Errors in variable subscripts, equations and Fig. 8 in Section 3.2 of the article by Lotze et al. [(2024). J. Synchrotron Rad. 31, 42-52] are corrected.
Errors in variable subscripts, equations and Fig. 8 in Section 3.2 of the article by Lotze et al. [(2024). J. Synchrotron Rad. 31, 42-52] are corrected.
To date, computed tomography experiments, carried-out at synchrotron radiation facilities worldwide, pose a tremendous challenge in terms of the breadth and complexity of the experimental datasets produced. Furthermore, near real-time three-dimensional reconstruction capabilities are becoming a crucial requirement in order to perform high-quality and result-informed synchrotron imaging experiments, where a large amount of data is collected and processed within a short time window. To address these challenges, we have developed and deployed a synchrotron computed tomography framework designed to automatically process online the experimental data from the synchrotron imaging beamlines, while leveraging the high-performance computing cluster capabilities to accelerate the real-time feedback to the users on their experimental results. We have, further, integrated it within a modern unified national authentication and data management framework, which we have developed and deployed, spanning the entire data lifecycle of a large-scale scientific facility. In this study, the overall architecture, functional modules and workflow design of our synchrotron computed tomography framework are presented in detail. Moreover, the successful integration of the imaging beamlines at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility into our scientific computing framework is also detailed, which, ultimately, resulted in accelerating and fully automating their entire data processing pipelines. In fact, when compared with the original three-dimensional tomography reconstruction approaches, the implementation of our synchrotron computed tomography framework led to an acceleration in the experimental data processing capabilities, while maintaining a high level of integration with all the beamline processing software and systems.
Full-field transmission X-ray microscopy has been recently implemented at the hard X-ray ROCK-SOLEIL quick-EXAFS beamline, adding micrometre spatial resolution to the second time resolution characterizing the beamline. Benefiting from a beam size versatility due to the beamline focusing optics, full-field hyperspectral XANES imaging has been successfully used at the Fe K-edge for monitoring the pressure-induced spin transition of a 150 µm × 150 µm Fe(o-phen)2(NCS)2 single crystal and the charge of millimetre-sized LiFePO4 battery electrodes. Hyperspectral imaging over 2000 eV has been reported for the simultaneous monitoring of Fe and Cu speciation changes during activation of a FeCu bimetallic catalyst along a millimetre-sized catalyst bed. Strategies of data acquisition and post-data analysis using Jupyter notebooks and multivariate data analysis are presented, and the gain obtained using full-field hyperspectral quick-EXAFS imaging for studies of functional materials under process conditions in comparison with macroscopic information obtained by non-spatially resolved quick-EXAFS techniques is discussed.
Advances in physics have been significantly driven by state-of-the-art technology, and in photonics and X-ray science this calls for the ability to manipulate the characteristics of optical beams. Orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams hold substantial promise in various domains such as ultra-high-capacity optical communication, rotating body detection, optical tweezers, laser processing, super-resolution imaging etc. Hence, the advancement of OAM beam-generation technology and the enhancement of its technical proficiency and characterization capabilities are of paramount importance. These endeavours will not only facilitate the use of OAM beams in the aforementioned sectors but also extend the scope of applications in diverse fields related to OAM beams. At the FERMI Free-Electron Laser (Trieste, Italy), OAM beams are generated either by tailoring the emission process on the undulator side or, in most cases, by coupling a spiral zone plate (SZP) in tandem with the refocusing Kirkpatrick-Baez active optic system (KAOS). To provide a robust and reproducible workflow to users, a Hartmann wavefront sensor (WFS) is used for both optics tuning and beam characterization. KAOS is capable of delivering both tightly focused and broad spots, with independent control over vertical and horizontal magnification. This study explores a novel non-conventional `near collimation' operational mode aimed at generating beams with OAM that employs the use of a lithographically manufactured SZP to achieve this goal. The article evaluates the mirror's performance through Hartmann wavefront sensing, offers a discussion of data analysis methodologies, and provides a quantitative analysis of these results with ptychographic reconstructions.
A 1D imaging soft X-ray spectrometer installed on the small quantum systems (SQS) scientific instrument of the European XFEL is described. It uses movable cylindrical constant-line-spacing gratings in the Rowland configuration for energy dispersion in the vertical plane, and Wolter optics for simultaneous 1D imaging of the source in the horizontal plane. The soft X-ray fluorescence spectro-imaging capability will be exploited in pump-probe measurements and in investigations of propagation effects and other nonlinear phenomena.
TEMPUS is a new detector system being developed for photon science. It is based on the Timepix4 chip and, thus, it can be operated in two distinct modes: a photon-counting mode, which allows for conventional full-frame readout at rates up to 40 kfps; and an event-driven time-stamping mode, which allows excellent time resolution in the nanosecond regime in measurements with moderate X-ray flux. In this paper, the initial prototype, a single-chip device, is introduced, and the readout system described. Moreover, and in order to evaluate its capabilities, some tests were performed at PETRA III and ESRF for which results are also presented.
The differentially pumped rare-gas filter at the end of the VUV beamline of the Swiss Light Source has been adapted to house a windowless absorption cell for gases. Absorption spectra can be recorded from 7 eV to up to 21 eV photon energies routinely, as shown by a new water and nitrous oxide absorption spectrum. By and large, the spectra agree with previously published ones both in terms of resonance energies and absorption cross sections, but that of N2O exhibits a small shift in the {tilde{bf D}} band and tentative fine structures that have not yet been fully described. This setup will facilitate the measurement of absorption spectra in the VUV above the absorption edge of LiF and MgF2 windows. It will also allow us to carry out condensed-phase measurements on thin liquid sheets and solid films. Further development options are discussed, including the recording of temperature-dependent absorption spectra, a stationary gas cell for calibration measurements, and the improvement of the photon energy resolution.
One of the most challenging aspects of X-ray research is the delivery of liquid sample flows into the soft X-ray beam. Currently, cylindrical microjets are the most commonly used sample injection systems for soft X-ray liquid spectroscopy. However, they suffer from several drawbacks, such as complicated geometry due to their curved surface. In this study, we propose a novel 3D-printed nozzle design by introducing microscopic flat sheet jets that provide micrometre-thick liquid sheets with high stability, intending to make this technology more widely available to users. Our research is a collaboration between the EuXFEL and MAX IV research facilities. This collaboration aims to develop and refine a 3D-printed flat sheet nozzle design and a versatile jetting platform that is compatible with multiple endstations and measurement techniques. Our flat sheet jet platform improves the stability of the jet and increases its surface area, enabling more precise scanning and differential measurements in X-ray absorption, scattering, and imaging applications. Here, we demonstrate the performance of this new arrangement for a flat sheet jet setup with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, photoelectron angular distribution, and soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy experiments performed at the photoemission endstation of the FlexPES beamline at MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden.
Aerosol science is of utmost importance for both climate and public health research, and in recent years X-ray techniques have proven effective tools for aerosol-particle characterization. To date, such methods have often involved the study of particles collected onto a substrate, but a high photon flux may cause radiation damage to such deposited particles and volatile components can potentially react with the surrounding environment after sampling. These and many other factors make studies on collected aerosol particles challenging. Therefore, a new aerosol sample-delivery system dedicated to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of aerosol particles and gas molecules in-flight has been developed at the MAX IV Laboratory. The aerosol particles are brought from atmospheric pressure to vacuum in a continuous flow, ensuring that the sample is constantly renewed, thus avoiding radiation damage, and allowing measurements on the true unsupported aerosol. At the same time, available gas molecules can be used for energy calibration and to study gas-particle partitioning. The design features of the aerosol sample-delivery system and important information on the operation procedures are described in detail here. Furthermore, to demonstrate the experimental range of the aerosol sample-delivery system, results from aerosol particles of different shape, size and composition are presented, including inorganic atmospheric aerosols, secondary organic aerosols and engineered nanoparticles.
A broadband online X-ray spectrometer has been designed and commissioned at the SUD beamline of the Shanghai Soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility, which can deliver both SASE and seeded FEL pulses to user experiments, spanning the photon energy range of 50-620 eV. The resolving powers of the spectrometer calibrated via online measurement at 92 eV and 249 eV are ∼20000 and ∼15000, respectively, and the absolute photon energy is characterized by an electron time-of-flight spectrometer. The high energy resolution provided by the spectrometer can differentiate the fine structure in the FEL spectrum, to determine its pulse length.