Introduction and objectives
Heart failure (HF) is a clinical syndrome associated with substantial morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. Dapagliflozin has proven efficacy in reducing the risk of death and hospitalization in HF patients, regardless of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). This paper aimed to project the potential impact of dapagliflozin on healthcare costs related to HF subsequent hospitalizations (HFHs) in Portuguese hospitals.
The total number of HF-related hospitalizations (hHF), HFHs, and the average length of stay for patients with a primary diagnosis of HF from six Portuguese hospitals, between January 2019 and December 2021, were collected and aggregated by hospital classification. Costs associated with HFHs were calculated according to Portuguese legislation and considering conservative, average, and complex approaches. Cost-saving projections were based on extrapolations from hHF risk reductions reported in dapagliflozin clinical trials.
Considering a 26% risk reduction in hHF reported on pooled-analysis of DAPA-HF and DELIVER as the expected reduction in HFHs, the use of dapagliflozin would be associated with cost savings ranging from EUR 1 612 851.54 up to EUR 6 587 360.09, when considering all hospitals and the different approaches, between 2019 and 2021. A similar projection is observed based on 24% RRR derived by weighting DAPA-HF and DELIVER sub-analyses and PORTHOS epidemiological data.
In this projection, dapagliflozin use in all eligible hHF patients is associated with a significant reduction in direct costs. Our data support that, in addition to the improvements in HF-related outcomes, dapagliflozin may have a significant economic impact on healthcare costs in Portuguese hospitals.