The use of lectins in histochemical research substantially contributed to the knowledge on carbohydrates. This paper is a preliminary report of findings with lectin histochemistry on normal and pathological bone tissue.
The use of lectins in histochemical research substantially contributed to the knowledge on carbohydrates. This paper is a preliminary report of findings with lectin histochemistry on normal and pathological bone tissue.
Authors report results of light and electron microscopic studies of dermal symptoms of 8 patients with non-diabetic lipoid necrobiosis. In all cases microangiopathy in skin, characterized by thickening of basal lamina and its becoming multilayered, and by narrowing of lumen of veins. Histological picture of dermal symptoms showed tuberculoid structure, which is characteristic of symptoms of non-diabetic necrobiosis. Orgastoplasmatic corpuscles found in plasma cells are conditioned upon atypical immune globulin synthesis.
Authors describe pseudosarcoma, a rare esophageal tumour in a 52-year-old male patient. The tumour of complex histological appearance has characteristic macroscopic, microscopic and clinical features. Although its histogenesis is unclear, it can be well distinguished from the real carcinosarcoma and represents an independent class of tumours.
Authors survey the cyto-biological effect of extra-renal renin-angiotensin system on the basis of literature data and of their own previous results. It is established that renin and angiotensins in extra-renal localisation take part mainly in inflammatory process. In this respect, one of the important target cell group of angiotensin system is the certain elements of mononuclear phagocyte system, on which angiotensin II has cytokine-like effect. Renin-angiotensins detected by authors in non-activated alveolar mono-phages and monocytes raise the possibility, that these cells also have independent, intra-cellular regulating renin-angiotensin.
The resorption, distribution and elimination of ethanol vary individually. The differences in the resorption deficit and elimination coefficient can be of great extent. Though the generally accepted average of resorption deficit is 20%, which is calculated with in forensic practice, this value can occasionally be a lot higher. The elimination coefficient (beta value) depends on the blood alcohol level. Beta value was found higher than 0.15%o/h, the generally accepted one, even below 1.5% blood alcohol content, above 2.5% the beta value was found to be as high as 0.33%o h. This faster rate of ethanol clearance is due to induction of alcohol elimination systems. The ethanol metabolism at higher blood alcohol levels is characterized by Michaelis-Menten kinetics.
The crime of charlatanism can be committed only by individuals having not qualified as physician, who perform regular healing activity or accept any kind of compensation for such activity. Health workers with secondary qualification and those who graduated from colleges of medicine also commit charlatanism if their healing activity is out of their professional competence. When a physician performs unprofessional activity breaking the rules of his profession, which is colloquially interpreted as charlatanism, the term "malpractice" is used. Charlatanism may directly endanger the patient in case the drug used is deleterious or the applied procedure causes damage. The indirect danger manifesting itself in the lack of setting the diagnosis and starting the necessary treatment is much more significant. Quite a few of the drugs applied in folk medicine and alternative medicine are undoubtedly useful and advantageous, they may well complement scientifically-based medication. Occasionally the improvement achieved in this way is objective and measurable, however, in cases it is subjective. In more than one cases the psycho-therapeutical effect is amazingly significant. Subjective improvement is of great importance from the patient's point of view. "Official" medicine should never ignore the psycho-therapeutical effect. No negative preconception should be expressed about unknown new possibilities in advance, only checked experiments and scientific disputes my lead to taking objective stand-points. Any individual is in the right of doing scientific research, including making and discovering new medicaments. However, no-one is in the right of applying and selling drugs to patients by neglecting the national practice of medicament registration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The last fifteen years have provided a significant development in pathomorphological diagnosis of malignant lymphomas (ml), in clinical fellow-up of patients and in its therapy. Diagnosis is built on functional morphological basis (immunohistology). New methods have reslited in identification of new types of mls. On the basis of high number of cases registered in Lymphoma Reference Centre, specific organic distribution new entities can be determined. Perifollicular B-cellular mls of MALT type are frequent in gastrointestinal tract and are rare in Waldeyer ring and in lymph nodes. Flow cytometric determination of DNA content of cells proved to be very useful in diagnostics of mls, so the probably determination of aneuploid and proliferative activity, respectively. These parameters are of prognostic significance. Recirculation of lymphocytes may play a role in dissemination os nHmls. It can be studied in immunomorphological (in vitro) test ased on the interaction (adherence) of lymphocytes and of endothelial cells of high endothelial postcapillary venule. Our observations present that B-cellular CLL and clonal cells of plasma cellular leukemia show endothelial adherence, while multiple cells of myeloma do not.
Author describes her experiences gained by light microscopic, immunohistochemical and electronmicroscopic studies of 11 cardiac myxomas. New data on debated histogenesis of myxomas were tried to be gained by her studies. A part of myxoma cells was poor in organelles ultrastructurally, mostly settled by one, in the other part more organelles and intra-cytoplasmatic filaments could be detected, majority of them was of process. Glandular structures, showing mucous production, were in a tumor. Majority of tumor cells showed vimentin immunoreactive by immunohistochemical studies. In addition, lysozyme immunoreactive cells could also be observed; 8th factor associated antigen, however, could be detected in glandular structures. On basis of studies, the assumption seems to be probably, according to which the cardiac myxomas originate from embryonal cells, capable to endodermal and mesodermal cytogenesis.
Cytological smears from gastric biopsies were studied by two types of TAS. Böcking's algorithm and a great number of form factors were used to separate the intact cells from the tumourous ones. The numerically expressed density features and morphometric parameters are able to indicate the possibility of malignant transformation even in dysplasia. These values become much higher in tumours and lead to unequivocal diagnosis. Both types of TAS render valuable help in assessing cases not reliably diagnosed by routine staining procedures.
Authors give a brief view on the activity in Institute of Pathology and Histopathology of Post-graduate University of Medicine. In its frame, close relation of diagnostic, post-graduate education and research activity is illustrated by examples of different fields (intestinal, cardiac, vascular system, respiratory tract, organ of locomotion, urological diseases, electronmicroscopic tumor diagnostics, endocrinology). Importance of modern morphological methods and their place both in practical and scientific activity are dealt with.