Background: The early identification of different subgroups of individuals with partial work ability is important for the development of appropriate and effective services in order to prevent exclusion from working life and prolongation of unemployment.
Aims: This study aimed to identify different main activity trajectory clusters of people with partial work ability before their participation in work ability support services and to examine sociodemographic, health, work ability and functioning features of the identified clusters.
Methods: The sample consisted of clients who had participated in the Finnish Work Ability Programme during 2020-2022. Using the main activity data spanning from 2005 to 2021, optimal matching was applied to examine the similarity between the participants' main activity trajectories. Second, using cluster analysis, participants were categorised into four main activity trajectory clusters. Finally, the sociodemographic, health, work ability and functioning features of clusters were examined.
Results: A total of 643 individuals participated in the study. Four clusters were identified: (a) early-onset retirement, (b) from studies to outside the workforce, (c) from employment to unemployment and (d) long-term employment. Individuals in the 'early-onset retirement' cluster had the best perceived work ability and functioning. Problems relating to health, work ability, functioning and well-being were highlighted in the 'from employment to unemployment' cluster.