Fossil epifoliar fungi are valuable indicators of paleoenvironment and paleoecology. The Meliolaceae, members of which typically inhabit the surface of living plants as biotrophs or pathogens, is one of the largest groups of epifoliar fungi. In this study, we report a novel fossil species of Meliolinites Selkirk (fossil Meliolaceae), Meliolinites tengchongensis, on the lower epidermis of compressed fossil Rhodoleia (Hamamelidaceae) leaves from the Upper Pliocene Mangbang Formation of Tengchong, Yunnan, southwestern China. Meliolinites tengchongensis is characterized by web-like, superficial, brown to dark brown, septate, and branching mycelia bearing 2-celled appressoria and unicellular phialides. The fungal colonies also include ellipsoidal, 5-celled, 4-septate ascospores and dark brown perithecia with suborbicular outline and verrucose surface. The well-preserved vegetative and reproductive organs help us to explore the potential disease process of the new fossil species. Besides, the presence of fungal remains indicates that the fungal taxon might have maintained its host preference since at least the Late Pliocene. Furthermore, the occurrence of both fossil fungi and their host plants in Tengchong indicate a subtropical-tropical, warm, and humid climate during the Late Pliocene, whereas the distribution pattern of the fungi on the host leaves suggests that Rhodoleia may have been a part of the middle-upper canopies in the Tengchong Late Pliocene multilayered forest.
South Africa has an indigenous rust (Pucciniales) funga of approximately 460 species. This funga was sampled with species from as many genera as possible. The nuclear ribosomal large subunit (28S) region was amplified from samples representing 110 indigenous species, as well as the small subunit (18S) region and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 (CO3) in some cases, and these were used in phylogenetic analyses. One new species is described, 12 new combinations made, six names reinstated, and two life history connections made. The life histories of this funga were summarized; it is dominated by species with contracted life histories. The majority of species are autoecious, with a small proportion being heteroecious. Of the autoecious species, many will likely be homothallic with no spermagonia. A shortened life history with homothallism allows for a single basidiospore infection to initiate a local population buildup under the prevailing unpredictable climatic conditions. Suggestions are made as to the possible origin of this funga based on the development of the modern South African flora. It is postulated that the rusts of South Africa are of relatively recent origin, consisting of three groups. Firstly, there is an African tropical element with members of the Mikronegerineae (Hemileia), the Sphaerophragmiaceae (Puccorchidium, Sphaerophragmium), and certain Uredinineae (Stomatisora). Their immediate ancestors likely occurred in the tropical forests of Africa during the Paleogene. Secondly, there is a pantropical element including the Raveneliaceae (e.g., Diorchidium, Maravalia, Ravenelia sensu lato, Uropyxis). This likely diversified during the Neogene, when the mimosoids became the dominant trees of the developing savannas. Thirdly, the Pucciniaceae invaded Africa as this continent pushed northward closing the Tethys Sea. They diversified with the development of the savannas as these become the dominant habitat in most of Africa, and are by far the largest component of the South African rust funga.
The inclusion of biological control in the integrated management of rice blast (Magnaporthe oryzae [Mo]) reduces pesticide application. Phanerochaete australis (Pha) has been shown to be a potential inducer of resistance to rice blast. Pha was isolated saprophytically from the rice phylloplane and studied for its interaction with Mo in the defense process of upland rice plants against the pathogen attack. Investigating the Pha × Mo interaction in a completely randomized design, the suppression of leaf blast and the epidemiological components of disease development were quantified in vivo, whereas the physiological and biochemical aspects, as defense enzymes and oxidative complex components, were evaluated in vitro during the induction of resistance. In the Pha × Mo interaction, it was found that seed treatment can significantly reduce disease severity by up to 93%, increase the photosynthetic apparatus, mobilize photoassimilates to the defense system, intensify defense enzyme and oxidant complex activities (chitinase [CHI], β-1,3-glucanase [GLU], lipoxygenase [LOX], phenylalanine ammonia-lyase [PAL], poliphenoloxidase [PPO], peroxidase [POX], catalase [CAT], cuperoxide dismutase [SOD]), decrease phenolic compounds (TPCs), and increase photosynthetic pigment levels compared with the negative control (Mo). When treating the seed, we are referring to an induction process where there is no physical contact between the pathogens. The enzymes produced by the interaction between the microorganisms validate this process; thus, Pha acts as an inducer of resistance to upland rice plants challenged with Mo.
Background: This study investigated the rate of acromial insufficiency fractures (AIF) in patients undergoing reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) with concomitant distal clavicle excision (DCE).
Methods: Patients who underwent primary RSA with DCE by a single surgeon from 2010 to 2021 were identified. Exclusion criteria included revision RSA, RSA for fracture, or cases utilizing an augmented baseplate or bone graft. AIF was defined as a radiographically proven acromion or scapular spine fracture. Pain without an identifiable fracture on imaging was defined as an acromial insufficiency reaction. Patient demographics, implant information, and radiograph measurements were compared between patients with and without acromial pathology.
Results: One hundred and seventy-five patients were included. Mean age was 72.8 years, and 67% of patients were female. There were 3/174 acromial insufficiency fractures (1.7%). AIF occurred at a mean of 9.3 months after surgery. Twelve patients had insufficiency reactions (6.9%). Patients with acromial pathology were more likely to be female (p = .003) and have a diagnosis of osteoporosis (p = .047) and inflammatory arthritis (p = .049). There was no significant difference between groups in terms of other factors.
Conclusion: The AIF rate in patients who underwent RSA with DCE was 1.7%. These findings suggest that DCE in the setting of RSA may have a protective role against AIF.
Three novel species of the genus Leucocoprinus, named Lc. cinnamomeodiscus, Lc. dahranwalanus, and Lc. iqbalii, are described from unexplored regions of southern Punjab, Pakistan, based on comprehensive analyses of morphoanatomical characteristics and molecular phylogenetic data. We provide illustrations of freshly collected basidiomata and detailed line drawings highlighting key anatomical features. The molecular phylogenetic analyses, which are based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and combined ITS-28S sequences, consistently position these newly described species within the genus Leucocoprinus. Additionally, this study also introduces new taxonomic combinations for previously reported Leucoagaricus species.
The ascomycete fungus Aspergillus flavus infects and contaminates corn, peanuts, cottonseed, and tree nuts with toxic and carcinogenic aflatoxins. Subdivision between soil and host plant populations suggests that certain A. flavus strains are specialized to infect peanut, cotton, and corn despite having a broad host range. In this study, the ability of strains isolated from corn and/or soil in 11 Louisiana fields to produce conidia (field inoculum and male gamete) and sclerotia (resting bodies and female gamete) was assessed and compared with genotypic single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) differences between whole genomes. Corn strains produced upward of 47× more conidia than strains restricted to soil. Conversely, corn strains produced as much as 3000× fewer sclerotia than soil strains. Aspergillus flavus strains, typified by sclerotium diameter (small S-strains, <400 μm; large L-strains, >400 μm), belonged to separate clades. Several strains produced a mixture (M) of S and L sclerotia, and an intermediate number of conidia and sclerotia, compared with typical S-strains (minimal conidia, copious sclerotia) and L-strains (copious conidia, minimal sclerotia). They also belonged to a unique phylogenetic mixed (M) clade. Migration from soil to corn positively correlated with conidium production and negatively correlated with sclerotium production. Genetic differences correlated with differences in conidium and sclerotium production. Opposite skews in female (sclerotia) or male (conidia) gametic production by soil or corn strains, respectively, resulted in reduced effective breeding population sizes when comparing male:female gamete ratio with mating type distribution. Combining both soil and corn populations increased the effective breeding population, presumably due to contribution of male gametes from corn, which fertilize sclerotia on the soil surface. Incongruencies between aflatoxin clusters, strain morphotype designation, and whole genome phylogenies suggest a history of sexual reproduction within this Louisiana population, demonstrating the importance of conidium production, as infectious propagules and as fertilizers of the A. flavus soil population.
The need for industrially and biotechnologically significant enzymes, such as phytase, is expanding daily as a result of the increased use of these enzymes in a variety of operations, including the manufacture of food, animal feed, and poultry feed. This study sought to characterize purified phytase from A. awamori AFE1 isolated from longhorn beetle for its prospect in industrial applications. Ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography, and gel-filtration chromatography were used to purify the crude enzyme obtained from submerged fermentation using phytase-producing media, and its physicochemical characteristics were examined. The homogenous 46.8-kDa phytase showed an 8.1-fold purification and 40.7% recovery. At 70 C and pH 7, the optimum phytase activity was noted. At acidic pH 4-6 and alkaline pH 8-10, it likewise demonstrated relative activity of 88-95% and 67-88%, respectively. It showed 67-70% residual activity between 30 and 70 C after 40 min, and 68-94% residual activity between pH 2 and 12 after 2 h. The presence of Hg+, Mg2+, and Al3+ significantly decreased the enzymatic activity, whereas Ca2+ and Cu2+ enhanced it. Ascorbic acid increased the activity of the purified enzyme, whereas ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and mercaptoethanol inhibited it. The calculated values for Km and Vmax were 55.4 mM and1.99 μmol/min/mL respectively. A. awamori phytase, which was isolated from a new source, showed unique and remarkable qualities that may find use in industrial operations such as feed pelleting and food processing.