Objective: A common and serious pregnancy issue known as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) occurs when the fetus is unable to reach its full growth potential. Mitochondria are crucial to the development of the fetus and the placenta. We aimed to elucidate the role of oxidative stress parameters and markers of DNA damage. The integrity of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was studied.
Materials and methods: Blood samples were collected from 48 females (cases and controls, respectively). Oxidative stress parameters were analyzed. DNA was extracted followed by high-performance liquid chromatography to study 8-OH-dG and mt DNA by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Western blot analysis was performed for nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins and DNA damage markers.
Results: When pregnant women were compared to non-pregnant women in their first, second, and third trimesters, a highly significant progressive drop in circulating mtDNA was found. In addition, mtDNA was considerably higher in mothers carrying IUGR fetuses than in healthy pregnancies. Sirtuin-3 protein expression was considerably suppressed in the IUGR placenta (P = 0.027), whereas Nrf1 expression was not statistically different from the control group in the IUGR. Increased oxidative stress led to greater DNA damage in IUGR. The highest concentrations of 8-OH-dG were found in IUGR with levels significantly higher than those in the non-pregnant group.
Conclusion: Our research sets the path for further investigation into mitochondrial anomalies in IUGR pregnancies and offers evidence for disturbed mitochondrial homeostasis. The mtDNA might offer a fresh perspective on the processes involved in physiological gestation. In addition, the presence of mtDNA may aid in the diagnosis of IUGR during pregnancy.
Objectives: Neutrophils are the most common cell types in circulation and are considered the first line of defense in the immune system against microorganisms. This study was undertaken to investigate the occurrence of isolated benign neutropenia (IBN) among healthy individuals in the central region of Saudi Arabia.
Methods: This retrospective study analyzed complete blood count tests as part of routine checkups for chronic health conditions from April to September 2022. The 10,442 participants were randomly selected and their medical records were reviewed for neutropenia and mean absolute neutrophil counts (ANCs) were calculated. Descriptive analysis was employed to assess the prevalence of IBN across various demographic factors, such as age, gender, and nationality.
Results: The prevalence of IBN in the central region of Saudi Arabia was found to be 2.82% across the entire cohort of participants. The mean ANC among all participants was 4.55 × 109/L. The prevalence of neutropenia was higher in male participants compared with female. Male neutropenic had a lower mean ANC than female; however, the differences were not statistically different (P > 0.05). The prevalence of neutropenia was lower in Saudi participants compared with non-Saudis. While the mean ANC was lower among Saudis as compared with non-Saudi participants. However, the differences were not statistically different (P > 0.05).
Conclusion: This is the first study from the central region of Saudi Arabia that determined the prevalence of chronic benign neutropenia among healthy individuals. The prevalence of IBN was found to be relatively low. Furthermore, neutropenia was more frequent in males than females. Moreover, male neutropenic individuals have a lower ANC.
Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the intra- and inter-rater reliability of palpation technique, digital calipers, and diastometer, as well as their concurrent validity against ultrasound imaging.
Methods: Ninety consenting parous women (20-45 years), recruited from a postnatal clinic in Enugu, Nigeria, participated in this observational study. Two physiotherapists and a sonographer measured their inter rectus distance at the level of the umbilicus, 4.5 cm above and below it, respectively, using each of the four modalities. The intra-rater measurements were taken at a week's interval. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics of intraclass correlation coefficient and paired samples T-test, at an alpha level set at P < 0.05.
Results: It showed the palpation technique (r = 0.749-0.967 and 0.658-0.917), digital calipers (r=0.750-0.955 and 0.685-0.904), and diastometer (r=0.762-0.958 and 0.471-0.902) demonstrated good inter- and intra-rater reliability. The concurrent validity of the palpation technique, digital calipers, and diastometer against the USI was poor at all three reference points.
Conclusion: Palpation technique, digital calipers, and diastometer are reliable tools but not valid substitutes to ultrasound imaging for the clinical measurement of diastasis rectus abdominis.