This article investigates regional disparities in Romanian adults' numeracy and literacy skills. We analyse a novel data set that combines the assessment of numeracy and literacy competencies of the adult population in Romania with information about regional economic conditions and educational administrative data. Using a background questionnaire and a cognitive test following e-PASS methodology and tools (everyday-life Practices and Skills Survey), the study is one of the first to assess the key skills of the Romanian adult population. The e-PASS survey is based on the Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme (LAMP), developed by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), and corresponds to PIAAC levels 1 and below 1. The findings indicate that individuals performing better at literacy and numeracy assessments have higher levels of education, are part of younger generations, and live in urban areas and economically developed Romania's regions. The results of this study provide a detailed picture of the current situation and can serve as a benchmark against which to compare current results in the region or future longitudinal findings.