Caregivers can play an important role in supporting and caring for people with progressive, life-threatening, or debilitating conditions. However, this supportive role can expose caregivers to various detrimental financial, physical, and psychosocial issues. When evaluating medical technologies for reimbursement decisions, health technology assessment (HTA) agencies typically focus on the treatment's impact on patients and ignore or downplay the impact on caregivers. Including caregiver impacts within a wider societal perspective may better enable health systems to maximize health benefits from available resources. However, the lack of clear guidance or methodological recommendations from decision makers on the inclusion of caregiver impacts limits the number of HTA submissions that consider these effects. We outline a conceptual framework based on intensity and duration of caregiving to guide researchers, industry, and decision makers when developing policies for the inclusion of caregiver outcomes and justify their inclusion based on expected caregiver burden in identified circumstances.