Communicating risks and mitigation benefits associated with natural hazards such as wind to the general public is challenging given the location-dependency of parameters and the complexity of the problem. Web tools play a crucial role in educating residents, decision-makers, and stakeholders regarding potential wind hazard losses to, for example, residential buildings.
However, a notable gap exists on the practical incorporation of mitigation actions within these tools. This gap hampers the collective awareness and understanding among stakeholders, communities, and citizens regarding the tangible advantages of mitigation strategies in reducing wind-related risks. Furthermore, there exists a need to elucidate the functionality and objectives of these tools in a more accessible manner. This study aims to present and outline the wind risk and mitigation calculator tool (WRMCT) within the Hazardaware platform, which is an address-based risk assessment tool. This tool, developed for 196 counties in the Gulf of Mexico coastal area, facilitates users' education of potential risks and benefits associated with mitigation strategies. WRMCT enables users to access location-specific wind risk and interactively suggests potential mitigation actions along with economic savings to support informed decisions and residential risk reduction. WRMCT intends to enhance users’ ability to make informed decisions, take proactive measures in mitigating wind hazards, and contribute to the development of resilient, residential communities.
Past earthquakes have shown that cracking affects post-earthquake functionality and accounted for huge repair costs for reinforced concrete (RC) wall buildings, even though the code-compliant seismic design prevents collapse. Engineers should know the maximum residual flexural crack width and volume of repair material needed for the flexural cracks to determine the damage degree and the repair cost. This paper presents the experimental campaign on four RC slender walls that investigated the effect of confining reinforcement and thickness of the wall on flexural crack parameters under quasi-static reversed cyclic loading. The width of all flexural cracks was measured when reaching each cycle peak drift and when unloading to zero lateral loads. Crack widths at peak and residual states increased with increasing peak drift. Based on the experimental observations, it was found that the maximum residual crack width is obtained as a simple function of the extreme tension fiber elongation of the wall tensile fiber within error. In addition, this paper outlines methods to calculate the volume of repair material for flexural cracks from the extreme tension fiber elongation of the wall. With the fundamental rules found from the experiment in this paper, it will become possible to obtain the maximum crack width and the volume of repair material from simple numerical analysis tools such as a multi-spring line element model.