Background and aims: Abiotic and biotic components of the environment both limit plant reproduction, but how they interact with one another in combination is less understood. Understanding these interactions is especially relevant because abiotic and biotic environmental components respond differently to various drivers of global change. Here, we aim to understand whether the effects of pollination (biotic component) on plant reproduction depend on soil moisture (abiotic component), two factors known to affect plant reproduction and that are changing with global change.
Methods: We conducted pollen supplementation experiments for two plant species, Delphinium nuttallianum and Hydrophyllum fendleri, in subalpine meadows in the Western USA across 4 years that varied in soil moisture. In a separate 1-year field experiment, we crossed water addition with pollen supplementation factorially. We measured the proportion of fruit set, seeds per fruit and seeds per plant, in addition to stomatal conductance, to determine whether plant physiology responded to watering.
Key results: In the 4-year study, only H. fendleri reproduction was pollen limited, and this occurred independently of soil moisture. Experimental water addition significantly increased soil moisture and stomatal conductance for both species. The effect of pollen addition on reproduction depended on the watering treatment only for H. fendleri fruit production. Reproduction in D. nuttallianum was not significantly affected by pollen addition or water addition, but it did respond to interannual variation in soil moisture.
Conclusions: Although we found some evidence for the effect of a biotic interaction depending on abiotic conditions, it was only for one aspect of reproduction in one species, and it was in an unexpected direction. Our work highlights interactions between the abiotic and biotic components of the environment as an area of further research for improving our understanding of how plant reproduction responds to global change.
Background and aims: Understanding spatial patterns of neutral and adaptive genetic variation and linking them to future climate change have become crucial in assessing the genetic vulnerability of species and developing conservation strategies. Using a combination of genomic approaches, this study aimed to explain the demographic history, predict the adaptive potential in Washingtonia palm populations on the Baja California Peninsula (BCP) and southern California and determine the geographic areas where climate change will have the most drastic effects.
Methods: We used over 5000 SNPs from 155 individuals across 18 populations spanning the entire distribution range of Washingtonia palms on the BCP and southern California. We examined past and current genetic diversity distribution patterns and identified outliers using genetic differentiation and genotype-environment association methods. Genetic vulnerability was predicted, and species distribution modeling was done to the geographic regions that will be at risk under future climate scenarios.
Key results: Demographic modeling supported a bottleneck related to the Wisconsin glaciation, which was stronger and longer in northern Washingtonia populations. Genomic diversity presented a strong relationship to geography and provided evidence for range expansions from several refugia. Gradient Forest Analysis revealed that the genetic variation was primarily shaped by variables related to latitude and temperature during the coldest quarter, indicating adaptation to local thermal environments. We found limited adaptive potential and high levels of genetic vulnerability in lowland southern and central populations. Accordingly, species distribution modeling found that the southern distribution range will be affected by climate change, particularly under the high-emission scenario.
Conclusions: Our findings include a history of population bottleneck related to postglacial range expansion, population divergence with limited gene flow, and probable future changes in distribution under changing conditions. Under long-term climate change, Washingtonia's southern and central lowland populations will experience harsher climate conditions and strong genomic offset.
Background and aims: Elevation gradients provide 'natural experiments' for investigating plant climate change responses, advantageous for the study of protected species and life forms for which transplantation experiments are illegal or unfeasible, such as chasmophytes with perennial rhizomes pervading rock fissures. Elevational climatic differences impact mountain plant reproductive traits (pollen and seed quality, sexual vs. vegetative investment) and pollinator community composition; we investigated the reproductive ecology of a model chasmophyte, Campanula raineri Perp. (Campanulaceae), throughout its current elevational/climatic range to understand where sub-optimal conditions jeopardise survival. We hypothesised that: 1) reproductive fitness measures are positively correlated with elevation, indicative of the relationship between fitness and climate; 2) C. raineri, like other campanulas, is pollinated mainly by Hymenoptera; 3) potential pollinators shift with elevation.
Methods: We measured pollen and seed quality, seed production, the relative investment in sexual vs. vegetative structures and vegetative (Grime's CSR) strategies at different elevations. Potential pollinators were assessed by combining molecular and morphological identification.
Key results: Whereas CSR strategies were not linked to elevation, pollen and seed quality were positively correlated, as was seed production per fruit (Hypothesis 1 is supported). The main pollinators of C. raineri were Apidae, Andrenidae, Halictidae (Hymenoptera) and Syrphidae (Diptera), probably complemented by a range of occasional pollinators and visitors (Hypothesis 2 partially supported). Potential pollinator communities showed a taxonomic shift towards Diptera with elevation (particularly Anthomyiidae and Muscidae) and away from Hymenoptera (Hypothesis 3 was supported).
Conclusions: Pollinator availability is maintained at all elevations by taxon replacement. However, reduced pollen quality and seed production at lower elevations suggest an impact of climate change on reproduction (especially <1200 m a.s.l., where seed germination was limited). Aside from guiding targeted conservation actions for C. raineri, our results highlight problems that may be common to mountain chasmophytes worldwide.
Background and aims: Floral characteristics vary significantly among plant species, and multiple underlying factors govern this diversity. Although it is widely known that spatial variation in pollinator groups can exert selection on floral traits, the relative contribution of pollinators and climate to the variation of floral traits across large geographical areas remains a little-studied area. Besides furthering our conceptual understanding of these processes, gaining insight into the topic is also of conservation relevance: understanding how climate might drive variation in floral traits can serve to protect plant-pollinator interactions in globally change conditions.
Methods: We used Rhododendron as a model system and collected floral traits (corolla length, nectar volume and concentrations), floral visitors and climatic data on 21 Rhododendron species across two continents (North America, Appalachians and Asia, Himalaya). Based on this, we quantified the influence of climate and pollinators on floral traits using phylogeny-informed analyses.
Key results: Our results indicate that there is substantial variation in pollinators and morphological traits across Rhododendron species and continents. We came across four pollinator groups: birds, bees, butterflies and flies. Asian species were commonly visited by birds, bees and flies, whereas bees and butterflies were the most common visitors of North American species. The visitor identity explained nectar trait variation, with flowers visited by birds presenting higher volumes of dilute nectar and those visited by insects producing concentrated nectar. Nectar concentration and corolla length exhibited a strong phylogenetic signal across the analysed set of species. We also found that nectar trait variation in the Himalayas could also be explained by climate, which presented significant interactions with pollinator identity.
Conclusions: Our results indicate that both pollinators and climate contribute and interact to drive nectar trait variation, suggesting that both can affect pollination interactions and floral (and plant) evolution individually and in interaction with each other.
Background and aims: The Arctic is warming at an alarming rate, leading to earlier spring conditions and plant phenology. It is often unclear to what degree changes in reproductive fitness (flower, fruit and seed production) are a direct response to warming versus an indirect response through shifting phenology. The aim of this study was to quantify the relative importance of these direct and indirect pathways and project the net effects of warming on plant phenology and reproductive fitness under current and future climate scenarios.
Methods: We used two long-term datasets on 12 tundra species in the Canadian Arctic as part of the International Tundra Experiment (ITEX). Phenology and reproductive fitness were recorded annually on tagged individual plants at both Daring Lake, Northwest Territories (64° 52' N, - 111° 35' W) and Alexandra Fiord, Nunavut (78° 49' N, - 75° 48' W). The plant species encompassed a wide taxonomic diversity across a range of plant functional types with circumpolar/boreal distributions. We used hierarchical Bayesian structural equation models to compare the direct and indirect effects of climate warming on phenology and reproductive fitness across species, sites and years.
Key results: We found that warming, both experimental and ambient, drove earlier flowering across species, which led to higher numbers of flowers and fruits produced, reflecting directional phenotypic selection for earlier flowering phenology. Furthermore, this indirect effect of climate warming mediated through phenology was generally about two to three times stronger than the direct effect of climate on reproductive fitness. Under future climate predictions, individual plants showed a ~2- to 4.5-fold increase in their reproductive fitness (flower counts) with advanced flowering phenology.
Conclusions: Our results suggest that, on average, the benefits of early flowering, such as increased development time and subsequent enhanced reproductive fitness, might outweigh its risks. Overall, this work provides important insights into population-level consequences of phenological shifts in a warming Arctic over multi-decadal time scales.
Background and aims: Dioecious plant species, i.e. those in which male and female functions are housed in different individuals, are particularly vulnerable to global environmental changes. For long-lived plant species, such as trees, long-term studies are imperative to understand how growth patterns and their sensitivity to climate variability affect the sexes differentially.
Methods: Here, we explore long-term intersexual differences in wood traits, namely radial growth rates and water-use efficiency quantified as stable carbon isotope abundance of wood cellulose, and their climate sensitivity in Ilex aquifolium trees growing in a natural population in north-western Spain.
Key results: We found that sex differences in secondary growth rates were variable over time, with males outperforming females in both radial growth rates and water-use efficiency in recent decades. Summer water stress significantly reduced the growth of female trees in the following growing season, whereas the growth of male trees was favoured primarily by cloudy and rainy conditions in the previous autumn and winter combined with low cloud cover and warm conditions in summer. Sex-dependent lagged correlations between radial growth and water availability were found, with a strong association between tree growth and cumulative water availability in females at 30 months and in males at 10 months.
Conclusions: Overall, our results point to greater vulnerability of female trees to increasing drought, which could lead to sex-ratio biases threatening population viability in the future.
Background and aims: Flower-visitor interactions comprise a continuum of behaviours, from mutualistic partners to antagonistic visitors. Despite being relatively frequent in natural communities, florivory remains unexplored, especially when comprising abiotic factors, spatio-temporal variations and global environmental changes. Here, we addressed the variation of florivory driven by changes in elevation and temporal flower availability. We expect decreased floral resources as elevation increases - due to environmental constraints - which may affect plant-florivore interactions. Yet if floral resources decrease but florivores remain constant, then we may expect an increase in florivory with increasing elevation in the community.
Methods: The flowering phenology of plant individuals was recorded in the Neotropical campo rupestre vegetation, in southeastern Brazil. Damage by florivores was recorded in plots at elevations ranging from 823 to 1411 m using two response variables as a proxy for florivory: the proportion of attacked flowers per plant and the proportion of petal removal on single flowers.
Key results: Flower attack increased with elevation and damage was intensified in species with longer flowering periods. Conversely, longer flowering periods resulted in higher levels of petal removal with decreasing elevation. The temporal availability of flowers affected florivory, with the proportion of attacked flowers being more intense when there were fewer flowered individuals in the community. Petal removal on single flowers was intensified in plots with a larger number of individuals flowering, and with more species co-flowering.
Conclusions: This study provides one of the broadest records of a commonly neglected interaction of insects feeding on floral structures, quantifying the combined effect of floral display and availability along an elevation gradient in a highly biodiverse mountaintop community. These findings contribute to filling the gap in the understanding of florivory dynamics, focusing on a tropical mountaintop scenario facing imminent environmental changes and excessive natural resource exploitation.
Background and aims: The impact of urbanization on plant evolution, particularly the evolution of reproductive traits, remains largely unknown. In this study, we aimed to investigate the consequences of urbanization on the reproductive traits of Portulaca oleracea in the Kantō region of Japan. Portulaca oleracea has a unique cleistogamous reproductive system, which consists of genetically determined chasmogamous (open, CH) and cleistogamous (closed, CL) plants.
Methods: We collected seeds of P. oleracea from ten populations in rural areas and ten populations in urban areas. In a common garden experiment, we recorded the type of flowers (CH or CL), reproductive phenology and seed production.
Key results: All individuals produced either CH or CL flowers, allowing us to classify them as either CH or CL plants. We observed a significant difference in the prevalence of CH and CL plants between rural and urban populations: the number of CH plants was generally low and was particularly low among urban individuals. Compared to CH plants, CL plants showed earlier phenology and produced heavier seeds, which is consistent with stress avoidance in response to heat and drought stress conditions in urban areas.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that urbanization may drive an evolutionary change in the cleistogamous reproductive system of P. oleracea. CL plants with earlier phenology and larger seeds might be better adapted to urban environments, where they are subjected to harsh heat and drought stress.
Background and aims: Climate change poses a growing threat to population maintenance in harsh desert habitats with high precipitation variability. Desert seeds may germinate at different times as a bet-hedging strategy to cope with increased rainfall fluctuation. As a result, a population may consist of seedlings of various sizes. However, it remains unknown how the variation in seedling sizes affects their capacity to cope with different rainfall scenarios, thus impairing our capacity to manage population under climate change.
Methods: To fill this gap in knowledge, we examined how seedling size (large seedlings with an average height of 14.30 cm vs. small seedlings with an average height of 5.85 cm) affects the strategy seedlings use to cope with a gradient of rainfall treatments (-75%, -50%, -25%, 0%, +25%, +50%, +75%) for Artemisia ordosica Krasch., a dominant shrub widely used for ecological restoration in the Mu Us Sandland.
Key results: We found that seedling performance was affected both by rainfall intensity and seedling size. Seedling survival and growth declined with reduction in rainfall. Moreover, large seedlings allocated more biomass to roots, thus increasing their capacity for water absorption, resulting in relatively less reduction in their total biomass under water stress. In contrast, small seedlings invested more in aboveground growth, likely to compete for light.
Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that seedling size may strongly affect the responses of seedlings to rainfall variation. As a result, populations having recruitment of seedlings with different sizes may better spread mortality risk under variable rainfall conditions. Therefore, our results suggest that species with flexible germination time may be highly suitable for desert vegetation restoration under climate change.