parapharyngeal space can have a mass of thyroid origin following metastasis from the thyroid or ectopic thyroid tissue. The extension of multinodular goiter into the parapharyngeal space is rare. A 54-year-old female presented with a 5-month history of neck mass and dyspnea. On examination, a large mass was seen on the right side of the neck which was bulging into the right parapharngeal. In the sonography, a large 50 × 57 mm cyst seen at the upper end of the right lobe of the thyroid. Computed tomography (CT) identified a 46 × 56 mm lesion medial to the right carotid sheath with a mass effect on the parapharyngeal space from the posterolateral aspect and appeared to be an exophytic cystic nodule arising from the upper pole of the right thyroidal lobe. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy, and the final pathology of multinodular goiter was reported. The spread of masses of the thyroid origin to the parapharyngeal space should be considered one of the differential diagnoses of these space masses.