An inquiry conducted with French ophthalmologists shows an incidence of retinal detachment in the French population of about 8 in 100000, 13 to 14p. 100 of the cases were bilateral.
An inquiry conducted with French ophthalmologists shows an incidence of retinal detachment in the French population of about 8 in 100000, 13 to 14p. 100 of the cases were bilateral.
The article is a general review of central areolar choroidal dystrophy based on 24 cases, some of them followed from one year up to six years. Two major points are discussed: the etiology and the natural course. The disease is believed by the author not to be an etiological entity for, if it can occur as a primary maculopathy, it is more often the ultimate stage of another heredo macular degeneration. The visual prognosis depends more upon the location of the lesion than upon its size. Of course the visual prognosis is poor when the atrophy involves the center of the macula, but it is good, at least during several years, when the very center of the fovea is spared off.
An anatomo-clinical study is presented of a reticulum cell sarcoma (or lymphosarcoma), limited to the eye-ball and the brain. The eye disease developed as a chronic, diffused hypertensive uveitis. The diagnosis of the nature of the brain tumour was made by cytological study of the cerebro-spinal fluid.
Conjunctival and tonsillar sites for malakoplakia have never been previously described. The diagnosis in these presented cases has only been arrived at after elimination of mycosis and parasitic disease. The aetiology remains unknown and the pathophysiology is discussed.
The vertical vergences are rather weak physiological conjugate movements of the eyes. When the ocular axes approach each other or deviate, a vertical convergence or divergence occurs. These reflex movements are evoked either by visual stimuli (fusional vergence) or by labyrinthine stimuli. In pathological situations vertical vergences may become evident in permanent or alternating hyperphorias, in the strabismus occurring in the Hertwig-Magendie syndrome, in see-saw nystagmus and in labyrinthine lesions (such as Meniere's disease, after labyrinthectomy and after section of the VIIIth nerve).
Scanning electron microscopic study of corneal endothelium in two cases of corneal disease. In one case of herpetic keratitis with stromal oedema and anterior uveitis an important cellular reaction is found with different cells forming a retrocorneal membrane. In a case of graft rejection there are two different aspects. On somes places there is an inflammatory reaction with lymphocytes and macrophages. The main surface of the graft is covered with indifferenciated cells whose origine is probably the receiver's endothelium.