Satisfactory results in case of Rapidly Progressive Periodontitis were obtained utilizing ultrasonic cleansing (Odontoson) with polyvidone (Betadine). Radiographic evidence of bone repair was noted in several clinical sites.
Satisfactory results in case of Rapidly Progressive Periodontitis were obtained utilizing ultrasonic cleansing (Odontoson) with polyvidone (Betadine). Radiographic evidence of bone repair was noted in several clinical sites.
The popularity of polishing air devices (AP) is rising with the increased distribution of commercial units in both United States and European dental offices and clinics. The instrument's efficiency and effectiveness in stain removal has been demonstrated with minimal impact on soft tissue trauma and abrasion. This article reviews the literature on AP. Future research is indicated to explore surgical clinical applications of airpowder polishing as well as more detailed information regarding the biological basis for its use.
Plaque exposed cementum presents structure alterations and becomes cytotoxic. The purpose of this review is to synthetize the actual datas about these cementum modifications and treatment by root planing. It appears that root planing does not eliminate all the subgingival calculus. Endotoxins are rather easily removed but roots are not completely detoxified. Treatment of the exposed cementum could evaluate to a less severe root planing and completed by a detoxification with chemical agents.
A clinical and histological study was performed to evaluate the effects of natural coral micro-granules in the treatment of infrabony defects. 12 defects in 11 patients were selected for treatment. The therapy was assessed using standardized radiographs, pocket probings and gingival margin levels 12 months after treatment. The mean initial pocket depth was 9.6 +/- 1.5 mm and at the bony defect 6.08 +/- 2.53 mm. Results showed a gain in attachment of 3 +/- 1.5 mm and a mean reduction in pocket depth of 3.9 +/- 2 mm. Two biopsies taken at 8 and 18 months post-operatively show different stages of bone formation around the coral particles.
Three cases of extensive gingival hyperplasia associated with long-term cyclosporine therapy are presented. Following periodontal therapy, the patients have been maintained well for 15 months. The authors attempt to explain the etio-pathology of gingival hyperplasia following the use of immunosuppressant drugs. They stress the need for better understanding of this phenomenon among physicians who prescribe cyclosporine.
The effects of a program of 0.1% chlorhexidine mouthrinse was studied on diabetic adult patients with periodontal disease. The experimental group consisted of 19 diabetic patients on the chlorhexidine regime, while the control group of 21 patients used a placebo mouthrinse. The effects were measured utilizing the plaque index, gingival index and pocket depths. The results showed a significant improvement in gingival inflammation and pockets depths in the experimental (chlorhexidine) group.
Guided tissue regeneration is an innovative new technique designed to encourage healing of the periodontium by blocking out gingival epithelium and connective tissue from the healing wound. The various types of membranes used in guided tissue regeneration are described and a scanning electron microscopic study of the membranes is presented.
The aim of this study was to compare the distribution of plasma cells within the soft tissue walls of interdental deep pockets from patients with adult (AP) and juvenile/post-juvenile (JP/PJP) periodontitis. Biopsies from 20 patients and 3 control volunteers were examined: 5 with treated AP, 5 with untreated AP, 5 with treated JP/PJP and 5 with untreated JP/PJP. No plasma cells were seen within the epithelium from any of the biopsies examined, and they were very sparse within the connective tissue from the control specimens. In all the pathological specimens examined there was marked tissue destruction. The percentage density of plasma cells tended to be statistically significantly higher in JP/PJP than in AP, and in untreated than in treated lesions. The statistical analysis showed also that plasma cells were more abundant in a layer deep to the neutrophils lining the basement membrane. Plasma cells were also more abundant in areas of extensive histological inflammation. The plasma cells were often degenerate and such degeneration appeared more evident in JP/PJP and in areas of connective tissue devoid of vascular tissue. These findings appear to indicate an association between increase of collagen destruction and increase in plasma cell percentage density. This may relate in turn to an increase in penetration and/or virulence of components of the subgingival plaque following an increase in tissue permeability. The scarcity of Russell bodies within the plasma cells would suggest that immunoglobulin production and secretion are normal.
A clinical technique utilizing autologous cultured epithelial cells in vestibule deepening operations is described. Epithelial cells from oral mucosa were grown in tissue culture on a feeder layer, released from their flasks and placed with the basal side up on the recipient beds. The cultured cells induced rapid healing of the wound, which was free of pain and contractions. The greatest advantage of this technique is that there is no size limitation on wounds that can be covered by cultured epithelial cells.
Mandibular incisors had to be extracted on a 52 years old patient. The aim of this investigation was to study, the periodontal healing of teeth surgically displaced after bone resections (alveolar, buccal and apical). 3 years later, the teeth were extracted and treated for microscopic observation. No new attachment was seen on the curetted roots, except where the periodontal ligament had been preserved. The concept of cellular sociology was suggested to explain the sites of radicular resorption. An hypothesis was then put forward: epithelial formations present in the periodontal ligament are not of an embryologic origin (Malassez debris) but are issued from the migration of epithelial cords during new formation of the junctional epithelium.