Background: Clinical education provides important learning opportunities for students. Finding clinical sites and faculty can be a challenge. Exploring the relationship between the number of clinical practice hours and NCLEX-RN success may be helpful for curriculum development and revision.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide descriptive information about clinical education in RN programs and determine if a relationship existed between the number of clinical hours and NCLEX-RN pass rate.
Method: A descriptive research design using a survey was sent to over 1000 accredited nursing programs in the United States.
Results: One hundred and fourteen surveys were completed. When comparing 2021 NCLEX-RN pass rates with clinical hours, there was a statistically significant difference at the 500 clinical hour interval.
Conclusion: Nursing programs can ensure fiduciary responsibility while supporting clinical judgment development and licensure success by reviewing their curriculum and reconsidering the number of clinical hours in their programs.