Implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta (IMEX-RK) schemes are popular methods to treat multiscale equations that contain a stiff part and a non-stiff part, where the stiff part is characterized by a small parameter
Implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta (IMEX-RK) schemes are popular methods to treat multiscale equations that contain a stiff part and a non-stiff part, where the stiff part is characterized by a small parameter
Radial basis functions (RBFs) are prominent examples for reproducing kernels with associated reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs). The convergence theory for the kernel-based interpolation in that space is well understood and optimal rates for the whole RKHS are often known. Schaback added the doubling trick [Math. Comp. 68 (1999), pp. 201–216], which shows that functions having double the smoothness required by the RKHS (along with specific, albeit complicated boundary behavior) can be approximated with higher convergence rates than the optimal rates for the whole space. Other advances allowed interpolation of target functions which are less smooth, and different norms which measure interpolation error. The current state of the art of error analysis for RBF interpolation treats target functions having smoothness up to twice that of the native space, but error measured in norms which are weaker than that required for membership in the RKHS.
Motivated by the fact that the kernels and the approximants they generate are smoother than required by the native space, this article extends the doubling trick to error which measures higher smoothness. This extension holds for a family of kernels satisfying easily checked hypotheses which we describe in this article, and includes many prominent RBFs. In the course of the proof, new convergence rates are obtained for the abstract operator considered by Devore and Ron in [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), pp. 6205–6229], and new Bernstein estimates are obtained relating high order smoothness norms to the native space norm.
The ground states of Bose–Einstein condensates in a rotating frame can be described as constrained minimizers of the Gross–Pitaevskii energy functional with an angular momentum term. In this paper we consider the corresponding discrete minimization problem in Lagrange finite element spaces of arbitrary polynomial order and we investigate the approximation properties of discrete ground states. In particular, we prove a priori error estimates of optimal order in the
We study the GMRES algorithm applied to linear systems of equations involving a scaled and shifted
This is a brief report on some recent large-scale Monte Carlo simulations for approximating the density of zeros in character tables of large symmetric groups. Previous computations suggested that a large fraction of zeros cannot be explained by classical vanishing results. Our computations eclipse previous ones and suggest that the opposite is true. In fact, we find empirically that almost all of the zeros are of a single classical type.
The blocky optimization has gained a significant amount of attention in far-reaching practical applications. Following the recent work (M. Nikolova and P. Tan [SIAM J. Optim. 29 (2019), pp. 2053–2078]) on solving a class of nonconvex nonsmooth optimization, we develop a stochastic alternating structure-adapted proximal (s-ASAP) gradient descent method for solving blocky optimization problems. By deploying some state-of-the-art variance reduced gradient estimators (rather than full gradient) in stochastic optimization, the s-ASAP method is applicable to nonconvex optimization whose objective is the sum of a nonsmooth data-fitting term and a finite number of differentiable functions. The sublinear convergence rate of s-ASAP is built upon the proximal point algorithmic framework, whilst the linear convergence rate of s-ASAP is achieved under the error bound condition. Furthermore, the convergence of the sequence produced by s-ASAP is established under the Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz property. Preliminary numerical simulations on some image processing applications demonstrate the compelling performance of the proposed method.
We present a complete numerical analysis for a general discretization of a coupled flow–mechanics model in fractured porous media, considering single-phase flows and including frictionless contact at matrix–fracture interfaces, as well as nonlinear poromechanical coupling. Fractures are described as planar surfaces, yielding the so-called mixed- or hybrid-dimensional models. Small displacements and a linear elastic behavior are considered for the matrix. The model accounts for discontinuous fluid pressures at matrix–fracture interfaces in order to cover a wide range of normal fracture conductivities.
The numerical analysis is carried out in the Gradient Discretization framework (see J. Droniou, R. Eymard, T. Gallouët, C. Guichard, and R. Herbin [
Current methods for the classification of number fields with small regulator depend mainly on an upper bound for the discriminant, which can be improved by looking for the best possible upper bound of a specific polynomial function over a hypercube. In this paper, we provide new and effective upper bounds for the case of fields with one complex embedding and degree between five and nine: this is done by adapting the strategy we have adopted to study the totally real case, but for this new setting several new computational issues had to be overcome. As a consequence, we detect the four number fields of signature
A new
In this paper, we study the ultraweak-local discontinuous Galerkin (UWLDG) method for time-dependent linear fourth-order problems with four types of boundary conditions. In one dimension and two dimensions, stability and optimal error estimates of order