Decision-making (DM) is the backbone of the Conservation and Restoration (CnR) of Cultural Heritage (CH). The demands of the DM process for information organization and management have raised issues that the CnR community attempts to solve by creating DM-support tools and systems, which, among others, exploit Semantic Web (SW) technologies. Regarding the tools and systems that focus on the DM process of selecting an intervention option (CnR-DM-I), they present benefits, as well as limitations, regarding the i) completeness of representation of the relevant knowledge in a unified manner, ii) facilitation of recording the CnR-DM-I process per se, in terms of the problem at hand as well as the intervention parameters, requirements and criteria, and iii) recommendation and further exploration of CnR intervention options in a systematic manner. This work proposes an ontology-based framework as a means to overcome those limitations. The proposed framework (DS-CnRI) sets at its core a formal ontology which provides the necessary entities to represent expert knowledge related to CnR-DM-I. The ontology also includes rules which provide useful inferences to assist the CnR-DM-I process. The proposed framework has been deployed and evaluated in collaboration with conservators. Initial evaluation results show that the framework assists conservators in CnR-DM-I to detect and select the most suitable intervention options, to better understand the limitations of different options and to document the process of reaching their decision.