Background: Improved understanding of wildlife population connectivity among protected area networks can support effective planning for the persistence of wildlife populations in the face of land use and climate change. Common approaches to estimating connectivity often rely on small samples of individuals without considering the spatial structure of populations, leading to limited understanding of how individual movement links to demography and population connectivity. Recently developed spatial capture-recapture (SCR) models provide a framework to formally connect inference about individual movement, connectivity, and population density, but few studies have applied this approach to empirical data to support connectivity planning.
Methods: We used mark-recapture data collected from 924 genetic detections of 598 American black bears (Ursus americanus) in 2004 with SCR ecological distance models to simultaneously estimate density, landscape resistance to movement, and population connectivity in Glacier National Park northwest Montana, USA. We estimated density and movement parameters separately for males and females and used model estimates to calculate predicted density-weighted connectivity surfaces.
Results: Model results indicated that landscape structure influences black bear density and space use in Glacier. The mean density estimate was 16.08 bears/100 km2 (95% CI 12.52-20.6) for females and 9.27 bears/100 km2 (95% CI 7.70-11.14) for males. Density increased with forest cover for both sexes. For male black bears, density decreased at higher grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) densities. Drainages, valley bottoms, and riparian vegetation decreased estimates of landscape resistance to movement for male and female bears. For males, forest cover also decreased estimated resistance to movement, but a transportation corridor bisecting the study area strongly increased resistance to movement presenting a barrier to connectivity.
Conclusions: Density-weighed connectivity surfaces highlighted areas important for population connectivity that were distinct from areas with high potential connectivity. For black bears in Glacier and surrounding landscapes, consideration of both vegetation and valley topography could inform the placement of underpasses along the transportation corridor in areas characterized by both high population density and potential connectivity. Our study demonstrates that the SCR ecological distance model can provide biologically realistic, spatially explicit predictions to support movement connectivity planning across large landscapes.
Background: Information on reproduction of harvested species such as mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) is vital for conservation and management. Furthermore, parturition in ungulates may be detected using patterns of movement logged by GPS transmitters. Several movement-based methods have been developed to detect parturition in ungulates including the Peterson method, behavioral change point analysis (BCPA), rolling minimum convex polygons (rMCP), individual-based method (IBM), and population-based method (PBM). Our objectives were to (1) test the accuracy and the precision of each previously described method and (2) develop an improved method optimized for mule deer that incorporated aspects of the other methods.
Methods: We determined parturition timing and status for female mule deer fitted with GPS collars and implanted with vaginal implant transmitters (VITs). We used movement patterns before and after parturition to set movement thresholds for each movement-based method. Following model training, we used location and birth date data from an external dataset to test the effectiveness of each movement-based method. Additionally, we developed a novel method for detecting parturition called the analysis of parturition indicators (API). We used two regression analyses to determine the accuracy and precision of estimates generated by each method.
Results: The six methods we employed varied in accuracy, with the API, rMCP, and BCPA being most accurate. Precision also varied among methods, with the API, rMCP, and PBM generating the most precise estimates of parturition dates. The API and the rMCP performed similarly and better overall than any of the other existing methods.
Conclusions: We found that movement-based methods could be used to accurately and precisely detect parturition in mule deer. Further, we determined that the API and rMCP methods had the greatest overall success at detecting parturition in mule deer. The relative success of the API and rMCP may be attributed to the fact that both methods use home range size to detect parturition and are validated using known parturition dates of collared deer. We present the API as an efficient method of estimating birth status and timing of parturition of mule deer fitted with GPS transmitters, as well as affirm the effectiveness of a previously developed method, rMCP.
Background: Central place foragers must acquire resources and return to a central location after foraging bouts. During the egg laying (hereafter laying) period, females are constrained to a nest location, thus they must familiarize themselves with resources available within their incubation ranges after nest site selection. Use of prospecting behaviors by individuals to obtain knowledge and identify profitable (e.g., resource rich) locations on the landscape can impact demographic outcomes. As such, prospecting has been used to evaluate nest site quality both before and during the reproductive period for a variety of species.
Methods: Using GPS data collected from female eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) across the southeastern United States, we evaluated if prospecting behaviors were occurring during laying and what landcover factors influenced prospecting. Specifically, we quantified areas prospected during the laying period using a cluster analysis and the return frequency (e.g., recess movements) to clustered laying patches (150-m diameter buffer around a clustered laying period location) during the incubation period.
Results: The average proportion of recess movements to prospected locations was 56.9%. Nest fate was positively influenced (μ of posterior distribution with 95% credible 0.19, 0.06-0.37, probability of direction = 99.8%) by the number of patches (90-m diameter buffer around a clustered laying period location) a female visited during incubation recesses. Females selected for areas closer to the nest site, secondary roads, hardwood forest, mixed pine-hardwood forest, water, and shrub/scrub, whereas they avoided pine forest and open-treeless areas.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that having a diverse suite of clustered laying patches to support incubation recesses is impactful to nest fate. As such, local conditions within prospected locations during incubation may be key to successful reproductive output by wild turkeys. We suggest that prospecting could be important to other phenological periods. Furthermore, future research should evaluate how prospecting for brood-rearing locations may occur before or during the incubation period.
Background: Alterations in weather patterns due to climate change are accelerated in alpine environments, but mountains also provide a wide range of niches and potential refuge areas. In order to identify future critical habitat for mountain ungulates for effective protection, it is important to understand their spatial responses to changing weather conditions without movement constraints by human disturbance.
Methods: Using integrated step selection functions, we investigated fine-scale changes in seasonal habitat use in response to weather and time of day for 55 GPS-collared adult Alpine chamois in summer and 42 individuals in winter in a strictly protected area.
Results: Chamois reacted to increasing precipitation and wind speeds primarily by moving to lower elevations in summer and winter. However, reactions to high summer temperatures predominantly involved preferences for increasing tree cover density and northerly slopes. Snow depth had little effect on habitat choice, and southerly slopes were preferred in winter regardless of temperature. At night, chamois moved to steeper slopes and lower elevations than during daytime in both seasons, and to more open areas in summer. Steeper slopes were also preferred with increasing tree cover density.
Conclusions: Chamois employ adaptive fine-scale adjustments in their habitat choice consistent with respect to efficient thermoregulation and protection from both weather extremes and predation risk in summer and winter. Movement responses to climate change are therefore expected to be far more complex than simple altitudinal changes in distribution. Particularly the role of forest cover must not be underestimated, as it appears to provide important thermal refuge habitat from high summer temperatures.