Unmet health care needs are considered a key indicator of equity in access to health care. For younger people, they can lead to poorer health outcomes in adulthood, for older people, they are associated with an increased risk of mortality. Unmet needs were therefore investigated as part of a research project on „Improving the health-related life situation of young and old people in the Ruhr area.“
Unmet health care needs were surveyed with the help of semi-structured guideline interviews with younger and older people in the Ruhr area (n = 29). Due to the spatial and social structure of the study region, the aim was to recruit especially people with a low subjective social status (SSS) for the study. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and subjected to a qualitative content analysis and a supplementary frequency analysis. The reporting is based on the Standards for Qualitative Research (SRQR).
The respondents reported deficiencies in treatment and doctor-patient communication with GPs and specialists. The feeling of not being taken seriously due to age is cited several times by both age groups as a reason for unmet health care needs. Waiting times are particularly relevant in the case of specialist consultations, while co-payments for services mainly play a role in dentistry and orthodontics. Unmet needs are primarily reported by people with a medium SSS. Overall, almost two thirds of the respondents stated that they have or have had at least one unmet need. Participants with a low SSS report fewer unmet needs and do not mention any financial aspects as a cause. Explanations for this range from lower health literacy to the fear of being discredited.
The results provide indications of deficits in regional health care provision for younger and older people in the Ruhr region. Corresponding fields of action result from the areas of care and reasons identified as relevant for unmet health care needs. The reported findings also provide a basis for differentiated quantitative surveys with representative samples.
Patient involvement (PI) in systematic reviews (SRs) can help to improve the quality of SRs and enhance the credibility of the research process. At the same time, PI in SRs poses challenges such as the need for extra time. While several organizations and working groups from English-speaking countries provide recommendations for PI in SRs, there is a lack of current insights from stakeholders in Germany, including researchers and patients. Eliciting their perspectives is indicated, as PI in SRs in Germany might differ due to language barriers and organizational dissimilarities. For sharing and discussing stakeholders’ experiences in Germany, a workshop was facilitated. This paper summarizes the results of the workshop to elucidate stakeholders’ perspectives on key aspects of PI in SRs in Germany.
A World Café was conducted at the 2023 conference of the Network for Evidence-based Medicine. Participants at all levels of experience could take part without prior registration. The data obtained was summarized narratively in an iterative process, and a framework of the topics discussed was developed.
22 participants, predominantly researchers, took part. Participants formulated several general conditions for PI in SRs such as time and transparency. The majority of the tasks described referred to the application phase and the initial phase of a SR. The development of training and information materials in plain German language was deemed essential. The application phase of an externally funded SR and patient recruitment were considered as particularly challenging.
Several of the formulated aspects such as time and transparency are consistent with earlier work. The project start of a SR, however, has so far not been explicitly described in the literature as being of particular importance. This phase might be even more crucial to SR projects in Germany since researchers are expected to develop information materials for patients. Both the application phase and patient recruitment could be considered particularly challenging due to a lower degree of organisation of PI in Germany.
World Café participants described many aspects referring to the project start of a SR. This underlines that PI in SRs needs to be described as a process. A process model intertwining the phases of a SR with the respective phases of PI, ideally including best practices for each phase, could be of great value. With respect to the specific context in Germany, a greater degree of organization of PI, i. e. coordinated by an institution, could help to manage challenges such as patient recruitment.
Shortage in nursing resource results from the combination of a lack of nurses, an increased patient volume and workload, and other factors. This seems to be a worldwide phenomenon, leading to multiple health care related challenges and a decreased quality of care, but is different in extent in high- vs. low-income countries. An international perspective can alleviate challenges to keep our patients safe through increasing our health workers' safety.
To exchange experiences with the shortage in nursing resource globally, an international online conference event was hosted. Speakers from Germany, the Philippines, Poland, Tanzania, the United Kingdom and the United States presented their national challenges and strategies to deal with this phenomenon.
Conference presentations included information about the health care systems, comparable numbers of hospital beds, nurses, and nursing education. Speakers reported challenges such as an imbalance between a high nurse vacancy rate and demands, but also war and refugees, high human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other infection rates, or nurses’ migration to other countries; the solutions reported included buy-in from other countries, nurses-attracting projects such as Magnet hospitals, improved job opportunities like higher wages, career prospects, or improved education, and others.
Shortage in nursing resource seems to be a global phenomenon. Nursing managers and researchers should exchange and communicate challenges and solutions continuously and cooperate globally.
During the COVID-19 pandemic general practitioners (GP) practice teams were temporally confronted with major challenges which were accompanied by changes in practice organization and service provision. So far, little has been known about the views of patients who visited the GP practice for other than COVID-related reasons with regard to provision and use of GP services, the adjustments in the practice and the work of the practice team members.
The patient survey is a sub-study of the mixed-methods study VeCo-Praxis (GP healthcare for patients not suffering from COVID during the Corona pandemic) of the research practice network RESPoNsE (Research Practice Network East), which was conducted in the federal states of Berlin, Brandenburg and Thuringia. The questionnaire-based survey was carried out among patients who visited their GP practice in November 2022. The topics covered in the survey were developed by two focus groups consisting of 13 members of the RESPoNsE patient advisory board. The questionnaire was developed and piloted in a participatory approach with the RESPoNsE Patient Advisory Board. The results were analyzed descriptively using SPSS and discussed with the advisory board.
1,405 questionnaires from 37 practices were analyzed. 97% of respondents felt that the treatment they received at their GP practice during the COVID-19 pandemic was good. For the vast majority, appointments and acute consultations, prescriptions, laboratory tests, discussions of diagnostic results, routine follow-up check-ups and health checks were available to a sufficient extent. From the patients’ perspective, the practices have successfully adapted to the challenges caused by COVID-19. Overall, the patients’ trust in and their appreciation of the work of the practice staff have increased since the pandemic. Patients stated that GP practices should continue hygiene procedures, such as wearing a mask or keeping physical distance, in the future.
Despite multiple reports of a significant decline in both provision and utilization of standard care in GP practices during the pandemic, our survey showed that the majority of patients felt that they received adequate GP care and were highly satisfied. The results should be interpreted against the background of possible selection bias.
In this survey, GP patients were predominantly appreciative of GP care during the COVID-19 pandemic. The patients’ assessment of the provision and use of GP services during the pandemic complements the corresponding perspective of GPs and medical practice assistants.