In situ formation mechanism of steam Mg–Al layered double hydroxide (Mg–Al–CO3-LDH) coatings on AZ31 and AM30 alloys was compared in presence of NaOH aqueous solution. The microstructure and elemental composition of the obtained coatings were analyzed using SEM, EDS, XRD and FTIR. The corrosion resistance of the coated samples was evaluated using potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and salt spray test. The results indicated that the addition of NaOH significantly influenced the morphology as well as the thickness of the prepared LDH coating. The effect of different Al–Mn phase contents of AZ31 and AM30 alloy on the growth mechanism of the LDH coatings was discussed. The addition of 0.01 M NaOH promoted the growth of the LDH coating on AZ31 and AM30 alloys. The AM30-NaOH-0.01 sample possessed the most compact and uniform surfaces as well as the maximum thickness. The corrosion current density of the samples was reduced by three orders of magnitude compared to their substrates. It was revealed that the addition of a moderate amount of NaOH in the steam would raise the pH level, which would benefit the dissolution of the aluminum phase and promote the growth of LDH coating.
Laser surface quenching (LSQ) was employed to fabricate gradient microstructures in a Ti–6Al–4V alloy. The influence of the LSQ parameters on the surface morphology, the depth of the LSQ layer, gradient microstructure, and microhardness were investigated. The results showed that as the laser energy density increases, the surface roughness and thickness of the heat-affected zone (HAZ) increase. From the internal matrix to the surface, the microstructure in the HAZ changes from the equiaxed structure to the mixt structure, martensitic structure, Widmanstätten structure, and then the oxide layer. The size of the β grains gradually decreases as the distance from the surface increases. The different microstructures and elemental distributions in the HAZ result in different microhardness values, which gradually decrease from the surface to the matrix. The laser energy density of 8.0 J/mm2 is recommended to obtain a HAZ with a thickness of 1200 μm and a peak microhardness of 393 ± 7.3 H V without surface remelting. The LSQ process may help to increase the longevity of Ti–6Al–4V alloy implants by hardening the surface.