Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate district nurses' perceived and factual knowledge about nutritional care after an updated and expanded educational intervention. Furthermore, we aimed to compare the outcomes of the revised and the original educational intervention.
Background: In-depth knowledge of nutritional care is a prerequisite to supporting older adults' well-being and health. District nurses' actual knowledge of the nutrition care process, older adults' need for food, and palliative care in diverse phases of disease is therefore of utmost importance. An updated and expanded educational intervention meeting these needs was evaluated.
Methods: A study-specific questionnaire about nutritional care was used before and after the educational intervention. Participants (n = 118) were district nurses working in primary health care in Region Stockholm. Additionally, a pre- and post-test quasi-experimental design was used to assess differences in learning outcomes of the revised intervention compared with the original intervention.
Findings: District nurses who completed the questionnaire had worked in health care for about 18 years and as district nurses for 5 years after their specialist examination. After the revised educational intervention, significant improvements were found in all statements concerning perceived challenges and actions related to nutritional care, while questions about factual knowledge showed significant improvements in three of the four questions.Comparison between the revised and the original intervention revealed no differences in most areas of perceived challenges and actions related to nutritional care. Additionally, in half of the areas assessed, factual knowledge improved more after the revision than after the original educational intervention, including the maximum length of overnight fast and the type of oral nutritional supplements (ONS) that should be prescribed.
Conclusion: The intervention was successful in increasing knowledge about nutritional care, nutritional counselling, food adaptation, and prescribing ONS in an individually tailored way. In-depth knowledge supports usability in clinical practice. Nevertheless, we need to follow-up and understand how increased knowledge about undernutrition and ONS prescription are implemented in primary health care when caring for older adults' desires and needs.