Data on long-term survivors with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with nivolumab are available from randomized trials. Characteristics, management, and healthcare resources of those patients need to be confirmed with real-world data.
The UNIVOC retrospective observational study included all patients with advanced NSCLC recorded in the French national hospital database starting nivolumab in 2015 and followed them until December 2020. The Kaplan-Meier method estimated the overall survival (OS). A machine learning approach identified patients with similar treatment sequences.
Within the 3,050 patients who had nivolumab initiation,5-year OS rate was 14.6 % (95 %CI 13.3 %–16.2 %). In total, data covering at least 5 years of follow-up were retrieved for 231 surviving patients. Survivors were younger, often female and had fewer comorbidities than non-survivors. Three clusters of patients with different nivolumab treatment durations were identified: 1/ Continuous nivolumab treatment; 2/ Long period of nivolumab treatment followed by chemotherapy or no treatment; 3/ Short period of nivolumab treatment then chemotherapy or no treatment. At 5 years, 61.0 % of survivors were no longer receiving systemic therapy, 26.4 % were treated with nivolumab, 8.7 % chemotherapy, and 3.9 % other immunotherapies. Among 5-y survivor patients, the average number of hospitalisations per patient decreased from 23.4 to 12.8 between the 1st and the 5th year. In the 5th year, 46 % of patients had no more hospitalization for lung cancer.
This large nationwide study confirms the long-term benefit of nivolumab treatment for advanced NSCLC patients in the real-world setting, with a 5-year survival rate similar to that reported in clinical trials.