strengthening our economies, responding to the climate crisis and delivering for our shared regional interests”.15

The following month Wong announced the new Pacific Engagement Visa, which “will enable up to 3,000 nationals of Pacific Island countries and Timor-Leste to migrate to Australia as permanent

59 11 月中旬,Wong 和 Marles 访问印度,会见了印度国防部长 Shri Rajnath Singh 和印度外交部长 S. Jaishankar 博士,并出席了在新德里举行的第二届印度-澳大利亚 2+2 部长级对话。Wong认为:"澳大利亚与印度的关系从未像现在这样重要。我们正通过全面战略伙伴关系,作为四国合作伙伴,并在其他方面共同努力,促进印度-太平洋地区的和平、稳定与繁荣"。60 对话结束后,两国部长发表了一份联合声明,表达了 "对乌克兰战争及其悲惨的人道主义后果的深切关注"。他们还 "重申与以色列站在一起打击恐怖主义,并呼吁遵守国际人道主义法,包括保护平民"。涉及的其他问题包括 "缅甸不断恶化的局势及其对地区安全与稳定的影响"。双方还 "重申了继续深化防务和安全合作的承诺,包括加强互操作性,在态势和领域意识方面开展合作,加强整个地区的海事合作,并探索在国防工业合作方面加强联系的机会"。与此同时,第七次澳中高层对话于 9 月 7 日在北京举行,"为来自工业界、政府、学术界、媒体和艺术界的高级代表提供了一个平台,以交流澳中双边关系的各种观点"。10 月份,澳中关系又传来好消息,阿尔巴尼塞和黄宗智在一份联合声明中证实,澳大利亚公民程蕾 "在中国被拘留三年多后,已安全抵达澳大利亚,并与家人团聚"。她似乎是 2020 年双边关系恶化的受害者。本月晚些时候,一艘澳大利亚船只 HMAS Toowoomba 在日本专属经济区遭到一艘中国人民解放军驱逐舰的骚扰。这艘中国舰艇 "被探测到以一种对澳大利亚潜水员的安全构成威胁的方式操作舰载声纳,潜水员被迫离开水面"。11 月 18 日,Marles 报道称,政府 "在与中国人民解放军海军(PLA-N)驱逐舰进行了不安全、不专业的互动后,向中国政府表达了严重关切"。7 月,阿尔巴尼塞、马尔莱斯和黄宣布,澳大利亚将向乌克兰额外提供 30 辆 "布什马斯特 "防护机动车,"这表明了我们对乌克兰抵御俄罗斯侵略的持续承诺"。75 10 月下旬,澳大利亚政府宣布再向乌克兰提供 2000 万美元的一揽子军事援助。一份联合媒体新闻稿指出,"这项新的援助使澳大利亚对乌克兰的援助总额达到约 9.1 亿美元"。76 为了将这一时期的承诺推向高潮,黄宗智和马尔斯于 12 月宣布,"澳大利亚将在 2024 年全年延长并扩大对乌克兰武装部队新兵训练的承诺,作为库杜行动的一部分"。77 7 月,澳大利亚政府宣布对 "俄罗斯国防、技术和能源部门的 35 家实体,以及包括俄罗斯部长、高级官员和白俄罗斯高级军事人员在内的 10 名个人 "实施进一步定向制裁。78 9 月 25 日,澳大利亚政府将对从俄罗斯和白俄罗斯进口的商品征收 35% 的惩罚性关税的期限延长至 2025 年 10 月。79 12 月,澳大利亚 "对参与毒杀俄罗斯著名反对派人士和民主活动家弗拉基米尔-卡拉-穆尔扎的三名联邦安全局特工实施了马格尼茨基式的定向金融制裁和旅行禁令,并对包括一名俄罗斯副部长在内的十名个人实施了定向金融制裁和旅行禁令"。
{"title":"Issues in Australian Foreign Policy July to December 2023","authors":"Tom Conley","doi":"10.1111/ajph.12998","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1111/ajph.12998","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Australia continued to commit to US strategy in the Indo-Pacific and the rest of the world. While foreign policy has clearly shifted under the Albanese government, it appears that Australia has no real appetite for developing “a middle path for a middle power”.2 Australia has long been trying to ‘balance’ its major security and economic partners, whilst knowing full well that security relationships ultimately matter most. Harking back to the China choice debate, it's now clearer than ever that Australia will ‘choose’ the United States if conflict were to occur between the United States and China, if it were ever in doubt! Still, Australia does not want to make an exclusive choice unless it must. Clearly, good relations with China are beneficial for the Australian economy and the period under review saw marked improvements in the relationship, which was a win for those exporters previously shut out of the Chinese market.</p><p>The Hamas attack on Israel and the subsequent Israeli military response was the dominant international news story of the six-month period. The Israel/Palestine issue fits uncomfortably into the US-centric Australian security framework, with the government concerned not to differ too much from the US position of unequivocal support for Israel. This is despite Albanese's previous support for the Palestinian cause and his status as a founding member of the Parliamentary Friends of Palestine group.3 While the United States eventually made some efforts to temper the intensity of the Israeli response and provide support for the people of Gaza, there were huge casualties - including many children – and the widescale destruction of buildings and infrastructure. In the final days of the year, the Israeli military response led South Africa to institute proceedings against Israel in the International Court of Justice. Israel/Palestine comes and goes as a significant issue for Australian foreign policy, inserting itself into the policy sphere in reaction to events on the ground in the Middle East. It is the possibility of a wider Middle Eastern conflict that will perhaps dominate coming periods of review.</p><p>Another clear theme of the period was a continuation of the Albanese government's efforts to engage with the Indo-Pacific, with Ministers connected to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade making regular visits and engaging with the Pacific Island Countries (PICs), Southeast Asia and India.4</p><p>Wong attended the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Suva in mid-September, meeting with Fijian Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Sitiveni Rabuka to “discuss enhancing our Partnership, strengthening our economies, responding to the climate crisis and delivering for our shared regional interests”.15</p><p>The following month Wong announced the new Pacific Engagement Visa, which “will enable up to 3,000 nationals of Pacific Island countries and Timor-Leste to migrate to Australia as permanent ","PeriodicalId":45431,"journal":{"name":"Australian Journal of Politics and History","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.6,"publicationDate":"2024-05-29","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ajph.12998","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141487974","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Aboriginal Self-determination, Land Rights, and Recognition in the Whitlam Era: Laying Groundwork for Power Sharing and Representation 惠特拉姆时代的原住民自决、土地权和认可:为权力分享和代表权奠定基础
IF 0.6 4区 社会学 Q1 HISTORY Pub Date : 2024-05-19 DOI: 10.1111/ajph.12996
Diana Perche

The Whitlam Labor government (1972–75) is remembered for ushering in a new era in Indigenous affairs, with the move to “self-determination”, abandoning the longstanding insistence on “assimilation”. The new government intended to deploy the Commonwealth's new legislative power established in the 1967 constitutional referendum to bring in a range of reforms, responding to consistent demands from Indigenous leaders, activists, and supporters through the previous decade. Whitlam's campaign speech promised anti-discrimination legislation, provisions to allow Aboriginal communities to incorporate, and legislation of a system of land tenure. The government faced considerable political obstacles, ultimately curbing the ambitious reform agenda. Nevertheless, these initial efforts to conceptualise representation, recognition, and compensation laid important foundations for the current public debate about “Voice, Treaty, Truth”, following the Uluru Statement from the Heart. This paper explores self-determination through the path-breaking work of the Woodward Aboriginal Land Rights Commission and the establishment of well-resourced land councils as authoritative and legitimate representatives of Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory. The Whitlam government's willingness to experiment with power-sharing in the sensitive area of land ownership provided a valuable prototype for genuine engagement with First Nations people today, as Australia contemplates the failure of the constitutional referendum around a Voice to parliament.

惠特拉姆工党政府(1972-1975 年)因放弃了长期以来坚持的 "同化",转向 "自决",开创了土著事务的新纪元而为世人所铭记。新政府打算利用联邦在 1967 年宪法公投中确立的新立法权来推行一系列改革,以回应土著领袖、活动家和支持者在过去十年中提出的一致要求。惠特拉姆在竞选演说中承诺制定反歧视立法、允许原住民社区合并的条款以及土地使用权制度立法。政府在政治上遇到了相当大的障碍,最终限制了雄心勃勃的改革议程。尽管如此,这些将代表权、认可和补偿概念化的初步努力为当前继《乌鲁鲁心灵声明》之后有关 "声音、条约、真相 "的公开辩论奠定了重要基础。本文通过伍德沃德原住民土地权利委员会(Woodward Aboriginal Land Rights Commission)的开创性工作,以及建立资源充足的土地理事会作为北部地区原住民的权威和合法代表来探讨自决问题。惠特拉姆政府愿意在敏感的土地所有权领域进行权力分享试验,这为今天与原住民的真正接触提供了一个宝贵的原型,因为澳大利亚正在考虑围绕 "议会之声 "的立宪公投是否会失败。
{"title":"Aboriginal Self-determination, Land Rights, and Recognition in the Whitlam Era: Laying Groundwork for Power Sharing and Representation","authors":"Diana Perche","doi":"10.1111/ajph.12996","DOIUrl":"10.1111/ajph.12996","url":null,"abstract":"<p>The Whitlam Labor government (1972–75) is remembered for ushering in a new era in Indigenous affairs, with the move to “self-determination”, abandoning the longstanding insistence on “assimilation”. The new government intended to deploy the Commonwealth's new legislative power established in the 1967 constitutional referendum to bring in a range of reforms, responding to consistent demands from Indigenous leaders, activists, and supporters through the previous decade. Whitlam's campaign speech promised anti-discrimination legislation, provisions to allow Aboriginal communities to incorporate, and legislation of a system of land tenure. The government faced considerable political obstacles, ultimately curbing the ambitious reform agenda. Nevertheless, these initial efforts to conceptualise representation, recognition, and compensation laid important foundations for the current public debate about “Voice, Treaty, Truth”, following the <i>Uluru Statement from the Heart</i>. This paper explores self-determination through the path-breaking work of the Woodward Aboriginal Land Rights Commission and the establishment of well-resourced land councils as authoritative and legitimate representatives of Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory. The Whitlam government's willingness to experiment with power-sharing in the sensitive area of land ownership provided a valuable prototype for genuine engagement with First Nations people today, as Australia contemplates the failure of the constitutional referendum around a Voice to parliament.</p>","PeriodicalId":45431,"journal":{"name":"Australian Journal of Politics and History","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.6,"publicationDate":"2024-05-19","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ajph.12996","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141124048","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Double Disillusion: Legal and Political Aspects of the 1974 Double Dissolution 双重幻灭:1974 年双重解体的法律和政治方面
IF 0.6 4区 社会学 Q1 HISTORY Pub Date : 2024-05-19 DOI: 10.1111/ajph.12991
Matt Harvey

One of the great unanswered questions of the Commonwealth Constitution is whether the House of Representatives and Senate are equal or whether one ultimately has more power than the other. The Whitlam Labor government elected in 1972 faced a Senate elected in 1967 and 1970. Despite Senate obstruction, Whitlam proceeded with an ambitious legislative programme through 1973 and into 1974. By April 1974, six bills appeared to provide a “trigger” for the use of the Section 57 deadlock resolution procedure in the Constitution. Section 57 provides that if a bill has been twice passed by the House of Representatives and twice rejected by the Senate, the Governor-General can dissolve both houses and an election is held. If the government is returned and wishes to proceed with the trigger bills, it can again pass them through the House and if they are again rejected by the Senate, the Governor-General can convene a joint sitting of the two houses at which, if the bill is approved by an absolute majority, it is deemed to be passed. Major obstruction in the Senate, including a threat by the Opposition to block supply, led Whitlam to seek a double dissolution, hoping to gain a majority in both houses or, failing that, the opportunity to pass the trigger bills at a joint sitting. The ensuing election saw the return of the Whitlam government in the House but continuing to lack a majority in the Senate. This led to the only joint sitting in federal history, in which all six trigger bills were passed. But there was a constitutional sting in the tail when the Petroleum and Minerals Authority Act was subsequently found by the High Court not to have been validly passed. This case is argued to have made s57 potentially unworkable. The 1974 double dissolution stands in stark contrast to the 1975 double dissolution, which is argued here to be its “Evil Twin.” There have been three further double dissolutions since 1975: 1983, 1987, and 2016, but no more joint sittings. In 1987, there was set to be a joint sitting on the proposal for an identity card, but this was thwarted on a technicality. So the 1974 double dissolution achieved the objective of breaking a deadlock but at the cost of revealing a way for a determined Senate to make s57 unworkable.

联邦宪法的一大未解之谜是,众议院和参议院是否平等,还是最终一方的权力大于另一方。1972 年当选的惠特拉姆工党政府面对的是 1967 年和 1970 年选出的参议院。尽管受到参议院的阻挠,惠特拉姆还是在 1973 年至 1974 年期间推行了一项雄心勃勃的立法计划。到 1974 年 4 月,有六项法案似乎 "触发 "了《宪法》第 57 节中的僵局解决程序。第 57 条规定,如果一项法案两次被众议院通过,两次被参议院否决,总督可以解散参众两院并举行选举。如果政府当选并希望继续执行触发法案,它可以再次在众议院通过法案,如果法案再次被参议院否决,总督可以召集两院联席会议,如果法案在联席会议上以绝对多数获得批准,则视为通过。参议院的重大阻挠,包括反对党威胁阻止供应,导致惠特拉姆寻求二次解散,希望获得参众两院的多数票,或者在参众两院联席会议上通过触发法案。在随后的选举中,惠特拉姆政府在众议院重新执政,但在参议院仍未获得多数席位。这导致了联邦历史上唯一一次联席会议,六项触发法案全部获得通过。但是,《石油和矿产管理局法案》随后被高等法院认定未获有效通过,这在宪法上留下了隐患。这一案件被认为使第 57 条可能无法实施。1974 年的双重解散与 1975 年的双重解散形成了鲜明对比,后者被认为是其 "邪恶的孪生兄弟"。自 1975 年以来,又进行了三次双重解散:1983 年、1987 年和 2016 年,但没有再举行联合庭审。1987 年,原本计划就身份证提案举行联席会议,但因技术问题而未能如愿。因此,1974 年的双重解散达到了打破僵局的目的,但代价是为下定决心的参议院提供了一个使第 57 条无法实施的途径。
{"title":"Double Disillusion: Legal and Political Aspects of the 1974 Double Dissolution","authors":"Matt Harvey","doi":"10.1111/ajph.12991","DOIUrl":"10.1111/ajph.12991","url":null,"abstract":"<p>One of the great unanswered questions of the Commonwealth Constitution is whether the House of Representatives and Senate are equal or whether one ultimately has more power than the other. The Whitlam Labor government elected in 1972 faced a Senate elected in 1967 and 1970. Despite Senate obstruction, Whitlam proceeded with an ambitious legislative programme through 1973 and into 1974. By April 1974, six bills appeared to provide a “trigger” for the use of the Section 57 deadlock resolution procedure in the Constitution. Section 57 provides that if a bill has been twice passed by the House of Representatives and twice rejected by the Senate, the Governor-General can dissolve both houses and an election is held. If the government is returned and wishes to proceed with the trigger bills, it can again pass them through the House and if they are again rejected by the Senate, the Governor-General can convene a joint sitting of the two houses at which, if the bill is approved by an absolute majority, it is deemed to be passed. Major obstruction in the Senate, including a threat by the Opposition to block supply, led Whitlam to seek a double dissolution, hoping to gain a majority in both houses or, failing that, the opportunity to pass the trigger bills at a joint sitting. The ensuing election saw the return of the Whitlam government in the House but continuing to lack a majority in the Senate. This led to the only joint sitting in federal history, in which all six trigger bills were passed. But there was a constitutional sting in the tail when the <i>Petroleum and Minerals Authority Act</i> was subsequently found by the High Court not to have been validly passed. This case is argued to have made s57 potentially unworkable. The 1974 double dissolution stands in stark contrast to the 1975 double dissolution, which is argued here to be its “Evil Twin.” There have been three further double dissolutions since 1975: 1983, 1987, and 2016, but no more joint sittings. In 1987, there was set to be a joint sitting on the proposal for an identity card, but this was thwarted on a technicality. So the 1974 double dissolution achieved the objective of breaking a deadlock but at the cost of revealing a way for a determined Senate to make s57 unworkable.</p>","PeriodicalId":45431,"journal":{"name":"Australian Journal of Politics and History","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.6,"publicationDate":"2024-05-19","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ajph.12991","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141123962","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Men and Women of Australia: Administering Whitlam's Re-Imagined Subject 澳大利亚的男人和女人管理惠特拉姆重新塑造的主体
IF 0.6 4区 社会学 Q1 HISTORY Pub Date : 2024-05-06 DOI: 10.1111/ajph.12987
Kristen Rundle

This contribution examines and reflects on a less-studied area of life during the Whitlam era: the machinery through which the government's expansion of legislated social security entitlements was administered. The government's record in this area warrants attention not only to gain insight into the everyday mechanics of social security administration in the Whitlam era, but also for what we might learn today from how those who administered that programme were pushed to comprehend the significance of the administrative realm as a site of politics, political action, and political relationships in its own right.

{"title":"Men and Women of Australia: Administering Whitlam's Re-Imagined Subject","authors":"Kristen Rundle","doi":"10.1111/ajph.12987","DOIUrl":"10.1111/ajph.12987","url":null,"abstract":"<p>This contribution examines and reflects on a less-studied area of life during the Whitlam era: the machinery through which the government's expansion of legislated social security entitlements was administered. The government's record in this area warrants attention not only to gain insight into the everyday mechanics of social security administration in the Whitlam era, but also for what we might learn today from how those who administered that programme were pushed to comprehend the significance of the administrative realm as a site of politics, political action, and political relationships in its own right.</p>","PeriodicalId":45431,"journal":{"name":"Australian Journal of Politics and History","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.6,"publicationDate":"2024-05-06","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ajph.12987","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141006054","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Australian Capital Territory July to December 2023 澳大利亚首都地区 2023 年 7 月至 12 月
IF 0.6 4区 社会学 Q1 HISTORY Pub Date : 2024-05-05 DOI: 10.1111/ajph.12990
Chris Monnox

The second half of 2023 saw the government progress several long-mooted reforms. It released a new Territory Plan and legislated an increased age of criminal responsibility, saw off a federal challenge to its drug decriminalisation laws, and introduced a voluntary assisted dying bill. Chief Minister and Treasurer Andrew Barr had to explain a reduced credit rating and changes to payroll tax, but the government seemed to be rolling out its program in an orderly fashion.

At the same time, however, a good deal of turmoil emerged from other sources. Most dramatically, Greens MLA Jonathan Davis resigned over allegations of sexual impropriety, but the fallout from Bruce Lehrmann's abortive trial also continued. The local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice referendum campaign was relatively uneventful since few doubted the local result, but the Legislative Assembly's principal no campaigner later lost his position as Deputy Opposition Leader in December.

The Barr government has a history of urban reformism in the face of community opposition, and at midyear this looked set to continue. In February the YIMBY (yes in my back yard) group Greater Canberra launched a campaign to allow townhouses and duplexes in Residential Zone One (RZ1), the low density zone covering over eighty percent of Canberra, and it built considerable momentum in the intervening months (see my previous Chronicle in AJPH 69:4, 2023). In July the Labor Party's ACT conference amended its platform to reflect this demand, albeit with qualifications around timing (Canberra Times, 23 July 2023), and in August the ACT Greens Forum did likewise (Canberra Times, 26 August 2023).

This activity in the governing parties' organisational wings occurred as the government prepared to release a new Territory Plan, which would set out the ACT's zoning scheme and complement the new planning system introduced in June. In early September Barr signalled changes to RZ1 (RiotAct, 5 September 2023), but the plan revealed a week later was more restrictive than reform proponents had hoped. The proposed new rules permitted a second house of up to 120 square meters on RZ1 blocks over 800 square meters, which account for about forty percent of the total. These new dwelling could be unit titled, allowing the two houses to be sold separately, but they were subject to the potentially costly development application process (Canberra Times, 11 September 2023, 15–17 September 2023).

The “new” RZ1 drew criticism from Greater Canberra, as well as the Liberals, who opposed the 120 square meter size limit for second dwellings (Canberra Times, 15 September 2023; RiotAct, 11 September 2023). Both said the changes provided for granny flats, a description Barr and Planning Minister Mick Gentleman rejected (Canberra Times, 15 November 2023). The purpose of the size limit, the former said, was to ensure the new dwellings were affordable, wi

12 月,政府签署了一项价值 5.77 亿美元的轻轨项目第二阶段 A 的合同,联邦承担了一半的费用,从而进一步带来了重大的财政消息。这是在联邦联盟早些时候承诺支持该项目的基础上做出的,但当地自由党对这一宣布仍持怀疑态度。他们认为,期望联邦为第二阶段的其余部分提供如此慷慨的支持,未免过于乐观(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 12 月 8 日)。巴尔是个乐观主义者:他指出,联邦对轻轨的支持已经从 2015 年阿博特政府资产回收计划中的微薄承诺增加到了现在的程度(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 12 月 30 日)。2022 年末,联邦议会解除了长达 25 年之久的地区安乐死立法禁令,澳大利亚首都直辖区将为自愿协助死亡(VAD)立法这一点显而易见。最有争议的悬而未决问题是关于未成年人获得自愿协助死亡的问题,咨询结果表明社区对此表示支持(RiotAct,2023 年 6 月 29 日)。然而,人权部长塔拉-切恩(Tara Cheyne)于 9 月表示,政府不会允许未成年人使用自愿安乐死,部分原因是政府的预测显示很少有人会寻求自愿安乐死(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 9 月 28 日)。切恩在 10 月下旬提出了政府的《自愿协助死亡法案》(Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill)(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 11 月 1 日);该法案预计将于 2024 年通过。但 9 月份,联邦影子检察长米凯利娅-卡什(Michaelia Cash)试图利用联邦对地区法律的控制权推翻非刑罪化(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 9 月 14 日)。卡什的法案在当地几乎得不到支持:工党和绿党称其为对首都领地自治的攻击,而李则表示 "当这些法律出台时,我们反对它们......但我坚信领地的权利"(RiotAct,2023 年 9 月 14 日)。卡什的法案于 10 月被否决,非刑罪化如期生效(《骚乱法案》,2023 年 10 月 28 日)。总检察长谢恩-拉滕伯里(Shane Rattenbury)提出的提高刑事责任年龄的法案也经过了漫长的过程。所有澳大利亚政府都讨论过这个问题,但只有维多利亚州和各领地同意采取行动。北方领土的法案将刑事责任年龄从 10 岁提高到了 12 岁,而拉滕伯里则更进一步,计划在 2025 年再次将刑事责任年龄提高到 14 岁(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 11 月 11 日)。该法案于 11 月获得通过,所有党派都支持其中的某些方面,但在细节问题上存在分歧:自由党认为应将年龄提高至 12 岁,而绿党则反对将被控谋杀或性暴力的青少年作为例外情况(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 11 月 2 日)。10 月份的土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民之声公投也提高了澳大利亚首都地区的进步声誉,尽管当地支持者对其在全国范围内的失败感到失望。堪培拉的工作重点已经宣布了他们的立场,工党、绿党、李和住房与交通影子部长马克-帕顿(Mark Parton)都支持赞成(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 4 月 19 日,2023 年 6 月 5 日)。反对党副领袖杰里米-汉森(Jeremy Hanson)将这一呼声形容为 "解决土著澳大利亚人所面临的巨大劣势的乌托邦式灵丹妙药",他是议会中最重要的反对支持者(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 4 月 18 日)。但到 8 月底,当地的 "赞成 "运动仍招募了 1000 名志愿者,9 月的 "赞成步行 "活动吸引了 5000 人参加(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 8 月 27 日,2023 年 9 月 19 日)。反对运动的影响力较小,部分原因是其领导人认为当地的赞成运动胜利不可避免:在反对运动中表现突出的前自由党议员比尔-斯特凡尼亚克(Bill Stefaniak)说,他会将百分之四十的赞成票视为良好的地方反对票(RiotAct,9 月 13 日)。堪培拉人几乎实现了斯特凡尼亚克的希望,61.3% 的赞成票获得通过,但全市各地的投票率差异很大。在绿党在 2020 年地区选举中击败自由党的内北部投票站,约 76.5% 的选民投了赞成票。在通常被认为是堪培拉较为保守的地区塔格拉农(Tuggeranong,支持率为 50.3%)和贡格林(Gungahlin,支持率为 55.5%),投票结果则更为接近。不过,最有趣的结果可能来自内南部。这是一个富裕地区,堪培拉自由党在此获得了强有力的支持,但其投票站的支持率却高达 68.8%。 布鲁斯-莱尔曼在澳大利亚首都地区最高法院的审判流产所造成的影响继续牵涉到地区政府,政府于 2 月任命昆士兰州退休法官沃尔特-索夫诺夫(Walter Sofronoff)领导一个调查委员会调查此事,并于 7 月底收到了他的报告。他们预计不久后就会公布报告,但报告的调查结果却出现在了《澳大利亚人报》上,索夫诺夫本人向专栏作家珍妮特-阿尔布雷希森(Janet Albrechtsen)提供了一份副本(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 2 月 2 日、2023 年 7 月 29 日、2023 年 8 月 12 日)。巴尔在五天后正式公布了这份报告,并对索夫诺夫提出了批评,他说索夫诺夫 "违反了他对我的诚意,没有按照法律规定将报告交给他应该交给的人,就提前公布了报告"(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 8 月 8 日)。尽管政府对索夫诺夫与媒体的接触提出了批评,但并没有对其报告的结论提出异议,报告对澳大利亚首都地区检察长谢恩-德鲁姆戈德(Shane Drumgold)提出了严厉批评。报告发布后不久,拉滕伯里就向德伦戈德提供了报告副本,8 月 4 日,检察长提出辞职(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 8 月 12 日)。8 月底,德伦戈德在澳大利亚首都地区最高法院对索弗罗诺夫针对他的调查结果提出质疑(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 8 月 30 日);2024 年 3 月,法院维持了大部分调查结果,但认为索弗罗诺夫与阿尔布雷希森的频繁沟通让人有理由担心其存在偏见(《堪培拉时报》,2024 年 3 月 5 日)。11 月 10 日,《堪培拉时报》披露了绿党议员乔纳森-戴维斯(Jonathan Davis)"分别与一名 17 岁的男孩发生关系,并与一名 15 岁的男孩发生性关系 "的指控,这是该年度,也可能是该任期内最令人震惊的事件。绿党领袖拉滕伯里已获悉此事,并于 11 月 6 日下令进行党内调查,但他直到 11 月 10 日才通知工党联盟伙伴(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 11 月 11 日)。这在联盟内部引发了严重的紧张局势,代理首席部长伊薇特-贝里(Yvette Berry)谈到了需要回答的问题,拉滕伯里则指责工党 "试图从我党有史以来面临的最困难、最敏感的问题中制造政治优势"(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 11 月 14 日)。11 月 12 日,戴维斯辞去了议会和绿党的职务(《堪培拉时报》,2023 年 11 月 13 日),但此事远未结束。由拉滕伯里的参谋长起草并在第二天公布的党内审查发现,戴维斯 "从事了可能被视为不道德和不适当的活动"。报告还显示,绿党部长艾玛-戴维森(Emma Davidson)比拉滕伯里早一周知道有关戴维斯的传言,但直到 11 月 7 日才出现具体投诉
{"title":"Australian Capital Territory July to December 2023","authors":"Chris Monnox","doi":"10.1111/ajph.12990","DOIUrl":"10.1111/ajph.12990","url":null,"abstract":"<p>The second half of 2023 saw the government progress several long-mooted reforms. It released a new Territory Plan and legislated an increased age of criminal responsibility, saw off a federal challenge to its drug decriminalisation laws, and introduced a voluntary assisted dying bill. Chief Minister and Treasurer Andrew Barr had to explain a reduced credit rating and changes to payroll tax, but the government seemed to be rolling out its program in an orderly fashion.</p><p>At the same time, however, a good deal of turmoil emerged from other sources. Most dramatically, Greens MLA Jonathan Davis resigned over allegations of sexual impropriety, but the fallout from Bruce Lehrmann's abortive trial also continued. The local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice referendum campaign was relatively uneventful since few doubted the local result, but the Legislative Assembly's principal no campaigner later lost his position as Deputy Opposition Leader in December.</p><p>The Barr government has a history of urban reformism in the face of community opposition, and at midyear this looked set to continue. In February the YIMBY (yes in my back yard) group Greater Canberra launched a campaign to allow townhouses and duplexes in Residential Zone One (RZ1), the low density zone covering over eighty percent of Canberra, and it built considerable momentum in the intervening months (see my previous Chronicle in <i>AJPH</i> 69:4, 2023). In July the Labor Party's ACT conference amended its platform to reflect this demand, albeit with qualifications around timing (<i>Canberra Times</i>, 23 July 2023), and in August the ACT Greens Forum did likewise (<i>Canberra Times</i>, 26 August 2023).</p><p>This activity in the governing parties' organisational wings occurred as the government prepared to release a new Territory Plan, which would set out the ACT's zoning scheme and complement the new planning system introduced in June. In early September Barr signalled changes to RZ1 (<i>RiotAct</i>, 5 September 2023), but the plan revealed a week later was more restrictive than reform proponents had hoped. The proposed new rules permitted a second house of up to 120 square meters on RZ1 blocks over 800 square meters, which account for about forty percent of the total. These new dwelling could be unit titled, allowing the two houses to be sold separately, but they were subject to the potentially costly development application process (<i>Canberra Times</i>, 11 September 2023, 15–17 September 2023).</p><p>The “new” RZ1 drew criticism from Greater Canberra, as well as the Liberals, who opposed the 120 square meter size limit for second dwellings (<i>Canberra Times</i>, 15 September 2023; <i>RiotAct</i>, 11 September 2023). Both said the changes provided for granny flats, a description Barr and Planning Minister Mick Gentleman rejected (<i>Canberra Times</i>, 15 November 2023). The purpose of the size limit, the former said, was to ensure the new dwellings were affordable, wi","PeriodicalId":45431,"journal":{"name":"Australian Journal of Politics and History","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.6,"publicationDate":"2024-05-05","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ajph.12990","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141129668","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Disability Policy and the Whitlam Government 残疾政策与惠特拉姆政府
IF 0.6 4区 社会学 Q1 HISTORY Pub Date : 2024-05-05 DOI: 10.1111/ajph.12993
Louise St Guillaume

The Whitlam Government has an enduring legacy. Yet scholarship on the Whitlam Government rarely exclusively or extensively focusses on its disability policies. This article applies disability studies to analyse key policies of the Whitlam Government, including increases to the Invalid Pension, Sheltered Employment Allowance and Sickness Benefits, the Australian Assistance Plan, the Handicapped Persons Assistance Act 1974, and the National Compensation Bill 1974 to understand how the Whitlam Government understood people with disability and the ongoing legacy of the policies. It hypothesises that, although from a contemporary viewpoint the policies and how they understand people with disability could be problematised, it postulates that, in the 1970s, they reflect a significant shift in how people with disability were understood and governed. Further, it conjects that the policies can inform current disability policy.

惠特拉姆政府的遗产经久不衰。然而,有关惠特拉姆政府的学术研究很少专门或广泛关注其残疾人政策。本文运用残疾研究来分析惠特拉姆政府的主要政策,包括增加残废抚恤金、庇护就业津贴和疾病津贴、澳大利亚援助计划、1974 年残疾人援助法案和 1974 年国家赔偿法案,以了解惠特拉姆政府如何理解残疾人以及这些政策的持续遗产。研究假设,尽管从当代观点来看,这些政策及其对残疾人的理解可能存在问题,但在 20 世纪 70 年代,这些政策反映了人们对残疾人的理解和管理方式发生了重大转变。此外,它还推测这些政策可以为当前的残疾人政策提供参考。
{"title":"Disability Policy and the Whitlam Government","authors":"Louise St Guillaume","doi":"10.1111/ajph.12993","DOIUrl":"10.1111/ajph.12993","url":null,"abstract":"<p>The Whitlam Government has an enduring legacy. Yet scholarship on the Whitlam Government rarely exclusively or extensively focusses on its disability policies. This article applies disability studies to analyse key policies of the Whitlam Government, including increases to the Invalid Pension, Sheltered Employment Allowance and Sickness Benefits, the Australian Assistance Plan, the <i>Handicapped Persons Assistance Act</i> 1974, and the <i>National Compensation Bill</i> 1974 to understand how the Whitlam Government understood people with disability and the ongoing legacy of the policies. It hypothesises that, although from a contemporary viewpoint the policies and how they understand people with disability could be problematised, it postulates that, in the 1970s, they reflect a significant shift in how people with disability were understood and governed. Further, it conjects that the policies can inform current disability policy.</p>","PeriodicalId":45431,"journal":{"name":"Australian Journal of Politics and History","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.6,"publicationDate":"2024-05-05","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ajph.12993","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141011959","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Whitlam's Economic (Inter)Nationalism 惠特拉姆的经济(跨)民族主义
IF 0.6 4区 社会学 Q1 HISTORY Pub Date : 2024-05-05 DOI: 10.1111/ajph.12992
Ben Huf

By his own admission, Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam was not much of an economist, a disclosure that has fuelled criticisms of his government's performance during the economic crises of the 1970s. By contrast, Whitlam was a self-declared internationalist who promoted the domestic and global possibilities of the international system. Of course, twentieth-century economics and internationalism were mutual rather than dichotomous. Accordingly, Whitlam's internationalism provides a vantage point to re-evaluate his economics. This article focusses on how one strand of Whitlam's internationalism — his Third World sympathies and alignments — informed his government's resource policy, as designed by Minister for Minerals and Energy, Rex Connor. Rather than seeking to redeem Whitlam's economic credentials via this internationalism, however, I argue Whitlam's appeal to Third Worldism sought to infuse an anti-economics — or, more precisely, a critique of mainstream economic thinking — into Australian resources policy. The legacies of this critique have been enduring. Whitlam and Connor's attempts to establish export controls, foreign investment regulations, and state-owned enterprise galvanised a fierce backlash from miners and libertarian economists. This backlash has helped shape the neoliberal framing of Australian mining and energy policy over the past 40 years. At the same time, with climate change and energy transitions again illuminating the politics of natural resources, Whitlam's Third World critique remains salient.

澳大利亚总理戈夫-惠特拉姆自己也承认,他并不精通经济,这也加剧了人们对其政府在 20 世纪 70 年代经济危机期间表现的批评。相比之下,惠特拉姆自诩为国际主义者,他提倡国际体系在国内和全球的可能性。当然,20 世纪的经济学与国际主义是相互影响而非对立的。因此,惠特拉姆的国际主义为重新评估其经济学提供了一个有利的角度。本文重点讨论惠特拉姆国际主义的一个方面--他对第三世界的同情和结盟--如何影响其政府的资源政策,该政策由矿产和能源部长雷克斯-康纳(Rex Connor)制定。不过,我认为惠特拉姆对第三世界的诉求并不是要通过这种国际主义来挽回其经济信誉,而是要在澳大利亚资源政策中注入一种反经济学--或者更准确地说,是对主流经济思想的批判。这种批判的影响经久不衰。惠特拉姆和康纳试图建立出口管制、外国投资法规和国有企业,这激起了矿工和自由主义经济学家的强烈反弹。这种反弹在过去 40 年里帮助塑造了澳大利亚矿业和能源政策的新自由主义框架。与此同时,随着气候变化和能源转型再次揭示了自然资源政治,惠特拉姆对第三世界的批判依然突出。
{"title":"Whitlam's Economic (Inter)Nationalism","authors":"Ben Huf","doi":"10.1111/ajph.12992","DOIUrl":"10.1111/ajph.12992","url":null,"abstract":"<p>By his own admission, Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam was not much of an economist, a disclosure that has fuelled criticisms of his government's performance during the economic crises of the 1970s. By contrast, Whitlam was a self-declared internationalist who promoted the domestic and global possibilities of the international system. Of course, twentieth-century economics and internationalism were mutual rather than dichotomous. Accordingly, Whitlam's internationalism provides a vantage point to re-evaluate his economics. This article focusses on how one strand of Whitlam's internationalism — his Third World sympathies and alignments — informed his government's resource policy, as designed by Minister for Minerals and Energy, Rex Connor. Rather than seeking to redeem Whitlam's economic credentials via this internationalism, however, I argue Whitlam's appeal to Third Worldism sought to infuse an anti-economics — or, more precisely, a critique of mainstream economic thinking — into Australian resources policy. The legacies of this critique have been enduring. Whitlam and Connor's attempts to establish export controls, foreign investment regulations, and state-owned enterprise galvanised a fierce backlash from miners and libertarian economists. This backlash has helped shape the neoliberal framing of Australian mining and energy policy over the past 40 years. At the same time, with climate change and energy transitions again illuminating the politics of natural resources, Whitlam's Third World critique remains salient.</p>","PeriodicalId":45431,"journal":{"name":"Australian Journal of Politics and History","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.6,"publicationDate":"2024-05-05","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ajph.12992","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141012732","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Victoria July to December 2023 维多利亚州 2023 年 7 月至 12 月
IF 0.6 4区 社会学 Q1 HISTORY Pub Date : 2024-04-30 DOI: 10.1111/ajph.12989
Dr Zareh Ghazarian

For the most part of the last decade, several key factors were constant in Victorian politics. These included a dominant Labor Party holding a comfortable majority in the Legislative Assembly, an opposition beset by internal divisions, and Daniel Andrews who had been premier since 2014. The last half of 2023 was to be a significant period for Victorian politics. There would be major changes to the personnel, but not necessarily the policies or general trend, of government and administration in Victoria.

Prior to the last state election in 2022, Victoria had been named as the host jurisdiction for the 2026 Commonwealth Games. This was seen to be a boon, especially as the games would be held across the state. Premier Andrews touted the event would be ‘great for jobs, hospitality and our economy’, while the then-Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Martin Pakula, was quoted as saying that the Games would ‘deliver major benefits, particularly [for] the regions, and leave a lasting legacy for the growth and development of sport throughout Victoria’ (Premier of Victoria 12 April 2022). When the announcement was made in 2022, the state government estimated that the event would add $3 billion to the state's economy and create thousands of jobs during, and after, the Commonwealth Games (Premier of Victoria 12 April 2022).

It was also planned that 2026 Commonwealth Games would be held in the regions of Geelong, Bendigo, Ballarat, and Gippsland. These regions would stand to benefit from the potential economic activity from the games as well as through the investments in housing and sports infrastructure. Each hub, for example, would have their own athlete villages, while the state government planned to create ‘world-class sports facilities’ which would ‘leave a legacy of affordable housing for the regions and modern sports infrastructure’ after the Games (Premier of Victoria 12 April 2022).

Despite such high ambitions, on 18 July 2023 Daniel Andrews announced that Victoria would cancel the event. In his statement, Premier Andrews cited the growing cost of hosting the event which was estimated to be over $6 billion. As he put it: ‘…the cost of hosting these Games in 2026 is not the 2.6 billion which was budgeted’, rather it was ‘at least $6 billion, and could be as high as $7 billion’ (cited in The Age 18 July 2023).

The Deputy Premier who also had responsibility for the Commonwealth Games, Jacinta Allan, announced that the government would provide support for the regions who had been expecting to host the Games. In particular, the government committed to delivering the infrastructure that had been planned with each region in a package that would cost approximately $2 billion (The Age 18 July 2023).

The government's decision came as a shock to some officials such as the Chief Executive of Commonwealth Games Australia, Craig Philips, who had reportedly been notified of the estimated costs ‘d

这引发了自由党内激烈的预选竞争。12 月,该党选出了商人理查德-韦尔奇(Richard Welch),他将在新年时就任立法会议员。2023 年下半年,自由党领袖约翰-佩苏托(John Pesutto)取得了一些积极成果。在赢得 Warrandyte 选举后,他可以就取消英联邦运动会等话题攻击政府,这似乎提升了他在社区中的形象。8 月初,《先驱太阳报》刊登了一篇关于佩苏托的专题报道,向维多利亚州人介绍了他的背景和政治发展。其中出现的一个关键主题是,他希望自由党关注的政策挑战与过去相比能引起更多维多利亚人的共鸣。尤其值得关注的是对住房负担能力和生活成本的关注(《先驱太阳报》2023 年 8 月 4 日)。这提醒了更多的选民注意佩苏托在本届议会任期内为该党制定的计划。然而,这种积极性很快就被有关党内分歧的进一步报道所掩盖。在自由党赢得瓦兰迪特(Warrandyte)议席的第二天,自由党影子警务部长在媒体会议上重提了 2013 年涉及丹尼尔-安德鲁斯(Daniel Andrews)的一起机动车事故(见《时代报》2023 年 8 月 28 日)。据报道,这引起了该党领导层的不满,因为这转移了人们对补选胜利的积极关注(见《时代报》2023 年 8 月 28 日)。另外,在支付佩苏托和党领导层的法律辩护费用问题上也出现了分歧,因为他们可能面临新的诽谤案(《时代报》2023 年 8 月 30 日)。此外,关于佩苏托和莫伊拉-迪明(Moira Deeming)之间调解失败的报道进一步转移了人们对该党政策计划的关注,同时也暴露了该党内部的不团结(见澳大利亚广播公司 2023 年 9 月 6 日报道)。2023 年 8 月,在总理的建议下,玛格丽特-加德纳教授(Margaret Gardner AC)被任命为维多利亚州第 30 任州长。在被任命之前,加德纳教授自 2014 年起一直担任莫纳什大学(Monash University)副校长。维多利亚州州长的任期通常为五年,因此预计玛格丽特-加德纳教授将至少在2026年州选举中担任这一职务。她接替了自 2015 年以来一直担任这一职务的琳达-德绍(Linda Dessau)。维多利亚州 9 月份的最后一周通常是澳式橄榄球总决赛的前奏,而总决赛传统上在该月的最后一个星期六举行。然而,在 2023 年,丹尼尔-安德鲁斯(Daniel Andrews)宣布的一项消息部分地盖过了 AFL 的风头,哪怕只有短短几天。9 月 26 日,丹尼尔-安德鲁斯(Daniel Andrews)召开新闻发布会,宣布他将于 9 月 27 日下午 5 点卸任。他曾在布拉克斯(Bracks)和布伦比(Brumby)政府中担任部长,并在 2010 年工党失利后成为反对党领袖。四年内,安德鲁斯带领工党重新执政。2018 年和 2022 年,他带领工党轻松赢得大选。安德鲁斯以一位言语平实、信念坚定的政治家形象示人,他将为维多利亚州的利益着想。从表面上看,他的沟通风格和政策方向为他在选举中获得强有力的支持做出了贡献。安德鲁斯在其最后一次新闻发布会上强调,总理的角色已经让他付出了巨大的代价,他说:"作为我们州的总理,这不是一份轻松的工作--这不是抱怨,这只是一个事实",而且这份工作"......需要你和你的家人百分之百的努力。当然,这是有时间限制的,现在是离开的时候了"(引自澳大利亚广播公司 2023 年 9 月 26 日报道)。9 月 27 日,杰辛塔-艾伦(Jacinta Allan)成为维多利亚州第 49 任州长。艾伦于 1999 年首次当选立法议会议员,代表墨尔本西北部的本迪戈东部选区。杰辛塔-艾伦(Jacinta Allan)也是带着丰富的经验履新的,她在议会任职的 24 年中担任过一系列部长职务,包括 2002 年的就业和青年事务,以及自 2022 年以来的交通和基础设施。艾伦与丹尼尔-安德鲁斯(Daniel Andrews)同属社会主义左翼派别,该派别近年来在工党党团中的实力得到了巩固。在上次州选举前,她被任命为副领袖,成为接替安德鲁斯的热门人选。然而,艾伦的总理之路并非没有内部挑战。本-卡罗尔(Ben Carroll)曾担任过包括公共交通在内的多项职务,据说他曾在党团会议厅向艾伦发起挑战。卡罗尔来自党内右派。
{"title":"Victoria July to December 2023","authors":"Dr Zareh Ghazarian","doi":"10.1111/ajph.12989","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1111/ajph.12989","url":null,"abstract":"<p>For the most part of the last decade, several key factors were constant in Victorian politics. These included a dominant Labor Party holding a comfortable majority in the Legislative Assembly, an opposition beset by internal divisions, and Daniel Andrews who had been premier since 2014. The last half of 2023 was to be a significant period for Victorian politics. There would be major changes to the personnel, but not necessarily the policies or general trend, of government and administration in Victoria.</p><p>Prior to the last state election in 2022, Victoria had been named as the host jurisdiction for the 2026 Commonwealth Games. This was seen to be a boon, especially as the games would be held across the state. Premier Andrews touted the event would be ‘great for jobs, hospitality and our economy’, while the then-Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Martin Pakula, was quoted as saying that the Games would ‘deliver major benefits, particularly [for] the regions, and leave a lasting legacy for the growth and development of sport throughout Victoria’ (Premier of Victoria 12 April 2022). When the announcement was made in 2022, the state government estimated that the event would add $3 billion to the state's economy and create thousands of jobs during, and after, the Commonwealth Games (Premier of Victoria 12 April 2022).</p><p>It was also planned that 2026 Commonwealth Games would be held in the regions of Geelong, Bendigo, Ballarat, and Gippsland. These regions would stand to benefit from the potential economic activity from the games as well as through the investments in housing and sports infrastructure. Each hub, for example, would have their own athlete village<span>s</span>, while the state government planned to create ‘world-class sports facilities’ which would ‘leave a legacy of affordable housing for the regions and modern sports infrastructure’ after the Games (Premier of Victoria 12 April 2022).</p><p>Despite such high ambitions, on 18 July 2023 Daniel Andrews announced that Victoria would cancel the event. In his statement, Premier Andrews cited the growing cost of hosting the event which was estimated to be over $6 billion. As he put it: ‘…the cost of hosting these Games in 2026 is not the 2.6 billion which was budgeted’, rather it was ‘at least $6 billion, and could be as high as $7 billion’ (cited in <i>The Age</i> 18 July 2023).</p><p>The Deputy Premier who also had responsibility for the Commonwealth Games, Jacinta Allan, announced that the government would provide support for the regions who had been expecting to host the Games. In particular, the government committed to delivering the infrastructure that had been planned with each region in a package that would cost approximately $2 billion (<i>The Age</i> 18 July 2023).</p><p>The government's decision came as a shock to some officials such as the Chief Executive of Commonwealth Games Australia, Craig Philips, who had reportedly been notified of the estimated costs ‘d","PeriodicalId":45431,"journal":{"name":"Australian Journal of Politics and History","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.6,"publicationDate":"2024-04-30","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ajph.12989","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"141488539","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":4,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
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Australian Journal of Politics and History
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