Diplolepis ogawai Abe and Ide sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) induces galls on Rosa hirtula (Regel) Nakai (Rosales: Rosaceae), which is endemic to a restricted area of Honshu, the main island of Japan. The gall is induced mainly on the leaf of R. hirtula in spring and the mature gall falls to the ground in early summer. The gall-inducing wasp emerges from the gall on the ground in the following spring, suggesting that D. ogawai is univoltine. From spring to summer, the braconid Syntomernus flavus Samartsev and Ku and the eulophid Aprostocetus sp. are parasitic on the larva of D. ogawai in the gall, and the adult wasp of both parasitoid species emerges from the gall on the ground in summer. For S. flavus, this is the first distribution record in Japan and the first host record. Since R. hirtula is threatened with extinction by succession and deforestation, D. ogawai and its two parasitoid wasp species are considered to be at risk of coextinction with the threatened rose. In the event that the population size of this rose species is further reduced, D. ogawai and its parasitoids may -become extinct prior to the extinction of R. hirtula. To conserve these three wasp species associated with R. hirtula, protection of remnant vegetation where individuals of this threatened rose species grow is necessary.
Scaling up syntheses from mg to kg quantities is a complex endeavor. Besides adapting laboratory protocols to industrial processes and equipment and thorough safety assessments, much attention is paid to the reduction of the process' environmental impact. For processes including transition metal catalyzed steps, e.g. cross-coupling chemistry, this impact strongly depends on the identity of the metal used. As such, a key approach is the replacement of single-use with reusable heterogeneous catalysts. Transition metal single-atom heterogeneous catalysts (SAC), a novel class of catalytic materials, might exhibit all the necessary properties to step up to this task. This article shall discuss current applications of SAC in cross-coupling chemistry from the point of a process chemist and shed light on the NCCR Catalysis contribution to the field. Investigations of the stability-activity-selectivity relationship of SACs in combination with early-stage life-cycle assessments (LCA) of potential processes lay the foundation for large-scale application tailored catalyst synthesis. Ultimately, prevailing challenges are highlighted, which need to be addressed in future research.