Introduction: Insufficient introspection as part of the 4I's model of medical professionalism (introspection, integrity, interaction, and involvement) is considered an important impediment in trainees. How insufficient introspection relates to decisions to terminate residency training remains unclear. Insights into this subject provide opportunities to improve the training of medical professionals.
Methods: We analysed the Dutch Conciliation Board decisions regarding residents dismissed from training between 2011 and 2020. We selected the decisions on residents deemed 'insufficient' regarding introspection as part of the CanMEDS professional domain and compared their characteristics with the decisions about residents without reported insufficiencies on introspection.
Results: Of the 120 decisions, 86 dismissed residents were unable to fulfil the requirements of the CanMEDS professional domain. Insufficient introspection was the most prominent insufficiency (73/86). These 73 decisions described more residents' insufficiencies in CanMEDS competency domains compared to the rest of the decisions (3.8 vs. 2.7 p < 0.001), without significant differences regarding gender or years of training.
Conclusions: Insufficient introspection in residents correlates with competency shortcomings programme directors reported in dismissal disputes. The 4I's model facilitates recognition and description of unprofessional behaviours, opening avenues for assessing and developing residents' introspection, but further research is needed for effective implementation in medical education.