Background: The cytology of lymph nodes is a cost-effective method with a short turnaround time and low risk to patients that delivers valuable information on the cause of the lymphadenopathies.
Objectives: To discuss the value of lymph node cytology in the diagnosis of lymph node swellings.
Methods: Analysis of the causes of the controversially discussed aspects of lymph node cytology. Presentation of the diagnostic groups of lymph node cytology according to the Sydney system.
Results: The technical aspects of lymph node sampling during fine needle biopsy, as well as the subsequent preparation of the correctly fixed direct smears and the triage of the sample for the auxiliary studies, may pose a significant challenge for some puncturers. The whole spectrum of modern pathologic auxiliary studies can be applied to correctly triaged cytologic samples. The diagnoses of fine needle biopsies of the lymph nodes can be divided into five groups according to the recently proposed Sydney reporting system: insufficient/non-diagnostic, benign, atypical, suspicious, and malignant. Further details concerning the diagnosis as well as recommendations on how to proceed are additionally included in cytologic reports.
Conclusions: The improvement of lymph node sampling as well as the technical aspects of the sample handling, including the application of auxiliary studies, considerably increase the diagnostic value of fine needle biopsy of the lymph nodes. Wide implementation of the usage of the diagnostic groups for reporting fine needle biopsies of the lymph nodes can standardize reporting and improve communication with other clinical specialists.