Background: Deregulation of DNA methylation/demethylation reactions may be the source of C > T mutation via active deamination of 5-methylcytosine to thymine. Exposome, that is to say, the totality of exposures to which an individual is subjected during their life, can deregulate these reactions. Thus, one may wonder whether the exposome can induce C > T mutations in the breast cancer-predisposing gene PALB2. Methods: Our work is based on the exposure of MCF10A mammary epithelial cells to seven compounds of our exposome (folate, Diuron, glyphosate, PFOA, iron, zinc, and ascorbic acid) alone or in cocktail. The qMSRE and RMS techniques were used to study the impact of these exposures on the level of methylation and mutation of the PALB2 gene. Results: Here, we have found that exposome compounds (nutriments, ions, pollutants) promoting the cytosine methylation and the 5-methylcytosine deamination have the ability to promote a specific C > T mutation in the PALB2 gene. Interestingly, we also noted that the addition of exposome compounds promoting the TET-mediated conversion of 5-methylcytosine (Ascorbic acid and iron) abrogates the presence of C > T mutation in the PALB2 gene. Conclusions: Our study provides a proof of concept supporting the idea that exposomes can generate genetic mutation by affecting DNA methylation/demethylation.
Transcriptional suppression is characteristic of extreme stress responses, speculated to preserve energetic resources in the maintenance of hypometabolism. In recent years, epigenetic regulation has become heavily implicated in stress adaptation of many animals, including supporting freeze tolerance of the wood frog (Rana sylvatica). However, nervous tissues are frequently lacking in these multi-tissue analyses which warrants investigation. The present study examines the role of DNA methylation, a core epigenetic mechanism, in the response of wood frog brains to freezing. We use immunoblot analysis to track the relative expression of DNA methyltransferases (DNMT), methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) proteins and ten-eleven-translocation (TET) demethylases across the freeze-thaw cycle in R. sylvatica brain, including selected comparisons to freeze-associated sub-stresses (anoxia and dehydration). Global methyltransferase activities and 5-hmC content were also assessed. The data show coordinated evidence for DNA hypomethylation in wood frog brains during freeze-recovery through the combined roles of depressed DNMT3A/3L expression driving lowered DNMT activity and increased TET2/3 levels leading to elevated 5-hmC genomic content (p < 0.05). Raised levels of DNMT1 during high dehydration were also noteworthy. The above suggest that alleviation of transcriptionally repressive 5-mC DNA methylation is a necessary component of the wood frog freeze-thaw cycle, potentially facilitating the resumption of a normoxic transcriptional state as frogs thaw and resume normal metabolic activities.
The centrosome plays a central role for cellular signaling and is critical for several fundamental cellular processes in human cells. Centrosome abnormalities have been linked to multiple solid tumors and hematological malignancies. We sought to explore the potential role of the DNA methylation, a critical epigenetic modification, of centrosome-related genes in different cancers. The 450K array DNA methylation data and RNA-seq data were downloaded for ~4000 tumor samples and ~500 normal controls from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project, covering 11 major cancer types. Cancers with more than 30 normal controls were retained for analysis. Differentially modified CpGs of centrosome genes were identified, and cancer-specific epigenetic models were developed using a machine-learning algorithm for each cancer type. The association between the methylation level of differential CpGs and the corresponding gene expression, as well as the co-localization of the differential CpGs and cis-regulatory elements were evaluated. In total, 2761 CpGs located on 160 centrosome genes for 6 cancers were included in the analysis. Cancer-specific models demonstrated a high accuracy in terms of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC > 0.9) in five cancers and showed tissue specificity. This study enhanced our understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms underlying the DNA methylation of centrosome-related genes in cancers, and showed the potential of these epigenetic modifications as novel cancer biomarkers.
Epigenetic information is transmitted from one generation to the next, modulating the phenotype of offspring non-genetically in organisms ranging from plants to mammals. For intergenerational non-genetic inheritance to occur, epigenetic information must accumulate in germ cells. The three main carriers of epigenetic information-histone post-translational modifications, DNA modifications, and RNAs-all exhibit dynamic patterns of regulation during germ cell development. For example, histone modifications and DNA methylation are extensively reprogrammed and often eliminated during germ cell maturation and after fertilization during embryogenesis. Consequently, much attention has been given to RNAs, specifically small regulatory RNAs, as carriers of inherited epigenetic information. In this review, we discuss examples in which microRNAs have been implicated as key players in transmitting paternal epigenetic information intergenerationally.