Many reaction networks arising in applications are multistationary, that is, they have the capacity for more than one steady state, while some networks exhibit absolute concentration robustness (ACR), which means that some species concentration is the same at all steady states. Both multistationarity and ACR are significant in biological settings, but only recently has attention focused on the possibility for these properties to coexist. Our main result states that such coexistence in at-most-bimolecular networks (which encompass most networks arising in biology) requires at least three species, five complexes and three reactions. We prove additional bounds on the number of reactions for general networks based on the number of linear conservation laws. Finally, we prove that, outside of a few exceptional cases, ACR is equivalent to non-multistationarity for bimolecular networks that are small (more precisely, one-dimensional or up to two species). Our proofs involve analyses of systems of sparse polynomials, and we also use classical results from chemical reaction network theory.
In Chen and Liang previous work, a model, together with its well-posedness, was established for credit rating migrations with different upgrade and downgrade thresholds (i.e. a buffer zone, also called dead band in engineering). When positive dividends are introduced, the model in Chen and Liang (SIAM Financ. Math. 12, 941–966, 2021) may not be well-posed. Here, in this paper, a new model is proposed to include the realistic nonzero dividend scenarios. The key feature of the new model is that partial differential equations in Chen and Liang (SIAM Financ. Math. 12, 941–966, 2021) are replaced by variational inequalities, thereby creating a new free boundary, besides the original upgrading and downgrading free boundaries. Well-posedness of the new model, together with a few financially meaningful properties, is established. In particular, it is shown that when time to debt paying deadline is long enough, the underlying dividend paying company is always in high grade rating, that is, only when time to debt paying deadline is within a certain range, there can be seen the phenomenon of credit rating migration.