Purpose: To evaluate the progress in Qatar's eye care since 2009, focusing on effective cataract surgical and refractive error coverages, leading to enhanced eye health strategies and action plans.
Methods: A modified Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness (RAAB) survey was employed using multi-stage sampling in all persons 50 years and older in Qatar. The study focused on uncorrected refractive errors, cataract surgery coverage and effectiveness, and visual acuity assessment.
Results: There were 339 individuals out of 3,206 examined participants who underwent cataract surgery, out of which 66.1% of 559 operated eyes obtained good post-operative outcomes (presenting visual acuity ≥ 6/12). Age -sex - adjusted eCSC for a cataract surgical threshold < 6/12 was 61.2% (95%CI 54.9-67.4). A poor post-operative outcome (presenting visual acuity < 6/60) was observed in 9.3% of all operated eyes, lower than the 14.9% reported in 2009. Cataract surgical coverage at the 6/18 threshold showed good coverage (94%) improving since 2009 (87%). Effective refractive coverage (eREC) was 74.3% (95%CI 70.9-77.7). Effective coverage of both services was lower among Qatari women compared to other population groups.
Conclusion: Qatar's CSC improved since the 2009 RAAB, but there are disparities in effective coverage based on gender and nationality. WHO set a global target to achieve a 30%-point increase in eCSC and a 40%-point increase in eREC by 2030; accordingly, Qatar's targets should be 91.2% and 100% retrospectively by 2030. To meet these targets, efforts are needed to improve the quality of cataract surgery and access to refractive correction.