Purpose: To evaluate and compare the laboratory compressive strength (CS), flexural strength (FS), and diametral tensile strength (DTS) of Cention Forte and three bulk fill restorative materials.
Methods: A total of 168 specimens were prepared following the manufacturers' instructions and standards for testing CS, FS, and DTS. Mechanical properties of Cention Forte (LC-Cent) were compared to three commercial bulk-fill materials for posterior restorations: Fuji IX Extra (Fuji), Tetric PowerFill (TPF), and Equia Forte HT (Equia). The tests were performed 24 hours after storage in distilled water on a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.75 mm/minute. Strength values (MPa) were calculated and statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test (P< 0.05).
Results: Analysis showed significant differences between tested materials for CS, FS, and DTS (P= 0.0001). LC-Cent showed the highest mean value for FS (112.8 MPa) with a significant difference compared to Fuji and Equia. DTS (49.2 MPa) of LC-Cent was significantly higher than all tested materials. TPF showed the highest mean value (180 MPa) for CS but without significant difference compared to LC-Cent.
Clinical significance: Ion-releasing material Cention Forte, according to obtained results, may serve as a viable alternative for posterior restorations compared to conventional bulk-fill restorative materials.