TeamSTEPPS® aims to create an environment where all members feel comfortable to speak about patient safety concerns. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of TeamSTEPPS® mobile-based training on the perceptions of teamwork and team performance of operating room staff.
This study was a quasi-experimental method with measurements at baseline and after 2 months of intervention. The research samples included 105 OR staff (operating room technologists, anesthesia technologists, and nurses) working in 6 teaching hospitals of Iran University of Medical Sciences in 2022, which were selected by stratified random method and proportional allocation. The research tools included the demographic form, the Persian version of the ‘TeamSTEPPS® Teamwork Perception Questionnaire’ (T-TPQ) and the Persian version of the ‘Team Performance Observation Tool’ (TPOT). The intervention was carried out with sending the link of the TeamSTEPPS® 2.0 course files to participants by mobile messengers so that they could study them during five sessions, with an interval of one week between each session. Data analysis was done by calculating descriptive statistics and paired t-test.
The results showed that TeamSTEPPS® mobile-based training significantly improved the perception of teamwork (P < 0.011) and team performance of operating room staff (P < 0.001).
With the determination of the effect of TeamSTEPPS® mobile-based training on the perception of teamwork and team performance of operating room staff, it is suggested to present this training program to this group.