Objectives: to develop and validate the content, appearance, and semantics of a prototype application for monitoring patients in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery.
Methods: this is a technological development study based on Contextualized Instructional Design. The content and appearance evaluation was conducted by a committee of specialists, and semantic validation was carried out by patients from a cardiac surgery outpatient clinic.
Results: the application prototype consisted of 43 screens, validated by 17 health specialists, with content validity ratio and appearance validity index results of 0.86 and 0.99, respectively. For semantic validation, 10 patients participated in data collection, with a total content validity index of 0.978.
Conclusions: the prototype of the "VivaCor PósOp" application demonstrated evidence of content, appearance, and semantic validity, with the potential to stimulate self-care in patients in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery.