Introduction: Mental health research has consistently focused on high rates of treatment non-adherence, and how inpatient programs and health professionals can effectively confront this reality. The literature has centred almost exclusively on adult populations. Unfortunately, psychotic and major mood disorders are serious and persistent mental health problems that are increasingly recognized as having an early onset, affecting children and adolescents.
Method: This article draws on a review of the literature and Habermas's three domains of knowledge: technical, practical, and emancipatory. This article has incorporated current research, adherence theories, and the facilitation of the unique local expertise of health professionals to generate a framework. This framework is designed to teach health professionals working in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient units how they and the larger unit can practice to enhance patient treatment adherence during and after admission.
Results: A five-step approach to teach health professionals to enhance treatment adherence has been developed based on current research and educational theories and principles.
Conclusion: Health professionals working in child and adolescent psychiatry can practice to enhance patient treatment adherence, and improve patient and family outcomes.