Unresolved chronic inflammation, a hallmark of cancer, promotes tumor growth and metastasis in various cancer types. In contrast to blocking inflammation, stimulation of resolution of inflammation is an entirely novel approach to "resolve" inflammation. Resolution of inflammation mechanisms in cancer includes clearance of tumor debris, counter-regulation of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines, and suppression of leukocyte infiltration. Conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy, radiation, anti-angiogenic therapy, and immune checkpoint inhibitors directly or indirectly can lead to the generation of pro-tumorigenic cellular debris. Over the past two decades, a potential paradigm shift has emerged in the inflammation field with the discovery of specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), including resolvins, lipoxins, maresins, and protectins. SPMs are structurally distinct families of mediators grouped together by their pro-resolving "debris-clearing" functions. "Pro-resolving" therapies are in clinical development for various inflammation-driven diseases, including cancer. SPMs, as novel cancer therapeutics, have tremendous potential to enhance current cancer therapy. The mechanisms of SPMs as anti-cancer therapeutics are under active investigation by various laboratories worldwide. Here, we explore the current appreciation of the SPMs as innovative potential treatments designed to harness the unique anti-cancer activity of SPMs.