Objective: the research is to determine the main radiation-hygienic factors influencing the formation of radiation doses among the population of radioactively contaminated territories (RCT) in Zhytomyr region in 2024 and to analyze the dynamics of internal radiation doses based on original experimental studies conducted in reference settlements from 2012 to 2024.
Materials and methods: In 2024, a comprehensive radiation-hygienic monitoring program was conducted in 11 settlements of Narodychi Territorial Community (TC): the Narodychi and the villages of Selets, Bazar, Rudnya Bazarska, Khrystynivka (Zone 2), Motiyki, Zalissya, Davydky, Radcha, Nova Radcha, and Grezlya (Zone 3). The comprehensive radiation-hygienic monitoring included the following activities: mobile WBC monitoring: 817 measurements (562 adults and 255 children); collection and analysis of food samples: 39 milk samples, 61 potato samples, and 57 samples of wild foods, analyzed for radionuclide content, including 137Cs and 90Sr; assessment of external radiation exposure in these settlements; surveys: 194 individuals were surveyed regarding the consumption volumes of locally produced foods from their own households and purchased foods from commercial networks. The study utilized dosimetric, radiochemical, and mathematical methods of analysis.
Results: The dynamics of internal exposure levels indicate a continued decrease in annual doses for residents of reference settlements, showing a 1.3-2.4-fold reduction compared to 2021 results. In 2024, the annual effective doses are primarily formed by internal exposure, not exceeding 1.04 mSv·year-1 in adults and 0.15 mSv·year-1 in children, under the RCT criterion of 1 mSv·year-1. Survey results show that the most consumed food products among residents of the surveyed settlements are dairy and vegetable products from household farms, as well as baked goods and flour-based products from the retail network. The most contaminated products with 137Cs are wild forest products, particularly berries and mushrooms. Milk from household or local farms is the second-largest contributor to internal exposure doses.
Conclusions: The investigation into the formation of internal radiation doses revealed that the primary contributor to internal exposure for residents of the surveyed settlements in the Zhytomyr region remains the intake of 137Cs through forest products and milk.
Parathyroids are the key regulators of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. By means of parathyroid hormone they respond to any changes in the serum level of calcium and phosphorus ions and determine the integrity of skeleton, affecting almost all systems and cells where calcium and phosphorus are involved in metabolism and/or signaling.Disorders of parathyroid function are associated with significant complications accompanying secondary hyperparathyroidism. Unfortunately, most medical practitioners and scientists underestimate the impact of parathyroid hormone excess and vitamin D deficiency. Usually, medical practitioners do not prescribe the assay of serum level of parathyroid hormone, which should be done as a screening test, so the disease remains unnoticed for a long time.In fact, the incidence of parathyroid disorders, namely hyperparathyroidism, is almost equal to the incidence of thyroid diseases and is more than 10 % for the entire population, depending on the observation groups (gender, age, exposure to ionizing radiation), as demonstrated in our previous studies. Thus, according to our data, the incidence of parathyroid hyperplasia is 24.3 % (with 50-70 % in children and adolescents) in the state of euparathyroidism, and incidence of normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism is up to 14.3 % in the average population of Ukraine. Today, we see much confusion in publications and available recommendations regarding diagnosis, pathogenesis, and course of parathyroid disease. It is often not taken into account that the strain in calcium-phosphorus system usually occurs due to the lack/deficiency of vitamin D, which is very common worldwide. Often a simple administration of vitamin D in optimal and individual dosages solves (prevents) the problem of hyperparathyroidism or reduces the aggressiveness of its course. Review of data from literary sources and results of own research on pathogenetic patterns and clinical course of parathyroid diseases was carried out, and it was determined that the lack/deficiency of vitamin D is the most common ground of development of hyperparathyroidism, which affects the formation of parathyroid hyperplasia or adenoma, and the process itself is of a gradual, staged clinical development.
The review presents literature data on the role of the ТР53 gene and ionizing radiation (IR) in the pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML).The violation of ТР53 functioning as a promoter of AML induction under the influence of negative external factors (IR, chemotherapeutic agents) was analyzed. New directions of AML stratification are presented, which will allow to optimize the future therapy and extend the life expectancy of this category of patients.
We present а rare clinical case of successful surgical treatment - combined left-sided hemicolectomy and cecal resection for colon cancer of two locations in a patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, which, in our opinion, is due to radiation exposure is presented. It is shown that the biological effects of long-term ionizing radiation on critical organs can have a diverse nature both in terms of the time of occurrence and in their structure, which requires an individual approach, the involvement of related specialists and the necessary medical preoperative preparation for precise planning of surgical intervention taking into account all possible risks.
Objective: To conduct a comparative analysis of cardiovascular system state in emergency workers (EW) of theaccident at the Chornobyl NPP and servicemen (SM) of Ukraine Armed Forces (UAF) who took part in the fightagainst russian military aggression, and to assess the role of military service factors on the development of cardiac pathology.
Materials and methods: The study included 81 male EW and 161 SM of UAF, who were examined and treated in thecardiology department of NRCRMHO from 2022 to 2024. The average age of the surveyed EW was (56.0 ∓ 2.5) years,and SM - (45.9 ∓ 8.8) years. According to modern standards, clinical examination, electrocardiography, Dopplerechocardiography (EchoCG) examination, and statistical analysis were performed.
Results: It was found that among the examined people of both groups, who are now aged 50 to 60 years, EW at thetime hypertensive heart disease (HHD) and coronary heart disease (CHD) onset were younger than SM on average of7.5 and 5.4 years, respectively. Among EW there were more patients with HHD of stage III, angina pectoris of functional class (FC) III and heart failure (HF) of stage II according to NYHA, while among the FC there was a higher proportion of patients with HHD of stage II, FC II and HF I. In addition, 42 % EW had a history of myocardial infarctioncompared to 14.8 % of SM (р < 0.001), and EW had a higher proportion of patients with AV blocks (41.3% vs. 16.7%,р < 0.001). Echocardiographic parameters showed that EW compared to SM had a higher incidence of left ventricular dilatation, posterior wall and interventricular septum thickening, and, as a result, myocardial hypertrophy, particularly eccentric hypertrophy. It was found that the risk HHD developing during the war was 3.32 times higher inmobilized SM compared to the regular UAF, 2.41 times higher in SM who participated in combat, and 5.27 times higher in SM with shrapnel or bullet wounds. The risk of developing CHD was associated only with UAF staff: in mobilizedSM it was 3.84 times higher than in regular officers.
Conclusions: The EW group differed from SM in a more severe course of HHD, CHD and HF, they had more severechanges in the structure of left ventricular myocardium. Most likely, this is explained by the fact that the incidenceof HHD and CHD occurs at a younger age, and therefore by the longer duration of these diseases, which led to moresevere pathological myocardial remodeling.
Objective: To assess the dynamics of changes in the number of deaths due to injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes and their structure among liquidators of the accident at the Chornobyl NPP (PACL) on the basis of the data of Ukraine's State Register of Persons Affected by the Chornobyl Disaster (SRU) for 2000-2020.
Materials and methods: The study used information resources of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for 2000-2020 regarding deaths among the PACL - databases of the SRU as a basis for monitoring their health status. Depersonalised information was selected for 2000-2020 regarding 5,124 deaths from injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (ICD codes S00-T98) among the PACL, who were monitored in healthcare facilitiesof the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. General scientific, demographic, mathematical and statistical, graphical, software and technological study methods and documentary analysis were used.
Results: 5,124 deaths as a result of injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes in the PACL which were recorded with the SRU for 2000-2020 were retrospectively studied. Significant variations in changes in figures were found both between territories and by years of observation. It is shown that the age of the PACL at the time of death ranged from 32 to 92 years. The greatest losses during the period of observation were at the age of 49 and 51 years. In the dynamics of observation, the mean age of death due to external causes is gradually increasing from 45.2 (2000) to 64.3 years (2020), which is associated with the aging of the cohort. But the mean age of death for the study cohort for 2000-2020 was 54 years, which is the evidence of a significant number of premature deaths. The analysis of the structure of deaths in the PACL from injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes in 2000-2020 showed the prevalence of deaths from asphyxiation (an ICD code Т71) - 952 cases or 18.6 %, the toxic effect of alcohol (an ICD code T-51), 941 and 18.5 %, respectively, injuries to the head (ICD codes S00-S09) 917 and 17.9 %, respectively.
Conclusions: The study proved that a trend towards the decrease in the number of deaths from injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes, which is common for the population of Ukraine, is also observed among the PACL. However, issues with respect to prevention of deaths among the PACL from injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes still remain topical, it especially concerns deaths due to asphyxiation and the toxic effect of alcohol.
The introduction of new radiation technologies in modern radiotherapy of cancer patients is still in some cases associated with the risk of developing early and distant complications in healthy tissues surrounding the tumour. The causes of their occurrence, pathogenesis and radiobiological characteristics are reviewed and briefly described. The rate of the manifestation of complications depends on the radiosensitivity of tissues and is determined by the amount of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation. In contrast to early complications, the development of distant radiation effects is irreversible and progressive. The features of early radiation complications are considered on the example of patients with gynaecological oncology, the incidence of which has been rapidly increasing in recent years. The interest of researchers in this pathology is due to the danger of developing complications from critical pelvic organs. Attention is focused on determining the individual radiosensitivity of the patients' body using the chromosomal G2 test to predict the development of post-radiation complications. The paper advocates for the necessity of developing nontoxic radioprotectors that would show affinity only to healthy tissues, would not require additional concomitant therapy and would definitely improve the quality of life of patients.