Brinton, W., Basso, B., Millar, N., Covey, K., Bettigole, C., Jagadamma, S., Loeffler, F., Kolodney, S. (2025). Agronomy Journal, 117, e70018.
In the author list, the spelling “Bettigo” was incorrect. The name was corrected to read: “Bettigole, C.” Additionally, at the end, an author was omitted. The full author list was corrected to read: “Brinton, W., Basso, B., Millar, N., Covey, K., Bettigole, C., Jagadamma, S., Loeffler, F., Kolodney, S.”
In the affiliations list, the following affiliation was missing for S. Kolodney:
Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland.
In the Author Contributions list, the following contribution was missing for S. Kolodney:
Finally, in the Acknowledgments section, the author name, Shalyland Kolodey, was mistakenly left in the second sentence. The sentence should read, “We also acknowledge soil sampling by Zoe Pagliaro and lab soil handling by Nicholas Hannon, Jeremiah Vallotton, and Audrey Lafley.”
We apologize for these errors.