Benzole vapours cause a decrease in the content of glutamic acid in the motor cortex, cerebellum, pons varolii and spinal cord of the rat brain at different stages of ontogeny. The content of GABA increases in all the areas during ontogeny with benzole intoxication. The glutamate decarboxylase activity increasing in all brain areas in different periods of postnatal development rises after the benzole action. The activity of GABA transamination enzyme in the brain motor cortex under the benzole effect is not changed in newborns and three-month rats, in 10- and 21-days rats it decreases, in 12- and 24-months animals it increases. In the cerebellum, pons varolii and spinal cord the activity of this enzyme rises in newborns, three- 12- and 24-months rats and lowers in 10- and 21-day ones. The rise in the level of GABA and activity of the enzymes of its metabolism in the different brain areas under the benzole effect is considered as an adaptation reaction of the nerve cells.