The heat transport efficiency inside an enclosure has been harnessed in different applications including heat exchangers, solar collectors, and electronic devices. Hybrid nanoliquids conduct higher heat transport than mono nanoliquid. This research deals with the performance of heat transport within square chamber filled with hybrid nanofluid featuring a heated inner circular obstacle. The used hybrid nanofluid is amalgamation of uniform and equal amount of MgO and Ag nanoadditives in water as a host liquid. The square chamber is under the Lorentz force effect. Further, the chamber is isothermally heated/cooled from the lower surface and vertical surfaces, respectively, while upper wall is thermally insulated. The coupled partial differential equations have been solved using a CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) package named Comsol Multiphysics, advanced simulation software. Comsol Multiphysics is solver of finite element problems. The impact of key parameters such as the Rayleigh and Hartmann numbers, nanoparticles concentration fraction, and inclined angle of Lorentz force on thermal convection is studied in details. The computational examination has been conducted in a wide range of key characteristics viz. Ra = 103–106, Ha = 0–100 and ϕ = 0.01, 0.02. The performed validation has shown a good agreement with numerical outcomes of other authors. The streamlines strength is raised rapidly for higher Ra. Highest velocity magnitude is near arc length L = 1.5. With rise of Ha, the isotherms formed at the left and right wall are reduced. The inclination angle of Lorentz force is significantly affecting the energy transport. The study is relevant in optimizing the cooling of electronic system within device where reducing temperature within the device is essential in order to prevent overheating and make sure the reliability of the electronic devices. The findings hold promise for different applications including electronics cooling and heat exchangers.