Commercial vehicles play a vital role in the transportation industry. Generally, there will present a complex nonlinear dynamic behavior composed of periodic, quasi-periodic, and even chaotic vibration in vehicle vertical system under the continuous speed bump excitation. To explore the nonlinear dynamic behavior of vehicle system, a new rigid-flexible coupling nonlinear dynamic model for light commercial vehicle has been developed theoretically with considering the frame flexibility, suspension stiffness and damping nonlinearity, and rubber bushing nonlinearity. The dynamic model for frame and suspension have been developed with discrete element method and lumped mass method, respectively. Then, the flexible frame model has been verified through the mode shape and frequency calculated by finite element simulation. And the rigid-flexible coupling nonlinear dynamic model of a light commercial vehicle has been verified with Adams simulation and testing results. Furthermore, the influence of vehicle speed and the height of speed bump, suspension stiffness and damping, as well as cargo weight and distribution on vehicle system dynamics is analyzed with bifurcation diagram, time history, frequency, phase diagram and Poincare section. The results show the significant and complex effects on the nonlinear vibration of vehicle system, especially the nonlinear damping and the flexible frame.